Docs Fundamentals

Welcome to Google Doc fundamentals. In this section we will cover the following topics:
Create documents
Open documents
File management
Print documents
Google Doc help

How to Create Documents

Creating a new document is one of the most basic commands you need in Google Docs. You can create a new blank document, or you can create a new document based on a template.

There are several ways to create a new Google Doc:

  1. Google Docs - new document
    The easiest is to go open a browser and” into the address bar. If you’re logged into your Google account, Google Docs will open in your browser.
  2. Google Docs - new document
    Another way is to use the App Launcher icon (aka Waffle) and click on the Docs Icon.
  3. You can also create Docs using your Google Drive folder. See below.

Create a Blank Document

You can create new Google Docs documents from within your Google Drive.

  1. Google Docs - new document
    Click the New button.
  2. Google Docs - new document
    Select Google Docs.
  3. A new blank document will open your browser.

Name a Document

To name your document:

  1. Google Docs - name document
    Click in the name field at the top of the document.
  2. Google Docs - name document
    Type a new name, then press Enter.
  3. The document is renamed.

Save and Close

As long as you’re connected to the internet, Google Docs will automatically save your document in your Google Drive.

  1. Google Docs - saving document
    Check the document status to make sure that changes have been saved.
  2. Close the browser tab.

Create a Document from a Template

You can also create a new document using a pre-designed template instead of starting from a blank page. Google Docs offers templates for various types of documents, including brochures, newsletters, and resumes.

  1. Google Docs - create document from template
    From Google Drive, Click New, and select From a template in the dropdown menu.
  2. Google Docs - create document from template
    The Template gallery will appear, with templates grouped by category: Recently used, Resumes, Letters, Personal, Work, Sales, Legal, Human resources, Freelancer engagement, and Education.
  3. Select a template. A new document is created from the template. Fill in the placeholders to complete your document.

How to Open a Document

Opening a file allows you to continue working on a document that you have previously saved or that has been created and shared with you by someone else.

Open a Document from Google Drive

You can open Google Docs files from within a Google Drive window.

  1. Google Docs - open document from Drive
    Click “My Drive” and navigate to the folder with the document you want to open.You have multiple ways to locate a document to open:

    • Use the search field with the documents name.
    • Browse through the folders in your Google Drive.
    • Click your Shared With Me, Starred, or Recent files tabs.
  2. Google Docs - open document from Drive
    Double-click the document. The document will open in its own tab.

Open a Document from Google Docs

If you don’t have the Google Drive tab open, you can browse for and open documents from within a Google Docs window.

  1. Google Docs - open document from Docs
    Click “File” on the menu bar and select Open. A dialog window will popup displaying your Drive contents.
  2. Google Docs - open document from Docs
    Navigate to (or search for) the document (same method as above).
  3. Double-click the document. The document will open in its own tab.

How to Manage Google Doc Files

As you use Google Docs, you may need to do some document management to keep your documents organized. You can usually manage your documents in Google Drive, but you can also do some basic document management within Docs as well.

Rename a Document

  1. Google Docs - rename a document
    Click the document name field and enter the new document name.
  2. Press Enter.

NOTE: It does not matter if you change a document’s name, its URL will stay the same. Everyone you shared the document with will still have access to the document.

Star a Document

If you have a large number of documents, you can mark certain documents as more important than others.

  1. Google Docs - star a document
    Click the star icon next to the document name. The document is marked with a star.
  2. To remove any starred documents, simply click the star again and the star will be removed.

Copy a Document

If you want to clone an existing document, you can “make a copy” to create a new document.

  1. Google Docs - copy a document
    Click File from the menu bar and select Make a copy. A dialog window will popup with instructions for the new document.
  2. Google Docs - star a document
    Enter a Name for the new “copied” document.
  3. (Optional) Specify the Folder where you want to save the copied document.
  4. (Optional) Specifiy”rights” to the document.
  5. Click OK. Google creates and displays the copied document.

Move a Document

You can move documents to a new or different folder in Google Drive.

  1. Google Docs - move a document
    Click File from the menu bar and select Move. A dialog window will popup with instructions for the new location.
  2. Google Docs - move a document
    Select the desired location and click Move. The document is moved to a new location.

Note: You can also move documents by clicking the folder icon next to the document name.

Delete a Document from Google Docs

You can remove documents from the Google Docs workspace when they are no longer needed by deleting them.

  1. Google Docs - delete a document
    Click File from the menu bar and select Move to trash. Google deletes the document and moves it to the trash in Google Drive.

Delete a Document from Google Docs

You can also remove documents from th Google Drive.

  1. Google Docs - delete a document
    Right-Click on the file inside the Google Drive. A dialog window will popup with options.
  2. Select Remove. Google deletes the document and moves it to the trash in Google Drive.

How to Print Documents

After creating a document, you can print a copy as long as your computer is connected to a printer. It is recommended to preview the document before printing to ensure itis formatted properly.

Print a Document

  1. Google Docs - print a document
    Click File from the menu bar and select Print. A dialog window will popup with printing options.
  2. Google Docs - print a document
    Inside the dialog window, check the print preview.
  3. Specify print options:
    • Destination
    • Pages
    • Copies
    • Color

  4. Click Print. The document is sent to the printer.
  5. Google Docs - print a document
    Advanced Print Options are located under More settings.
Print Settings
Pages Print the whole document, a certain page, a page range, or a mix of pages and ranges (e.g. 1-5, 8, 11-13).
Paper Size Select the size of paper you’re printing on.
Pages per sheet Arrange multiple pages on a single sheet.
Margins Adjust the margins between the edge of the page and the text.
Scale Adjust the scale to make the content on the page larger or smaller when printed.

How to Get Help in Google Docs

There are many commands to remember in Google Docs. If you need assistance with any menu item, you can use the search function within the Docs application to find help.

Search for a Command


  1. Google Docs - help
    Click Help from the menu bar. A dialog window will popup with “help” options.
  2. Google Docs - help
    Use the Search the menu feature to find assistance and Google displays links to your topic.

Search Help Topics

You can also use the Help functions to search for instructions, training, learn about Docs updates, and see keyboard shortcuts.


  1. Google Docs - help
    Click Help from the menu bar and select Help from the dropdown.
  2. Google Docs - help
    Choose a help topic and Google displays a tutorial on the topic with step-by-step instructions to help you.
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