Edit and Organize a Presentation

Welcome to Editing and Organizing a Presentation. In this section we will cover the following topics:

Add and Layout Slides
Cut, Copy, and Paste
Undo and Redo
Find and Replace
Add Speaker Notes
Add Slide Numbers
Move and Skip Slides
Duplicate and Copy Slides
Change Views

Add and Layout Slides

Whether you’re creating a presentation from scratch or editing an existing one, you’re going to need to know how to add new slides.

Insert a Slide

New slides will always be added after the one that’s selected and use the same layout as the selected slide.

1. Click New on the toolbar OR right-click a slide in the Thumbnails pane and select New Slide from the menu.
A new slide is added, with content placeholders ready for text.

Change a Slide Layout

If you don’t like the layout that has been assigned to the new slide by default, choose a new one. Google Slides gives you eleven different layouts to choose from.

1. Click the Layout button on the toolbar.
3. Select a slide layout.
3. Change a Slide Layout.
The layout is updated.

Insert a Specific Slide Layout

Now, if you have a slide layout in mind before adding a new slide, you can choose the layout upfront.

1. Click the New Slide button list arrow.
2. Select a slide layout.
3. Insert a Specific Slide Layout.
A slide is added and is all ready to be filled in.

Add Text to Placeholder

1. Click a placeholder.
2. Type text into the placeholder.
Text is added to the placeholder

Delete a Slide

If you decide you no longer need a slide, they’re also easy to delete.

1. Select a slide.
2. Delete a Slide
3. Press Delete.
The slide is deleted.


1. Right-click the slide you want to delete in the Thumbnails pane and select Delete in the menu.
The slide is deleted.

Cut, Copy, and Paste

You can easily move text, slides, or objects to a new location in a presentation by cutting or copying them and then pasting them in the new location. In addition to text, you can cut, copy, and paste just about any item in a presentation, including clip art, shapes, placeholders, and tables.

Copy and Paste

Copying lets you duplicate a selected object so it can be inserted somewhere else.


1. Select the slide, object, or text you want to copy.
2. Click Edit on the menu bar.
3. Select Copy.
A copy of the selected object is placed in the Clipboard.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + C


4. Click where you want to paste the object.
5. Click Edit on the menu bar.
6. Select Paste.
The object you copied is duplicated in the new location.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + V

Cut and Paste

When you cut an object, it is removed from its original location and placed in the Clipboard.


1. Select the slide, object or text you want to cut.
2. Click Edit on the menu bar.
3. Select Cut.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + X


1. Click where you want to paste the object.
2. Click Edit on the menu bar.
3. Select Paste or Paste without Formatting.
The object is pasted in the new place.

How to Undo and Redo

Google Docs makes it simple to correct mistakes by using the Undo feature to “reverse” your actions. The undo and redo commands are useful for working with text in a document.

Note: The Undo and Redo commands will retain all of your actions during the current session. Once you close the presentation, the Undo and Redo steps will reset.



Click the Undo button on the toolbar to undo the last action.
Your last action is undone.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + Z

Note: The Undo button will reverse all actions you have made in the current editing session. Once you close the presentation, the the Undo will reset with the new edits.


Redo is the opposite of Undo and “re-does” an action you have undone. For example, if you decide that you want to delete an item that you have just brought back with Undo, you can use Redo to delete it again.


1. Click the Redo button on the toolbar to redo the last action.
The last action you undid is redone.

Shortcut: Ctrl + Y

Note: You can click the Redo button multiple times to redo multiple actions.

The Redo button will reverse all actions you undone with the Undo button in the current editing session. Once you close the document, the the Redo will reset with the new edits.

Repeat the Last Action

You can also use the Redo button to repeat the last action you performed.

1. Perform an action on a selected object.
2. Select another object.
3. Click the Redo button to repeat the last action.
4. Repeat the Last Action.
The last action is repeated.

How to Find and Replace

You do not need to manually searching through your document to find text and replace it with something new. The Find and Replace commands can perform this task with a few mouse clicks.

Find Text


1. Click Edit on the menu bar.
2. Select Find and replace.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + H


3. Enter a search phrase in the Find field.
Your presentation is automatically scanned for all instances of the search phrase.

4. Click Next.
If the current instance is not what you were looking for, you can click Next to continue searching (or click Previous to move backwards) through the search results. Keep clicking until you find the desired instance.

5. Click the Close button.
The Find and Replace dialog box closes.

Replace Text

If you have a word in your presentation that needs to be changed, you can use Find and Replace to fix it instead of manually replacing each instance of the word.


