Thought Leadership

thought leadership

About Thought Leadership

ariel hyattThe follow are my notes from a seminar on social media conducted by Ariel Hyatt.

This conversation isn’t about being Gondi, Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa… This is more about connecting your personal brand, to your signature story, to your niches and establishing a platform for yourself. When you think about platforms, you typically think about successful people/businesses using them  and one common thread among these people is they are all thought leaders.

Thought Leadership is Hitting the Mainstream


  • Ted Talks
  • TedX
  • Thank Big
  • SXSW Interactive


  • Apple
  • Google
  • Zappos
  • Amazon
  • Toms

Definition: 1) A thought leader can refer to an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded.

daniel rasmusDaniel Rasmus states, “Thought leadership should be an entry point to a relationship. Thought leadership should intrigue, challenge and inspire even people already familiar with the company. It should help start a relationship where none exists and it should enhance existing relationships.”


14 Thought Leader Archetypes

  1. Business Man or Woman
    Example: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Barbara Corcoran
  2. Media Moguls
    Example: Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Martha Stewart
  3. Self Improvement Coach
    Example: Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Marie Forieo
  4. Spiritual Enlightener
    Example: Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle
  5. Cultural Forecaster
    Example: Malcolm Gladwell, Ray Kurzweil, Hanna Rosin
  6. Health/Wellness/Fitness/Nutrition Guide
    Example: Dr. Weil, Alice Waters, Jamie Oliver
  7. Do-Gooder
    Example: Al Gore, Scott Harrison, Angeline Jolie
  8. Political Activist
    Example: Gloria Steinem, Michael Moore, Eve Ensler
  9. Philanthropist
    Example: Warren Buffett, George Soros, Melinda Gates
  10. Digital strategist/Online Innovator/Marketer
    Example: Mark Zuckerberg, Biz Stone, Seth Godin
  11. Artist
    Example: Bono, Amanda Palmer, Steven Soderbergh
  12. Beauty Maven/Fasionista/Daper Dan
    Example: Bobbi Brown, Diane Von Furstenberg, Simon Doonan
  13. Cultural Commentator
    Example: Danial Pink, David Brooks, Thomas Friedman
  14. Passionate Parent
    Example: Heather Armstrong, Davis Guggenheim, Candy Lightner

If you’re thinking of creating a thought leadership platform, I hope you see your self in one of these archetypes. As you go through this list, think what is your primary and secondary ideas.

Activity: Write down 10 thought leaders in your archetype category (primary and secondary) and integrate them into your social media activities.

tactics for thought leadership

9 Tactics for Thought Leadership

  1. Identify your target (ideal customer) and only speak to her/him/them.
  2. Be interesting and interested – don’t hype, just share and help. this is not a sales or marketing campaign!
  3. Shine a light on peer thought leaders by highlighting and showcasing their ideas, successes, and talents.
  4. Make sure your 3C’s (consistent compelling content) are easy to share – use buttons, widgets, and short links.
  5. Answer everyone who engages you.
  6. Fitting in will kill thought leadership. BE BOLD, stand out, stay your course.
  7. Invite participation . have anybody who you consider clever, funny, and a contribution to your community become part of your contribution team.
  8. To be a thought leader – you must be public. speak in public, go on television, kick butt at social media and publish a book.
  9. Create a personal “board of directors.” These are people who can tell you the truth, help you think through things, and support you (no negative/non believers should be invited).

derek siversAccording to Derek Sivers, “A movement must be public. Make sure outsiders can see more than just the leader. Everyone needs to see the followers. Be sure new followers emulate followers – not the leader.”

Learned Along the Way

  1. The moment you focus on marketing instead of helping you will feel like you are off of your path.
  2. After a consistent strategy is underway – if no one comments or shares your ideas, you need to duly take note and re-adjust (learn from the silence of your audience).
  3. Not everyone will agree with you and not everyone has to like you.

seth godinSeth Godin says, “The media wants overnight success (so they have someone to tear down). Ignore them. Ignore the early adapter critics that never have enough to play with. Ignore your investors that want proven tactics and predictable instant results.

Listen to you real customers, to your vision and make something for the long haul.

Because that’s how long it’s going to take.”

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