Author name: John

Video Keyword Research

Finding Winning Video Topics The first step to a successful video campaign begins with video keyword research.Similar to optimizing for Google search results, you need to optimize for YouTube results, but that’s where the similarity ends. With normal SEO keyword research, you focus on a combination of competition and search volume, but that process does […]

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YouTube SEO

Simple YouTube Marketing Find a great video SEO keyword. Create a video optimized around that keyword. Strategically promote that video. YouTube Ranking Factors Like Google, YouTube wants to show users the best content – period. However, unlike Google, YouTube’s content is evaluated differently. As part of Google’s ranking factor, it examines backlinks pointing to a webpage

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Getting Started

Account Creation Step-by-step: 1. You need a Gmail account Before you can create a YouTube account, you must a have a Google Gmail account. If you don’t already have one, follow the one screen prompts and create that account first. Once completed, return here. 2. Sign in Go to and find the sign in box

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