Getting Started with Word

Here is a demonstration document for you to download and follow along with the instructions (right-click and “Save link as”).

A. Launching Word and touring the interface

Launching Word

Launching Word opens the start screen. On the right-hand side, you have navigation to access New documents, open existing documents, saving options, printing options, account options, and configuration settings. The top menu allows you to create a new document or select from the template library. Below this section you have recently created documents.

Understanding the Ribbon

The ribbon (or dashboard) for Word contains all the tools you can use for document creation. At the top of the ribbon are shortcuts (save, undo, and redo are default).

Next are tabs. Tabs break the ribbon into different types of tool sets depending on what you want to do.

Each tab contains sections of common tools to help you create the document. Notice the highlighted arrows in each section which leads to a drop-down menu.

At the bottom of the document window, you will see other information to help you manage your document – the number of pages and the number of words is located on the right side and view mode and zoom on the left side.

B. Opening, closing, and reading documents

Opening Documents

Select File > Open or Ctrl&O.

From here you can navigate to the folder and document you want to open.

Closing Documents

Select File > Close.

C. Using the bookmark feature

The Bookmark

Word has a built-in “bookmark” feature. Each time you open Word, it will remember where you last edited and has bookmarked the text allowing you to return to work.

D. Creating new documents with templates

Using Templates

Select File > New or Ctrl&N.

Word contained Templates (or preformatted documents) to help you create documents quickly. If your computer is connected to the internet, you can also download more templates directly from Microsoft.

E. Saving documents

Saving Documents

Select File > Save or Ctrl&S.

The first time you save documents you will need to select a folder path and file name to store the document. Word will remember these setting and use them in the future.

Saving As

Select File > Save As.

You can save Word documents in a variety of formats, including previous versions of Word, PDF, TXT, Open Document, etc.

F. Opening and editing PDF documents

Editing PDF’s

Word will import most PDF formats and allow you to edit them directly inside Word.

G. Printing documents

Printing Documents

Select File > Print or Ctrl&P.

From the Print Dashboard, you can select which printers to use as well as configure print settings.

Printer Page Setup

Select File > Print > Page Setup or Ctrl&P > Page Setup.

Page Setup allows you to adjust document settings including page margins, paper size, and print layout.

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