Share Your Notes with Others
Share a page or your entire notebook to collaborate with others.
Share a page or notebook
1. Select the page you want to share.
2. Select Share.
3. In the first drop-down, choose if you want to share This notebook [name of notebook] or This page [name of page].
Important: Work or school accounts can only share notebooks. If you want to share a page using a work or school account, select Send a copy to email a copy of the page.
4. Enter the email address for who you want to share with.
5. In the second drop-down, choose if recipients Can edit or Can view.
6. Select OK to send the invite.
Hide authors
1. Select View.
2. Select Hide Authors.
Password-protect Private Notes
Use passwords to protect notebook sections you want to keep private.
Add a password
1. Right-click on the section you want to protect.
2. Select Password Protection > Add Password.
3. Type the password you want and confirm it.
4. Select OK to create the password.
Lock sections
1. Right-click the section you want to lock.
2. Select Password Protection > Lock Section.
Or, select Password Protection > Lock All Protected Sections to lock all sections with passwords.
Unlock sections
1. Select a section that is locked.
2. Type the password.
3. Press Enter.
Remove a password
1. Right-click on a protected section.
2. Select Password Protection > Remove Password.
3. Enter the password for the section.
4. Select OK to remove the password.