Google Sheets Keyword Shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts in Google Slides to navigate, format, and edit.

Note: Some shortcuts might not work for all languages or keyboards.

To see a list of keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets, press Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS)

To search the menus, press Alt + / (Windows, Chrome OS).

Common actions

Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Select all Ctrl + a
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Undo Ctrl + z
Redo Ctrl + y
Ctrl + Shift + z
Find Ctrl + f
Find and replace Ctrl + h
Fill range Ctrl + Enter
Fill down Ctrl + d
Fill right Ctrl + r
(every change is saved automatically in Drive)
Ctrl + s
Open Ctrl + o
Print Ctrl + p
Copy Ctrl + c
Cut Ctrl + x
Paste Ctrl + v
Paste values only Ctrl + Shift + v
Show common keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Insert new sheet Shift + F11
Compact controls Ctrl + Shift + f
Input tools on/off
(available in spreadsheets in non-Latin languages)
Ctrl + Shift + k
Select input tools Ctrl + Alt + Shift + k
Search the menus Alt + /

Format cells

Bold Ctrl + b
Underline Ctrl + u
Italic Ctrl + i
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Center align Ctrl + Shift + e
Left align Ctrl + Shift + l
Right align Ctrl + Shift + r
Apply top border Alt + Shift + 1
Apply right border Alt + Shift + 2
Apply bottom border Alt + Shift + 3
Apply left border Alt + Shift + 4
Remove borders Alt + Shift + 6
Apply outer border

Alt + Shift + 7

Ctrl + Shift + 7

Insert link Ctrl + k
Insert time Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert date Ctrl + ;
Insert date and time Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ;
Format as decimal Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as time Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as date Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currency Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as percentage Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponent Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formatting Ctrl + \

Navigate spreadsheet

Move to beginning of row Home
Move to beginning of sheet Ctrl + Home
Move to end of row End
Move to end of sheet Ctrl + End
Scroll to active cell Ctrl + Backspace
Move to next sheet Alt + Down Arrow
Move to previous sheet Alt + Up Arrow
Display list of sheets Alt + Shift + k
Open hyperlink Alt + Enter
Open Explore Alt + Shift + x
Go to side panel Ctrl + Alt + .
Ctrl + Alt + ,
Move focus out of spreadsheet Ctrl + Alt + Shift + m
Move to quicksum
(when a range of cells is selected)
Alt + Shift + q
Move focus to popup
(for links, bookmarks, and images)
holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then p
Open drop-down menu on filtered cell Ctrl + Alt + r
Open revision history Ctrl + Alt + Shift + h
Close drawing editor Shift + Esc

Edit notes and comments

Insert/edit note Shift + F2
Insert/edit comment Ctrl + Alt + m
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a
Enter current comment holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then c
Move to next comment holding Ctrl + Alt, press n then c
Move to previous comment holding Ctrl + Alt, press p then c

Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments

Reply to current comment R
Move to next comment J
Move to previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U

Open a menu

File menu in Google Chrome: Alt + f
other browsers: Alt + Shift + f
Edit menu in Google Chrome: Alt + e
other browsers: Alt + Shift + e
View menu in Google Chrome: Alt + v
other browsers: Alt + Shift + v
Insert menu in Google Chrome: Alt + i
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i
Format menu in Google Chrome: Alt + o
other browsers: Alt + Shift + o
Data menu in Google Chrome: Alt + d
other browsers: Alt + Shift + d
Tools menu in Google Chrome: Alt + t
other browsers: Alt + Shift + t
Open insert menu Ctrl + Alt + Shift + = 
Ctrl + Alt + = 

(with cells selected)
Open delete menu Ctrl + Alt + - (with cells selected)
Form menu
(present when the spreadsheet is connected to a form)
in Google Chrome: Alt + m
other browsers: Alt + Shift + m
Add-ons menu in Google Chrome: Alt + n
other browsers: Alt + Shift + n
Help menu in Google Chrome: Alt + h
other browsers: Alt + Shift + h
Accessibility menu
(present when screen reader support is enabled)
in Google Chrome: Alt + a
other browsers: Alt + Shift + a
Sheet menu
(copy, delete, and other sheet actions)
Alt + Shift + s
Context menu

