Introduction to Microsoft Office


Microsoft Office is a productivity suite that lets people work together across devices, Office apps, and time zones so that amazing things can happen. Because when you take the work out of working together, you’re just together.

Key Terms

Backstage view: By clicking this, you choose a command and give the program instructions
about what you want to do.

Contextual tab: Appears on the Ribbon only when you select certain items in a file, and
contains commands related to that item.

Gallery: Shows the options available for a command.

Home page: The first page that opens when you start your browser.

Internet: A vast network of computers located all over the world and linked to one another.

Link: Text, often colored and underlined, or a graphic that you click to “jump” to another
location or Web page.

Live Preview: Lets you see how a gallery option affects your file without making the change.

Microsoft Office 2010 (Office): A collection of software programs.

Mini toolbar: Appears in the work area after you drag the pointer over text while holding down
the left mouse button.Ribbon: “Command central” for the office programs.

ScreenTip: A box that appears when you point to a button.

SharePoint: Shifts other areas of the file into the work area.

Shortcut menu: Appears when you right-click something in the program window.

SkyDrive: Changes the size of the program window and exits the program.Tab: Appears on the Ribbon and organizes the commands into related tasks.

Task pane: A pane that opens on the right or left side of the program window.

Toolbar: Contains buttons that you can click to perform common tasks.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): The address of a Web page on the Web.

Web browser: Software used to view Web pages.

World Wide Web (Web): A system of computers that share information by means of links on
Web pages.

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