Activity Overview
Word is often used to create technical papers, legal documents, theseus and research papers. In this activity, you will change and reorganize text, modify lists and insert references.
New Skills
In this activity, you will practice how to:
- Change Document and Paragraph Layout.
- Change and Reorganize Text.
- Create and Modify Lists.
- Work with Headers and Footers.
- Insert Frequently Used Text and Insert References.
- Open the Interview Questions.doc file.
- In the first line of the document place your cursor after Candidates and press Enter. Type: Director of Distance Education and then press Enter again. There are now three title lines. Delete the space to the left of the third line.
- Select the three title lines. Center, Bold, and change the font size to 14 pt.
- Locate the first question beginning with What experience. Select the three questions and, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Line Spacing arrow and then click 3.0. This increases the spacing between the questions.
- With the three questions still selected, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Numbering button.
- Select the paragraph that begins What changes. Open the Paragraph dialog box and click the Indents and Spacing tab. Under Spacing, change the after box to 36. Click OK.
- With the question still selected, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Numbering button. The question is numbered 1, starting the numbering sequence over again, and the AutoCorrect Options button displays. Point to the AutoCorrect Options button, click its arrow to display the list of options available, and then, from the displayed list, click Continue Numbering. The number for this question is changed to 4.
- Select the question beginning What kind of reputation, and then click the Numbering button. The question is numbered 5, continuing the numbering sequence.
- Select the four paragraphs following question 5, beginning with Leading Edge. Click the Numbering button. The numbering sequence continues 6 through 9. With the four paragraphs still selected, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Increase Indent button. The paragraphs are indented and the numbers changed to letters a through d. Save.
- In the paragraph beginning a. Leading edge, select the colon and its following space. From the Insert menu, click Symbol. Click the Special Characters tab; be sure that Em Dash is highlighted. Click Insert. Select the colon and following space found in the first line of the paragraphs labeled b., c., and d and replace it by inserting an em dash from the Symbol dialog box. Close the Symbol dialog box.
- Select the 3 paragraphs under Optional Questions Regarding Instructional Design including the two empty paragraphs between the questions. Display the Paragraph dialog box and increase the spacing after to 18. Click OK.
- With the paragraphs still selected, display the Bullets and Numbering dialog box and click the Bulleted tab. If necessary, click any bullet styles to activate the Customize button. In the lower right corner, click the Customize button. In the Customize Bulleted List dialog box, click the Character button. In the displayed Symbol dialog box, click the Font arrow, click Wingdings, scroll to the top of the list, and in the third row, click the first symbol-a hand with a pencil. Click OK twice. Then, click the Decrease Indent button as many times as necessary to align the bullets at the left margin.
- Insert an AutoText Footer at the left that includes the Filename. Press Tab and click the Insert Page Number button on the Header and Footer toolbar. Close the Header and Footer toolbar.
- Press Ctrl + Home to move to the top of the document. Select the question What did you think was effective? Point to the highlighted text. When the mouse pointer is in the shape of the white move arrow, drag the question and place the vertical line at the beginning of question 2-in front of the W-and then release the mouse button. The questions are reversed.
- Press Ctrl + End to move to the end of the document. In the paragraph beginning Thomas Russell, in the third line, click to place the insertion point following the period after the word media. From the Insert menu, point to Reference and then click Footnote. In the Footnote and Endnote dialog box, under Location, click the Endnotes option button and be sure End of document is displayed in its box. Under Format, click the Number format arrow and then click i, ii, iii from the list that displays. Click the Insert button. In the endnote area, type:
- Save your document.
- Print Preview the document and make sure it looks exactly the way you want it to.
- Optional: Print your document for review.
- Close Word.