Ctrl + Shift + \
Shift + F10

Add or change rows and columns

Insert rows above

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + =
Ctrl + Alt + =

(with rows selected)

in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then r
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then r

Insert rows below in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then w
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then w
Insert columns to the left

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + = 
Ctrl + Alt + = 

(with columns selected)

in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then c
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then c

Insert columns to the right in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then o
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then o
Delete rows

Ctrl + Alt + - (with rows selected)

in Google Chrome: Alt + e, then d
other browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then d

Delete columns

Ctrl + Alt + - (with columns selected)

in Google Chrome: Alt + e, then e
other browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then e

Hide row Ctrl + Alt + 9
Unhide row Ctrl + Shift + 9
Hide column Ctrl + Alt + 0
Unhide column Ctrl + Shift + 0
Group rows or columns Alt + Shift + Right Arrow
Ungroup rows or columns Alt + Shift + Left Arrow
Expand grouped rows or columns Alt + Shift + Down Arrow
Collapse grouped rows or columns Alt + Shift + Up Arrow

Use formulas

Show all formulas Ctrl + ~
Insert array formula Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Collapse an expanded array formula Ctrl + e
Show/hide formula help
(when entering a formula)
Shift + F1
Full/compact formula help
(when entering a formula)
Absolute/relative references
(when entering a formula)
Toggle formula result previews
(when entering a formula)
Resize formula bar
(move up or down)
Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + Down

Help for screen readers

Turn on screen reader support
Learn more about using Google Sheets with a screen reader
Ctrl + Alt + z
Enable braille support Ctrl + Alt + h
Read column Ctrl + Alt + Shift + c
Read row Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r

Use other spreadsheet shortcuts

You can use shortcuts for spreadsheets made by other companies in Google Sheets.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet at
  2. At the top, click Help > Keyboard shortcuts.
  3. At the bottom of the window, turn on Enable compatible spreadsheet shortcuts.

To see a list of keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets, press ⌘ + / (Mac).

To search the menus, press Option + / (Mac).

Common actions

Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Select all ⌘ + a
⌘ + Shift + Space
Undo ⌘ + z
Redo ⌘ + y
⌘ + Shift + z
Fn + F4
Find ⌘ + f
Find and replace ⌘ + Shift + h
Fill range ⌘ + Enter
Fill down ⌘ + d
Fill right ⌘ + r
(every change is saved automatically in Drive)
⌘ + s
Open ⌘ + o
Print ⌘ + p
Copy ⌘ + c
Cut ⌘ + x
Paste ⌘ + v
Paste values only ⌘ + Shift + v
Show common keyboard shortcuts ⌘ + /
Insert new sheet Shift + Fn + F11
Compact controls Ctrl + Shift + f
Input tools on/off
(available in spreadsheets in non-Latin languages)
⌘ + Shift + k
Select input tools ⌘ + Option + Shift + k
Search the menus Option + /

Format cells

Bold ⌘ + b
Underline ⌘ + u
Italic ⌘ + i
Strikethrough Option + Shift + 5
Center align ⌘ + Shift + e
Left align ⌘ + Shift + l
Right align ⌘ + Shift + r
Apply top border Option + Shift + 1
Apply right border Option + Shift + 2
Apply bottom border Option + Shift + 3
Apply left border Option + Shift + 4
Remove borders Option + Shift + 6
Apply outer border

Option + Shift + 7

⌘ + Shift + 7

Insert link ⌘ + k
Insert time ⌘ + Shift + ;
Insert date ⌘ + ;
Insert date and time ⌘ + Option + Shift + ;
Format as decimal Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as time Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as date Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currency Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as percentage Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponent Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formatting ⌘ + \

Navigate spreadsheet

Move to beginning of row Fn + Left Arrow
Move to beginning of sheet ⌘ + Fn + Left Arrow
Move to end of row Fn + Right Arrow
Move to end of sheet ⌘ + Fn + Right Arrow
Scroll to active cell ⌘ + Backspace
Move to next sheet Option + Down Arrow
Move to previous sheet Option + Up Arrow
Display list of sheets Option + Shift + k
Open hyperlink Option + Enter
Open Explore Option + Shift + x
Go to side panel ⌘ + Option + .
⌘ + Option + ,
Move focus out of spreadsheet Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift + m
Move to quicksum
(when a range of cells is selected)
Option + Shift + q
Move focus to popup
(for links, bookmarks, and images)
holding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then p
Open drop-down menu on filtered cell Ctrl + ⌘ + r
Open revision history ⌘ + Option + Shift + h
Close drawing editor ⌘ + Esc
Shift + Esc

