Activity Overview
In the following lesson, you will edit a cover letter that will be sent with a survey to clients.
New Skills
In this activity, you will practice how to:
- Explore and Navigate the Word Window.
- Create and Edit a New Document.
- Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker.
- Select and Format Text.
- View Headers and Footers.
- Preview and Print Documents.
- Save a Document.
- Close a Document.
- Close Word.
- Use control keys for commonly used editing tasks.
- Open the Survey Letter.doc file.
- Click the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar to display the formatting marks.
- Select the subject line and change the Font to Arial Black.
- In the sentence beginning We once again, select the phrase We once again want to and press Delete to remove this phrase. Press delete to delete the t in thank, and then type: T.
- In the same paragraph, select the phrase hopes and dreams and then type: expectations and adjust spacing if necessary.
- In the same paragraph, click to place your insertion point before the word recommend and type will and then press spacebar.
- In the paragraph beginning As a new, right-click adverticing, which is flagged as a spelling error. On the shortcut menu, click advertising. In the same sentence double-click ideas to select it, and then type suggestions to replace it. In the same sentence replace the word expand with develop.
- In the same paragraph, right click moment, which is flagged as a grammar error. From the shortcut menu, click moments.
- In the paragraph beginning We look, select Perfect Party. On the Formatting toolbar, click the Italic button.
- Click to position the insertion point before Sincerely and then press Insert on your keyboard to activate Overtype mode. The OVR indicator on the status bar displays in black. Type: Best regards, and then press Delete three times to delete the remaining unnecessary characters. Press Insert again to turn off Overtype mode and dim the OVR indicator.
- Hold down Ctrl and press End to position the insertion point at the end of the document. Press Enter twice and then type: Enclosure.
- From the View menu, select Header and Footer. Switch down to the footer. In the footer area, type: 01_Survey_Letter_Firstname_Lastname. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Close button.
- From the File menu, click Page Setup, click on the Layout tab. Under Page, click the Vertical alignment arrow, and then click Center. Select OK.
- Save your document.
- Print Preview to make a final check of your letter.
- Optional: Print your document for review.
- Close Word.