Microsoft Excel – Lesson 4

Activity Overview

The following activity illustrates how spreadsheets can be used to compute sales. In this example, Best Buy is tracking digital cameras sales and their discounted prices including sales tax.

New Skills

In this activity, you will practice how to:

  1. Format a row’s height.
  2. Insert and delete rows and columns.
  3. Insert a clipart image in a spreadsheet.
  4. Insert a page footer.


  1. Open the BEST BUY.xls file.
  2. Format the width of column A to 65.0.
  3. Bold cell A1 and change the font size to 14 point.
  4. Bold rows 6 and 7.
  5. Insert a new column between column A “DIGITAL CAMERAS” and column B “DISCOUNT”
  6. Select all of the content in column D “LIST PRICE” and move it into the new column B.
  7. Delete the blank column D.
  8. Delete row 20 containing the Hewlett-Packard – Photosmart 5.2MP since this item has been discontinued.
  9. Insert a new row beneath row 14 containing the Fuji – FinePix 4.1MP.
  10. In the new row add the following information
    Sony – Cyber-shot 7.2MP Digital Camera DSC-W7 349.99 17.50.
  11. Format the width of columns B – F to 10.0.
  12. Select cells B6 – F28 and right align.
  13. Select rows 9 – 28 and change the row height to 18.0.
  14. Compute the formulas for the first camera as follows:
    b. SALES TAX = SALES PRICE multiplied by 6%
  15. Use the AutoFill feature to copy the formulas down for the remaining cameras.
  16. Format cells B9 – F28 as numbers displaying 2 decimal places.
  17. Insert a clipart image depicting a digital camera into the spreadsheet. Place the clipart image in the blank area to the right of the BEST BUY address and size appropriately.
  18. Change page setup settings as follows:
    a. Scale to fit to one page.
    b. Page orientation to landscape.
    c. Horizontally and Vertically center.
    d. Insert a Custom Header using Left section: Your Name, Center section: BEST BUY, and Right section: Today’s Date.
    e. Insert a Custom Footer using Center Section: PAGE number.
  19. Print Preview your spreadsheet to view your header and make sure it fits on one page.
  20. Save your document.
  21. Optional: Print a copy for review.
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