Activity Overview
Editing, changing layouts, creating and modifying lists are typical Word challenges.
New Skills
In this activity, you will practice how to:
- Change Document and Paragraph Layout.
- Change and Reorganize Text.
- Create and Modify Lists.
- Work with Headers and Footers.
- Insert Frequently Used Text.
- Open the Delivery Suggestions.doc file.
- Select the first line of the document and make the following changes:
a. Center
b. Change Case to UPPERCASE
c. 14 pt font size
d. Bold - Click anywhere in the line beginning 1. Using. Open the Bullets and Numbering dialog box and select the Bulleted tab. In the first row, click the second box. If the second box is not solid black circles, in the lower left of the dialog box, click Reset, and then click Yes. The selected box changes to its original setting-a solid black circle. Click OK.
- With your cursor still in the bulleted line of text, double-click the Format Painter button located on the Formatting toolbar. Use the scroll bar to scroll down until you see the next numbered paragraph beginning 1. The purpose of College supported and then click in the numbered paragraph. A bullet replaces the number. Scroll down the document and click once in the next numbered paragraph, which begins 1. How should we. Click the Format Painter button once to turn it off.
- Select the paragraph that begins Students should be. Click the Cut button. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph that begins Resources should be allocated. Click the Paste button. The paragraph is moved.
- Locate the paragraph that begins We should consider hiring an outside company. Select the word software, point to the selected word and drag it to the right of hardware and then release the mouse button.
- In the same sentence, select the second and, point to the selected word and drag it to the right of hardware, dropping it between hardware and software.
- Click to the left of software, and type maintain the. The sentence should now read provide and maintain the hardware and maintain the software in our computer labs.
- Under the first bulleted item, locate the paragraph that begins Faculty who are using. In the second line, select the text LMCC and click the Copy button.
- Locate the paragraph that begins The college should. At the beginning of the paragraph, select the text The college and then click the Paste button. LMCC replaces the selected text.
- In the first line of the next paragraph, select We and click the Paste button. In the next paragraph, select the S in Students and click the Paste button, and then type s to provide the lower case letter at the beginning of the word students. Finally, select We at the beginning of the last paragraph under this bullet point and then click the Paste button.
- At the top of the document select the two paragraphs under the first bullet point. Open the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. In the first row, click the third box, which should be a hollow circle. (If this bullet is not a hollow circle, in the lower left of the dialog box, click Reset. In the message box that displays, click Yes to reset the gallery position to the default setting. This resets the selected symbol to the default setting, which for the third box is a hollow circle.) Click OK. The selected text is formatted with a hollow circle bullet and is indented to the right under the first bullet.
- Under the second bulleted item, select the five paragraphs that begin LMCC should continue to provide. On the Formatting toolbar, click the Bullets button and then click the Increase Indent button. When the bulleted text is indented, the bullets change to the hollow circle style.
- Repeat this process to create the same style of bulleted list for the paragraphs that are listed under How should we adopt.
- In the bulleted items you just formatted, you will replace a colon (:) with an em dash. In the first bulleted item that begins Anticipate, select the colon and space following the text Anticipate change. From the Insert menu, click Symbol. In the Symbol dialog box, click the Special Characters tab. Make sure that Em Dash is highlighted, and then click Insert. The Symbol dialog box remains open on your screen.
- Point to the title bar of the Symbol dialog box, and then drag it to the right of your screen so that you can view the last two bulleted items on the page. Select the colon and space that follows Middle of the road, and then in the Symbol dialog box, click Insert. Repeat this process to replace the colon and space in the final bulleted item, found after widespread use. Close the Symbol dialog box. Save your changes.
- Open the Header and Footer dialog box. In the header area, press Tab twice and then click the Insert Date button located on the Header and Footer toolbar.
- On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Switch Between Header and Footer button. Click the Insert AutoText button, and then from the displayed list, click Filename. Close the Header and Footer toolbar.
- Open the Page Setup dialog box and change the Top Margin to 1.5”.
- Save your document.
- Print Preview to make a final check of your letter.
- Optional: Print your document for review.
- Close Word.