Google Ads

Quality Score

Quality score, or sometimes called QS, is an estimate of the quality of your keywords. It runs on a 1-10 scale and is calculated based on ad relevance, CTR, and landing page experience. Quality score can affect where your ad ranks and when / if it shows at all. You can find an ad’s quality […]

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Creative Copywriting

Insert bidded keywords into your headline copy dynamically Google will insert the keywords into your AdWords headline and/or body copy. Using the particular keyword match show up in your adcopy can make your ad stand out and reinforce to the searcher that your ad is relevant to them. Dynamic Keyword Insertion in the Headline: {KeyWord: Alt Headline Here} will automatically include

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Initial Keyword Strategy

How to manage different types of keywords when you’re getting started Start with exact match keywords only. Copy the ones that work and turn them into phrase match, putting them in their own campaign (and/or adgroups). Add the exact match version as negative keywords to each phrase match adgroup, so that your exact match campaign will still

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