Microsoft Excel – Lesson 1

Activity Overview

The following activity illustrates how spreadsheets can be used to create lists and then alphabetize them.

New Skill

In this activity, you will practice how to:

  1. Change column width and format text.
  2. Sort data in ascending order (A-Z).
  3. Use AutoComplete and AutoFill features.
  4. Change page setup options.
  5. Rename and delete sheets.


  1. Open the FBLA CLUB MEMBERS.xls file.
  2. Bold cells A1 and A5.
  3. Bold and underline cells A8 – I8.
  4. Insert the missing data into columns E, G, and H using the AutoComplete feature.
  5. Format the width and alignment of the following columns:
    a. Column A to 6.0
    b. Column B and C to 12.0
    c. Column D to 10.0
    d. Column E to 14.0
    e. Column F to 24.0
    f. Column G to 16.0
    g. Columns H and I to 10.0
    h. Center columns D, H, and I. Select the ENTIRE column.
    i. Left align column A
  6. Do a Custom Sort to alphabetize students by their last names. Select cells B9 –I28 and sort in Ascending order (A-Z). Use the column labeled “LAST” to Sort by.
  7. Use the AutoFill feature to complete the series of numbers in column A. Cells A9 – A28 should be filled to complete the number sequence.
  8. Change page setup settings as follows:
    a. Print Gridlines.
    b. Horizontally and Vertically center.
    c. Change the page orientation to Landscape.
    d. Insert a Custom Header using Left section: Your Name, Center section: FBLA, and Right section: Today’s Date.
  9. Rename Sheet 1 to FBLA and Delete Sheet 2 and 3.
  10. Print Preview your spreadsheet to view your header and make sure it fits on one page.
  11. Save your document.
  12. Optional: print a copy for review.
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