
Excel Styles

You can apply formatting to an entire cell and to the data inside a cell—or a group of cells. One way to think of this is the cells are the frame of a picture and the picture inside the frame is the data. Formatting the cell might include adding a border, adding color or shading, and changing the size or style of the cell.

Apply Excel Styles

1. Select the cells.

2. Select Home > Styles and select a style.

Modify an Excel Style

1. Select the cells with the Excel Style.

2. Right-click the applied style in Home > Styles. Select Modify.

3. Complete your modifications for the specific style and click OK to save your settings.

Using the Format Painter

You can also copy cell formatting in your worksheet by using copy and paste options, Format Painter, and dragging techniques.

1. Select the shape, text, picture, or worksheet cell with the formatting you want to copy.

2. Select Home > Clipboard > Format Painter .

3. Drag to select the shape, text, or worksheet cell and apply the Style.


Microsoft Excel doesn’t include a built-in watermark button, but you can use an image, like a logo, to create a watermark.

Creating a watermark

1. Select Insert > Header & Footer.

2. Tap on the header and select Picture.

3. Insert your image. In the header, you’ll see a picture.

4. Tap anywhere outside the header to see the watermark.

5. Select Picture > Color > Washout to change the look of the image. Grayscale may also work well.

Editing the watermark

1. Tap back into the header. Select Format Picture under the Design tab.

2. Select OK to apply the settings.

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