Microsoft Excel – Lesson 7

Activity Overview

Excel is perfect of tracking and sorting all types of data.

New Skill

In this activity, you will practice how to:

  1. Decrease decimal
  2. Auto fit column width
  3. Increase indent
  4. Insert and size clipart


  1. Open the CATEGORY SALES.xls file.
  2. Insert a Custom Footer. In the Left Section type your Name and in the Right Section type Category Sales.
  3. Format cells A1:G1 to have a Font Size of 14, Bold, and Comic Sans. Apply Merge and Center to the selection.
  4. In cell B10, use the AutoSum button to create a total for the Beverage category. Use the fill handle to copy the formula across through cell F10.
  5. In cell G3, use the AutoSum button to create a total for the Austin #1 location. Use the fill handle to copy the formula through cell G9. Click cell G10, and total the column.
  6. Select the range B4:G9, apply the Comma Style, and then click Decrease Decimal two times so there are NO decimal places. Select the range B3:G3, hold down CTRL, and select B10:G10. Then apply Currency Style and click Decrease Decimal two times.
  7. Select the range A2:G2, change the Font Size to 12 and apply Bold to the selection. Select columns A:G and AutoFit the columns.
  8. Select the range A3:A9 and apply Italics. Click in cell A10 and apply Bold and Italic, and Increase Indent one time.
  9. Select the range A1:G1 and apply a Green Fill Color.
  10. Repeat this Green shading for the data in rows 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  11. Select the range A1:G10. Apply a Thick Black Outline border to the selection.
  12. Display the Page Setup dialog box.
    a. Change the worksheet orientation to Landscape
    b. Center the worksheet on the page horizontally and vertically.
    c. Create a Custom Header using Left section – First and Last Name, Right section – Today’s Date.
  13. Print Preview your worksheet.
  14. Save your document.
  15. Optional: Print a copy for review.
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