Microsoft Word – Lesson 9

Activity Overview

Flyers, invitations and newsletters can be fun projects to create in Word. In this activity, you will practice inserting and modifying clipart, creating and modifying tables and editing text.

New Skills

In this activity, you will practice how to:

  1. Insert and modify clip art and pictures.
  2. Create and format tables.


  1. Open the Water Rides.doc file.
  2. Turn on your Show/Hide formatting codes.
  3. Select the tabbed list, beginning with Paddleboats and ending with Big Splash!.
  4. Convert this text to a two-column table.
  5. Add a column to the right side of the table.
  6. Select the cell beginning with Spend a relaxing day and the empty cell to the right. Merge these cells.
  7. Click in the empty cell to the right of Strictly for Kids. Insert the picture: Seahorse.jpg. Size the image to 1.25” H x 1.25” W. Center the image.
  8. In the cell under the seahorse, insert the picture: Pirate-ship.jpg. Size the image to 1.25” H x 1.25” W. Center the image.
  9. Click in the empty cell in the last row. Press Enter, and then insert the picture file: Water-ride.jpgSize the image to 1.25” H x 1.25” W.
  10. Select the entire table. Remove all table borders. Add a Blue 1 ½ pt. width inside horizontal border line between the rows.
  11. Insert a Footer with an AutoText Filename on the Left side.
  12. Turn off your Show/Hide formatting codes.
  13. Save your document.
  14. Print Preview to make a final check of your letter.
  15. Optional: Print your document for review.
  16. Close Word.
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