Edit notes and comments

Insert/edit note Shift + F2
Insert/edit comment ⌘ + Option + m
Open comment discussion thread ⌘ + Option + Shift + a
Enter current comment holding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then c
Move to next comment holding Ctrl + ⌘, press n then c
Move to previous comment holding Ctrl + ⌘, press p then c

Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments

Reply to current comment R
Move to next comment J
Move to previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U

Open a menu

File menu Ctrl + Option + f
Edit menu Ctrl + Option + e
View menu Ctrl + Option + v
Insert menu Ctrl + Option + i
Format menu Ctrl + Option + o
Data menu Ctrl + Option + d
Tools menu Ctrl + Option + t
Open insert menu ⌘ + Option + = (with cells selected)
Open delete menu ⌘ + Option + - (with cells selected)
Form menu
(present when the spreadsheet is connected to a form)
Ctrl + Option + m
Add-ons menu Ctrl + Option + n
Help menu Ctrl + Option + h
Accessibility menu
(present when screen reader support is enabled)
Ctrl + Option + a
Sheet menu
(copy, delete, and other sheet actions)
Option + Shift + s
Context menu

⌘ + Shift + \
Shift + F10

Add or change rows and columns

Insert rows above

⌘ + Option + = (with rows selected)
Ctrl + Option + i, then r

Insert rows below Ctrl + Option + i, then b
Insert columns to the left

⌘ + Option + = (with columns selected)
Ctrl + Option + i, then c

Insert columns to the right Ctrl + Option + i, then o
Delete rows ⌘ + Option + - (with rows selected)
Ctrl + Option + e, then d
Delete columns ⌘ + Option + - (with columns selected)
Ctrl + Option + e, then e
Hide row ⌘ + Option + 9
Unhide row ⌘ + Shift + 9
Hide column ⌘ + Option + 0
Unhide column ⌘ + Shift + 0
Group rows or columns Option + Shift + Right Arrow
Ungroup rows or columns Option + Shift + Left Arrow
Expand grouped rows or columns Option + Shift + Down Arrow 
Collapse grouped rows or columns Option + Shift + Up Arrow 

Use formulas

Show all formulas Ctrl + ~
Insert array formula ⌘ + Shift + Enter
Collapse an expanded array formula ⌘ + e
Show/hide formula help
(when entering a formula)
Shift + Fn + F1
Full/compact formula help
(when entering a formula)
Fn + F1
Absolute/relative references
(when entering a formula)
Fn + F4
Toggle formula result previews
(when entering a formula)
Fn + F9
Resize formula bar
(move up or down)
Ctrl + Option + Up and Ctrl + Option + Down

Help for screen readers

Turn on screen reader support
Learn more about using Google Sheets with a screen reader
⌘ + Option + z
Enable braille support + Option + h
Read column ⌘ + Option + Shift + c
Read row ⌘ + Option + Shift + r

Use other spreadsheet shortcuts

You can use shortcuts for spreadsheets made by other companies in Google Sheets.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet at
  2. At the top, click Help > Keyboard shortcuts.
  3. At the bottom of the window, turn on Enable compatible spreadsheet shortcuts.

To see a list of keyboard shortcuts in Google Sheets, press Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS).

To search the menus, press Alt + / (Windows, Chrome OS).

Common actions

Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Select all Ctrl + a
Undo Ctrl + z
Redo Ctrl + y
Ctrl + Shift + z
Find Ctrl + f
Find and replace Ctrl + h
Fill range Ctrl + Enter
Fill down Ctrl + d
Fill right Ctrl + r
(every change is saved automatically in Drive)
Ctrl + s
Open Ctrl + o
Print Ctrl + p
Copy Ctrl + c
Cut Ctrl + x
Paste Ctrl + v
Paste values only Ctrl + Shift + v
Show common keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Compact controls Ctrl + Shift + f
Input tools on/off
(available in spreadsheets in non-Latin languages)
Ctrl + Shift + k
Select input tools Ctrl + Alt + Shift + k
Search the menus Alt + /

