Forget what your 1960s typing teachers taught you about double-spacing between sentences. Today, documents are typically created using single spacing between sentences with proportionally spaced fonts (i.e., almost always) – this is the NEW standard. In addition to following contemporary publishing standards, single spacing after sentences saves bits and reduces file sizes.
This tutorial will show you how to:
- How to correct your spelling and grammar options
- How to add words to your personal dictionary
References for this webinar:
- Spell check in Word 2010 (article)
- Choose how spell check and grammar check work (article)
- Make sure the language you want is enabled (article)
- Automatically correct spelling with words from the main dictionary (article)
- Translate text in a different language (article)
- How to add words to the spell check dictionary (article)
- Where is Word Count? (article)
- See translations with the Mini Translator (video)
- Test your document’s readability (article)
- Find synonyms with the thesaurus (article)
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