Facebook Live

Facebook Live is the newest feature released from Facebook that is sure to transform how we experience the world online as well as shape an individual’s perspectives in a way that was not possible just a few years ago. Users are already embracing the new application – according to Facebook, users will watch a video more than three times longer when it is live and typically comment over 10-times more frequently on Facebook Live videos than other videos.

Should you rush to using Facebook Live? That depends on your marketing goals… Fulfilling your audience’s needs should be your #1 priority. If you do decide to harness Facebook Live, here are some best practices to make your event a success:

  • Build anticipation by letting your audience know ahead of time when you’ll be broadcasting live.
  • Be sure to create compelling content that will capture your audience’s attention and provide clear descriptions about your event.
  • Check your Internet connection ahead of time. WiFi is best, but a 4G connection will work. If your connection is weak, your events ‘Go Live’ button will be grayed out.
  • Engage your audience. Ask your viewers to tap on the Follow button and opt-in to receive notifications so that they’ll know the next time you are live.
  • People like it when you give them special notice. Be sure to say hello to commentators by name, especially when answering their questions when you are live.
  • Consider broadcasting for longer periods to reach more people. The longer you broadcast, the more likely people are to discover and invite their friends to watch. The minimum should be 10 minutes, but you can stay live for up to 90 minutes.
  • Be creative. Try different types of broadcast formats – and go live frequently – to keep your audience engaged. Also visit live.fb.com often for more tips and ideas or watch others streaming live.

Ready to use Facebook Live? Below are a couple of training videos to get started…

In this short tutorial by Technologyguru, you’ll learn the basics of how to Facebook Live as well as pick a up couple of good tips to ensure a successful broadcast.

Avoid the common pitfalls of live streaming and learn a few tricks in the tutorial by Shawn and Think Media designed for getting more likes and building your brand.

To get ideas for your broadcasts, I recommend to watch some of the many Live Videos broadcasting on Facebook right now.

NEXT: Facebook Case Studies

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