1. Click Edit on the menu bar.
2. Select Find and replace.
3. Enter a search phrase in the Find field.
4. Enter a replacement phrase in the Replace with field.
5. (Optional) Select additional search options.

  • Match case: Match using case-sensitive filtering.
  • Match using regular expressions: Matches any character.
  • Ignore Latin diacritics (e. g. ä = a, E = É)

6. Select a replacement option:

  • Replace: Replaces the first instance of the word. Keep clicking to fix them one at a time.
  • Replace All: Fixes all instances of the word at once.

7. Click the Close button.
The Find and Replace dialog box closes.

Add Speaker Notes

You can add speaker notes to a presentation as you’re designing it to remind you what to talk about.

Add Speaker Notes

Each slide has its own notes, which are displayed in a pane at the bottom of the window.

1. Click in the speaker notes pane.
2. Type speaker notes.
3. Add Speaker Notes

Toggle the Speaker Notes Pane

You can also toggle the speaker notes pane off if you don’t need it, or if you need the screen space for your presentation instead.

1. Click View on the menu bar.
2. Select Show speaker notes.
The speaker notes pane is hidden, but the top border of the speaker notes pane still appears at the bottom of the window.

3. Double-click the speaker notes pane border.
The speaker notes pane reappears.

Add Slide Numbers

You may find it helpful to display slide numbers on your presentation so your audience has an easy way to reference a slide of interest.

Add Slide Numbers

1. Click Insert on the menu bar.
2. Select Slide numbers.
The Slide numbers dialog appears with some options.

3. Select On, if necessary.
4. (Optional) Click the Skip title slides check box.
5. (Optional) Apply to selected or Apply.
Slide numbers are added to the bottom corner of each slide in the presentation, except the title slide, if omitted.

Note: If slides are inserted, deleted, or re-sequenced, the numbering will automatically update.

Remove Slide Numbers

Removing slide numbers is just as simple.

1. Click Insert on the menu bar.
2. Select Slide numbers.
3. Select Off.
4. Click Apply.
Slide numbering has been removed from all the slides in the presentation.

Move and Skip Slides

Sometimes you’ll need to rearrange slides to update the sequence of your presentation.

Move a Slide

1. Click and drag a slide in the thumbnail pane.
A horizontal line appears as you drag the slide, indicating where the slide will be moved. When you release the mouse button, the slide is dropped in the new location and all slides in the presentation are renumbered accordingly.

Skip a Slide

You can also set slides so that they’re skipped when presenting.

1. Select a slide.
2. Click Slide on the menu bar.
3. Select Skip slide.
An icon appears over the slide thumbnail, indicating that it won’t appear when the presentation is run.

Unskip a Slide

Once you’re ready for a skipped slide to be included again, you can unskip it.

1. With a skipped slide selected, click Slide on the menu bar.
2. Select Skip slide.
The selected slide will be included in the presentation once again.

Duplicate and Copy Slides

Once you create and modify some slides to make them just right, don’t reinvent the wheel! Create copies to base your new slides on.

Duplicate a Slide

1. Select the slide you want to duplicate.
2. Click Slide on the menu bar.
3. Select Duplicate Slide.
The slide is duplicated, and inserted right after the initially selected slide.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + D or right-click the slide and select Duplicate Slide.

Copy and Paste a Slide

If you want to insert a duplicate of a slide in another part of the presentation, you can copy and paste entire slides as well

1. Select the slide you want to copy.
2. Click Edit on the menu bar.
3. Select Copy.
4. Click in the thumbnail pane where you want to paste the slide.
5. Click Edit on the menu bar.
6. Select Paste.
A copy of the selected slide is inserted at the selected spot in the presentation.

Change Views

By default, you view and edit your presentations in Filmstrip view. This presents the timeline of the presentation as thumbnails in the left column, while letting you edit the selected slide in the main part of the window.

Switch to Grid View

If you’ve got a lot of slides to keep organized, it might be easier to view them all in Grid view.

1. Click View on the menu bar.
2. Select Grid view.
The view changes, and the selected slide no longer appears in editing mode. Instead, you see a grid of thumbnails representing every slide in the presentation.

Reorganize Slides in Grid View

While in grid view, you have more room to work with when reorganizing slides.

1. Click and drag a slide to a new position.
The slides are re-sequenced.

Return to Filmstrip View

Since the entire screen is taken up by slide thumbnails in Grid view, you need to return to Filmstrip view in order to edit a slide’s contents. You can return to Filmstrip view the same way you switched to Grid view, but if you want to edit a particular slide, you can jump right to editing that slide quickly.

1. Double-click a slide.
You return to the slide in Filmstrip view.

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