LinkedIn Best Practices

Image: Irina Jordan / Huffington Post

According to LinkedIn, there are more than 500 million members in over 200 countries and territories. more than four million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages. Furthermore, 87% of users trust LinkedIn as a source of information. So how do you get your message in among the internet’s most trusted source? Let’s explore some LinkedIn specific best practices.

1) Keep titles under 70 characters

Any title longer than 70 characters will be truncated when posting to your LinkedIn Company Page. You don’t want your messages cut off – so be sure to edit your titles or risk losing your message.

2) Keep descriptions under 250 characters

Similar to the title limitations, the description associated with your status update is given 250 characters before it’s cut off – so be sure to shorten your description to properly display on LinkedIn.

3) Share links for engagement

According to QuickSprout, including a link in your LinkedIn posts drives 200% more engagement.

4) Share images for comments

According to QuickSprout, posting images results in a 98% higher comment rate.

5) Share videos for shares

According to QuickSprout, linking to YouTube videos results in a 75% higher share rate.

6) Publish a new status update roughly once a day

According to LinkedIn, publishing 20 posts per month allows you to reach 60% of your audience.

7) Generate B2B leads

According to SearchRank, LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter – that’s a 2.74% visitor-to-lead conversion rate.

How your asking? The tricky thing with LinkedIn is that there isn’t just one single place to attract leads. There’s LinkedIn Company Pages, LinkedIn Answers, LinkedIn Today, etc.. But the leader of the pack is LinkedIn Groups.

8) Use LinkedIn for email marketing

Often overlooked, LinkedIn Announcements are perfect for email marketing. LinkedIn Announcements are messages sent directly to the email inbox of the members of your LinkedIn Group – in other words, it’s email marketing through LinkedIn! Whichever email a LinkedIn user includes on their profile will receive the LinkedIn Announcement.

You can either create your own group and grow a strong following or you can engage in a set number of groups and then find a way to use one of the group’s announcements for your own (relevant) marketing. Either way, you’ll be able to email market your targeted audience

NEXT: Additional LinkedIn Training

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