Microsoft Word – Lesson 2

Activity Overview

In the following lesson, you will edit a cover letter that will be sent with a survey to clients.

New Skills

In this activity, you will practice how to:

  1. Explore and Navigate the Word Window.
  2. Create and Edit a New Document.
  3. Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker.
  4. Select and Format Text.
  5. View Headers and Footers.
  6. Preview and Print Documents.
  7. Save a Document.
  8. Close a Document.
  9. Close Word.
  10. Use control keys for commonly used editing tasks.


  1. Open the Survey Letter.doc file.
  2. Click the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar to display the formatting marks.
  3. Select the subject line and change the Font to Arial Black.
  4. In the sentence beginning We once again, select the phrase We once again want to and press Delete to remove this phrase. Press delete to delete the t in thank, and then type: T.
  5. In the same paragraph, select the phrase hopes and dreams and then type: expectations and adjust spacing if necessary.
  6. In the same paragraph, click to place your insertion point before the word recommend and type will and then press spacebar.
  7. In the paragraph beginning As a new, right-click adverticing, which is flagged as a spelling error. On the shortcut menu, click advertising. In the same sentence double-click ideas to select it, and then type suggestions to replace it. In the same sentence replace the word expand with develop.
  8. In the same paragraph, right click moment, which is flagged as a grammar error. From the shortcut menu, click moments.
  9. In the paragraph beginning We look, select Perfect Party. On the Formatting toolbar, click the Italic button.
  10. Click to position the insertion point before Sincerely and then press Insert on your keyboard to activate Overtype mode. The OVR indicator on the status bar displays in black. Type: Best regards, and then press Delete three times to delete the remaining unnecessary characters. Press Insert again to turn off Overtype mode and dim the OVR indicator.
  11. Hold down Ctrl and press End to position the insertion point at the end of the document. Press Enter twice and then type: Enclosure.
  12. From the View menu, select Header and Footer. Switch down to the footer. In the footer area, type: 01_Survey_Letter_Firstname_Lastname. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Close button.
  13. From the File menu, click Page Setup, click on the Layout tab. Under Page, click the Vertical alignment arrow, and then click Center. Select OK.
  14. Save your document.
  15. Print Preview to make a final check of your letter.
  16. Optional: Print your document for review.
  17. Close Word.
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