Activity Overview
Creating and modifying documents with lists is a typical use for Word.
New Skills
In this activity, you will practice how to:
- Open and edit Document and Paragraph Layout.
- Create and Modify Lists.
- Work with Headers and Footers.
- Insert Frequently Used Text.
- Create a bulleted list.
- Open the AFV Proposal.doc file. This is a two-page document. Take a moment to scroll through the document to familiarize yourself with the content and layout.
- Turn on the nonprinting characters by clicking the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar.
- The name of the college needs to be added to several locations throughout the document. This will be easier if you first create an AutoText entry for Lake Michigan City College. From the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, click the AutoText tab. In the Enter AutoText entries here box type: Lake Michigan City College and click the Add button. (If the Add button is dimmed and Lake Michigan City College displays in the list, another student has already added this text to AutoText. Click Cancel and go to the next step.) Click OK.
- On the second line of the document, click to place the insertion point following the colon after Alternative Fuel Transportation Project: and press Enter. On the new line, start typing Lake Michigan City College. When the AutoText ScreenTip displays, press Enter to finish the text.
- Select the first three lines in the document. Make the following formatting changes to the selected Text: Center, Bold, Tahoma font style, and 16 point font size. Click anywhere to deselect the title lines.
- There are several places in the document where the phrase the college needs to be replaced with the phrase Lake Michigan City College. Using the Find and Replace command, find the college and replace it with Lake Michigan City College. In the Find and Replace dialog box, click the Find Next button. When the first occurrence of the college is highlighted, click Replace. Continue to make all of the replacements until the message box displays that Word has finished searching the document. Close the Find and Replace dialog box. Click the Save button.
- Hold down Ctrl and press Home to move to the top of the document. In the paragraph beginning This project will, place your cursor at the end of this paragraph (after result in:) and press Enter.
- Beginning with Development of a fueling, select the next five short paragraphs – through compressed natural gas vehicles (CNG) – (eight lines of text). With the list selected, click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar.
- The bullet symbol last used on your computer displays. With the list still selected open the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. In the first row, click the second box. If the second box is not solid black circles, in the lower left of the dialog box, click Reset and then click Yes. The selected box changes to its original setting-a solid black circle. Click OK.
- Locate the paragraph that begins A grant from. Select the three paragraphs (five lines of text) beginning with A grant from. Click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar. The same bullet symbol that was used previously is applied to the list.
- Near the bottom of page 1 or the top of page 2 select the six lines of text beginning with Construction of a Natural. Click the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar. Save.
- Press Ctrl + Home to move to the top of the document. Click to place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph that begins This project. Open the Paragraph dialog box. Under Indentation, click the Special arrow, and then click First line. Under Spacing, click the Line spacing arrow, click Double, and then in the Before box, click the spin box up arrow once to display 6 pt. Click OK.
- With the insertion point still in the formatted paragraph, double-click the Format Painter button located on the Formatting toolbar. Your mouse pointer should now take on the shape of a paintbrush. Use the scroll bar to scroll down slightly. Locate the paragraph that begins Submission of a project and then click in the paragraph. The paragraph formatting is applied. If your mouse pointer no longer displays the paintbrush, double click the Format Painter button again.
- Use the scroll arrow to locate the paragraph beginning Lake Michigan City College is located-click in the paragraph to apply the formatting. Scroll to page 2 and locate the paragraph that begins This initiative will result, and click in the paragraph. On the Formatting toolbar, click the Format Painter button once to turn it off.
- Insert a Header and Footer. In the header area, type: Lake Michigan City College, press tab twice, and type: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project. Select the text in the header and click the italic button.
- On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Switch Between Header and Footer button. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Insert AutoText button, point to Header/Footer, and then click Filename from the list that displays. Close the Header and Footer toolbar.
- Save your document.
- Print Preview to make a final check of your letter.
- Optional: Print your document for review.
- Close Word.