Activity Overview
Excel is perfect of tracking and sorting all types of data.
New Skill
In this activity, you will practice how to:
- Decrease decimal
- Auto fit column width
- Increase indent
- Insert and size clipart
- Open the CATEGORY SALES.xls file.
- Insert a Custom Footer. In the Left Section type your Name and in the Right Section type Category Sales.
- Format cells A1:G1 to have a Font Size of 14, Bold, and Comic Sans. Apply Merge and Center to the selection.
- In cell B10, use the AutoSum button to create a total for the Beverage category. Use the fill handle to copy the formula across through cell F10.
- In cell G3, use the AutoSum button to create a total for the Austin #1 location. Use the fill handle to copy the formula through cell G9. Click cell G10, and total the column.
- Select the range B4:G9, apply the Comma Style, and then click Decrease Decimal two times so there are NO decimal places. Select the range B3:G3, hold down CTRL, and select B10:G10. Then apply Currency Style and click Decrease Decimal two times.
- Select the range A2:G2, change the Font Size to 12 and apply Bold to the selection. Select columns A:G and AutoFit the columns.
- Select the range A3:A9 and apply Italics. Click in cell A10 and apply Bold and Italic, and Increase Indent one time.
- Select the range A1:G1 and apply a Green Fill Color.
- Repeat this Green shading for the data in rows 3, 5, 7, and 9.
- Select the range A1:G10. Apply a Thick Black Outline border to the selection.
- Display the Page Setup dialog box.
a. Change the worksheet orientation to Landscape
b. Center the worksheet on the page horizontally and vertically.
c. Create a Custom Header using Left section – First and Last Name, Right section – Today’s Date. - Print Preview your worksheet.
- Save your document.
- Optional: Print a copy for review.