

Cells Overview Move or Copy Cells and Cell Contents Formatting Cells Merge and Unmerge Cells Cells Overview It’s essential to understand cells and cell content in Excel to be able to use it to calculate, analyze, and organize data. In this lesson, you will learn how to select cells, insert content, and delete cells and […]

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Getting Started with Excel

Here is a demonstration presentation for you to download and follow along with the instructions (right-click and “Save link as”). Launching Excel Launching Excel opens the start screen. On the right-hand side, you have navigation to access to create new documents, open existing documents, saving options, printing options, account options, and configuration settings. The top

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Introduction to Excel

What is Excel? Excel is a spreadsheet program that’s part of the Microsoft Office suite of tools . Excel makes it easy for users to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. Excel also includes a builtin functions, translations, editing tools, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.

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