Microsoft Word – Lesson 1

Activity Overview

Using word processing software to create documents has become a common task for millions of people. Opening documents and proofing them spelling and grammatical errors are very common Word tasks.

New Skills

In this activity, you will practice how to:

  1. Explore and Navigate the Word Window.
  2. Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker.
  3. Insert a header and footer.
  4. Save an edited document.
  5. Close a Document and Close Word.


  1. Open the Follow Up Letter.doc file.
  2. Hold down Ctrl and press Home to make sure the insertion point is positioned on the left side of the blank line at the top of the document.
  3. Begin typing today’s date and let AutoComplete assist in your typing by pressing Enter when the ScreenTip displays. Press Enter four additional times. Type the following on three lines:
    Mr. Colonel Sanders
    35 Pine Grove Avenue
    Louisville, KY 40201
  4. Press Enter twice, type: Dear Mr. Sanders: and then press Enter once.
  5. Hold down Ctrl and press End to move the insertion point to the end of the document. Press Enter twice, type: Best regards, and then press Enter four times.
  6. Finish the letter by typing the following on two lines:
    Casey Finstad
    Party Planner
  7. Press Enter twice and type: Enclosure.
  8. On the Standard toolbar, click the Spelling and Grammar button. The first error – a duplicate word – is highlighted, unless you made a typing error earlier in the document.
  9. In the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, click the Delete button to delete the second occurrence of the. The next error is highlighted.
  10. Under Suggestions, the first suggestion is correct. Click the Change button to change the misspelled word to the highlighted suggestion of brochure. The next error is highlighted.
  11. Be sure themes is highlighted under Suggestions, and then click the Change button. Correct the next two errors, and then click Ignore Once to ignore the name Finstad. Click OK to close the box indicating the check is complete.
  12. In the paragraph beginning Thank you, double click the word handle to select it and type: plan. Notice that your typing replaces the selected word.
  13. In the paragraph beginning You can select, locate the first occurrence of the word party, click to the left of the word, type: prepared and then press Spacebar once.
  14. On the menu bar, click View, and then click Header and Footer. Click the Switch Between Header and Footer button. In the footer area, using your own name, type: 01_Follow_Up_Letter_Firstname_Lastname
  15. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Close button.
  16. Display the File menu, click Page Setup, and then in the displayed Page Setup dialog box, click the Layout tab. Under Page, click the Vertical alignment arrow, and from the displayed list, click Center. Vertically centering a one-page letter results in a more attractive letter. In the lower right corner of the dialog box, click OK.
  17. Save your document.
  18. Print Preview to make a final check of your letter.
  19. Optional: Print your document for review.
  20. Close Word.
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