
Formulas and Functions

Overview Get started on how to create formulas and use built-in functions to perform calculations and solve problems. Important: Excel worksheet functions may incur errors between different versions of Excel. Create a formula that refers to values in other cells 1. Select a cell. 2. Type the equal sign “=“. Note: Formulas in Excel always […]

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Excel Styles Format Painter Watermarks Excel Styles You can apply formatting to an entire cell and to the data inside a cell—or a group of cells. One way to think of this is the cells are the frame of a picture and the picture inside the frame is the data. Formatting the cell might include

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Rows and Columns

Insert or Delete Cells, Rows, or Columns Select Cell Contents Resize a Table, Column, or Row Freeze Panes to Lock Rows or Columns Hide or Show Rows or Columns Insert or Delete Cells, Rows, or Columns Insert and delete rows, columns, and cells to organize your worksheet better. Note: Microsoft Excel has the following column

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