Format cells

Bold Ctrl + b
Underline Ctrl + u
Italic Ctrl + i
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Center align Ctrl + Shift + e
Left align Ctrl + Shift + l
Right align Ctrl + Shift + r
Apply top border Alt + Shift + 1
Apply right border Alt + Shift + 2
Apply bottom border Alt + Shift + 3
Apply left border Alt + Shift + 4
Remove borders Alt + Shift + 6
Apply outer border

Alt + Shift + 7
Ctrl + Shift + 7

Insert link Ctrl + k
Insert time Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert date Ctrl + ;
Insert date and time Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ;
Format as decimal Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as time Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as date Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currency Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as percentage Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponent Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formatting Ctrl + \

Navigate spreadsheet

Move to beginning of row Search + Left Arrow
Move to end of row Search + Right Arrow
Move to first cell in row with data Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move to top left of sheet Ctrl + Search + Left Arrow
Move to last cell in row with data Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move to bottom right of sheet Ctrl + Search + Right Arrow
Scroll to active cell Ctrl + Backspace
Move to beginning of sheet Ctrl + Search + Left Arrow
Move to end of sheet Ctrl + Search + Right Arrow
Move to next sheet Ctrl + Shift + Search + Down Arrow
Move to previous sheet Ctrl + Shift + Search + Up Arrow
Display list of sheets Alt + Shift + k
Open hyperlink Alt + Enter
Open Explore Alt + Shift + x
Go to side panel Alt + Shift + .
Alt + Shift + ,
Move focus out of spreadsheet Ctrl + Alt + Shift + m
Move to quicksum
(when a range of cells is selected)
Alt + Shift + q
Move focus to popup
(for links, bookmarks, and images)
holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then p
Open drop-down menu on filtered cell Ctrl + Alt + r
Open revision history Ctrl + Alt + Shift + h
Close drawing editor Ctrl + Esc
Shift + Esc

Edit notes and comments

Insert/edit note Shift + Search + 2
Insert/edit comment Ctrl + Alt + m
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a
Enter current comment holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then c
Move to next comment holding Ctrl + Alt, press n then c
Move to previous comment holding Ctrl + Alt, press p then c

Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments

Reply to current comment R
Move to next comment J
Move to previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U

Open a menu

File menu Alt + f
Edit menu Alt + e
View menu Alt + v
Insert menu Alt + i
Format menu Alt + o
Data menu Alt + d
Tools menu Alt + t
Open insert menu Ctrl + Alt + = (with cells selected)
Open delete menu Ctrl + Alt + - (with cells selected)
Form menu
(present when the spreadsheet is connected to a form)
Alt + m
Add-ons menu Alt + n
Help menu Alt + h
Accessibility menu
(present when screen reader support is enabled)
Alt + a
Sheet menu
(copy, delete, and other sheet actions)
Ctrl + Shift + s
Context menu

Ctrl + Shift + \
Shift + F10

Add or change rows and columns

Insert rows above Ctrl + Alt + = (with rows selected)
Alt + i, then r
Insert rows below Alt + i, then w
Insert columns to the left Ctrl + Alt + = (with columns selected)
Alt + i, then c
Insert columns to the right Alt + i, then o
Delete rows Ctrl + Alt + - (with rows selected)
Alt + e, then d
Delete columns Ctrl + Alt + - (with columns selected)
Alt + e, then e
Hide rows Ctrl + Alt + 9
Unhide rows Ctrl + Shift + 9
Hide columns Ctrl + Alt + 0
Unhide columns Ctrl + Shift + 0
Group rows or columns Alt + Shift + Right Arrow 
Ungroup rows or columns Alt + Shift + Left Arrow
Expand grouped rows or columns Alt + Shift + Down Arrow
Collapse grouped rows or columns Alt + Shift + Up Arrow

Use formulas

Show all formulas Ctrl + ~
Insert array formula Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Collapse an expanded array formula Ctrl + e
Show/hide formula help
(when entering a formula)
Shift + Search + 1
Full/compact formula help (when entering a formula) Search + 1
Absolute/relative references (when entering a formula) Search + 4
Toggle formula result previews (when entering a formula) Search + 9
Resize formula bar (move up or down)

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow and 

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Help for screen readers

Turn on screen reader support
Learn more about using Google Sheets with a screen reader
Ctrl + Alt + z
Enable braille support Ctrl + Alt + h
Read column Ctrl + Alt + Shift + c
Read row Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r

Use other spreadsheet shortcuts

You can use shortcuts for spreadsheets made by other companies in Google Sheets.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet at
  2. At the top, click Help > Keyboard shortcuts.
  3. At the bottom of the window, turn on Enable compatible spreadsheet shortcuts.

If you plug an external keyboard into your Android device, you can use the shortcuts below. This works with most kinds of external keyboards. 

Common actions

Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Select all Ctrl + a
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Undo Ctrl + z
Redo Ctrl + y
Ctrl + Shift + z
Find Ctrl + f
Find and replace Ctrl + h
Fill range Ctrl + Enter
Fill down Ctrl + d
Fill right Ctrl + r
Print Ctrl + p
Copy Ctrl + c
Cut Ctrl + x
Paste Ctrl + v
Paste values only Ctrl + Shift + v
Paste format only Ctrl + Alt + v
Show common keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Insert new sheet Ctrl + t
Move to sheet at index # Ctrl + [1-9]

Format cells

Bold Ctrl + b
Underline Ctrl + u
Italic Ctrl + i
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Center align Ctrl + Shift + e
Left align Ctrl + Shift + l
Right align Ctrl + Shift + r
Apply top border Alt + Shift + 1
Apply right border Alt + Shift + 2
Apply bottom border Alt + Shift + 3
Apply left border Alt + Shift + 4
Remove borders Alt + Shift + 6
Apply outer border Alt + Shift + 7
Insert link Ctrl + k
Insert time Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert date Ctrl + ;
Format as automatic Ctrl + Shift + '
Format as decimal Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as time Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as date Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currency Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as percentage Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponent Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formatting Ctrl + \
Insert rows

Ctrl + Alt + =
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + = 

(with rows selected)

Insert columns

Ctrl + Alt + =
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + = 

(with columns selected)

Delete rows Ctrl + Alt + - (with rows selected)
Delete columns Ctrl + Alt + - (with columns selected)
Group rows or columns Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Ungroup rows or columns Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Expand grouped rows or columns Alt + Shift + Down arrow
Collapse grouped rows or columns Alt + Shift + Up arrow

Navigate Spreadsheet

Move to section boundary Ctrl + Arrow keys
Select from current position to section boundary Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys
Scroll to active cell Ctrl + Backspace
Move to next sheet Ctrl + Tab
Move to previous sheet Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Display list of sheets Alt + Shift + k
Open hyperlink Alt + Enter
Open Explore Alt + Shift + x

Edit notes and comments

Insert/edit note Shift + F2
Insert/edit comment Ctrl + Alt + m
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a

Open a menu

Insert menu in Google Chrome: Alt + i
other browsers: Alt + Shift + i
Format menu in Google Chrome: Alt + o
other browsers: Alt + Shift + o
Sheet menu
(copy, delete, and other sheet actions)
Alt + Shift + s
Context menu Ctrl + Shift + \

If you use an external keyboard with your iPhone or iPad, you can use the shortcuts below. This works with most kinds of external keyboards. 

Action Shortcut
Bold ⌘ + b
Underline ⌘ + u
Italicize ⌘ + i
Find and replace ⌘ + f
Strikethrough ⌘ + Shift + x
Undo ⌘ + z
Redo ⌘ + Shift + z
Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Select all ⌘ + a
Print ⌘ + p
Copy ⌘ + c
Cut ⌘ + x
Paste ⌘ + v
Center align ⌘ + Shift + e
Left align ⌘ + Shift + l
Right align ⌘ + Shift + r
Insert rows above ⌘ + Option + = (with rows selected)
Insert columns to the left ⌘ + Option + = (with columns selected)
Move selection by cell Up/Down/Left/Right arrow
Expand selection by cell Shift + Up/Down/Left/Right arrow
Move to the edge of the current data region ⌘ + Up/Down/Left/Right arrow
Expand the selection of cells to the edge of the current data region if the next cell is filled. Otherwise, expand the selected cell to the next empty cell in the specified direction. ⌘ + Shift + Up/Down/Left/Right arrow
Delete content from cell Backspace/Delete

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