Welcome to Delivering a Presentation. In this section we will cover the following topics:
Present a Slideshow
Use Slideshow Tools
Use Presenter View
Present a Slideshow
There are multiple ways you can deliver a Google Slides presentation, such as distributing paper handouts or by running the presentation on a computer. Running a presentation on a computer is the preferred method because it gives you the most control over the presentation and allows you to use multimedia, animation, and other effects.
Present a Slideshow
1. Click the Present button list arrow.
2. Select Present from beginning.
The slideshow opens in full screen mode.
Navigate a Slideshow
Once you start presenting, there are several ways to navigate through your presentation.
Slideshow Navigation | |
Click | Click anywhere on a slide to advance one slide (or step). |
Next | Click the Next button to advance one slide. |
Previous | Click the Previous button to go back one slide. |
Play | Click the Play button to automatically advance through the presentation. |
Slide Number | Click the slide number list arrow and select a slide to jump to. |
Full Screen | Click the Full screen button to toggle full-screen mode. |
Exit | Click the Exit button to stop presenting. |
Use Slideshow Tools
Once you have started a presentation, Slides has tools that you can use to enhance your audience’s experience.
Use the Pointer Tool
You can use the pointer tool to highlight certain parts of the screen.
1. While presenting, click the Pointer button on the toolbar.
The mouse cursor changes to a laser pointer.
2. Use the pointer to point to parts of the slide.
3. Click the Pointer button again to turn it off.
The cursor returns to normal.
Use Closed Captioning
Another tool you can use when presenting is the automatic closed captioning. This will use your computer’s microphone to record your voice and automatically transcribe what you say, displaying it at the bottom of the screen. This feature only works in English, though, and requires you to use the Chrome browser on a computer to present.
1. While presenting, click the Captions button on the toolbar.
If you haven’t used it before, your computer may ask for permission to use the microphone.
2. If necessary, click Allow so your browser can access your microphone.
The slideshow shrinks a bit to make room for closed captions.
3. Speak toward the microphone for your narration to be automatically transcribed.
It won’t be perfect, and it won’t include punctuation, but it can still be a helpful tool.
4. Click the Captions button again to turn it off.
The captions disappear, and the slideshow returns to full size.
Use Presenter View
Presenter view allows you to run your presentation from one monitor (at a podium, for example) while your audience views it on another. Here are some advantages to running a presentation using Presenter view:
- You can use thumbnails to select slides out of sequence and create a customized presentation for your audience.
- Preview text shows you what your next click will add to the screen, such as a new slide or the next bullet in a list.
- Speaker’s notes are shown in large, clear type so that you can use them as a script for your presentation.
- You can temporarily black out the screen during a presentation and then resume where you left off. This can come in handy during breaks or question and answer periods.
Open Presenter View
1. Click the Present button list arrow.
2. Select Presenter view.
The presentation starts in two windows—one displaying the slideshow, the other showing the presenter view tools. Send the window with the slideshow to the screen that the audience will see, while keeping the presenter view window on your screen.
Navigate in Presenter View
The left pane of the presenter view window displays a thumbnail of the current slide at the top, with thumbnails of the previous and next slides below that.
1. Click the Next thumbnail.
You advance to the next slide.
2. Click the Previous thumbnail.
You can also navigate to a specific slide.
3. Click the slide list arrow.
4. Select a slide.
You jump to the slide that you selected.
Use the Timer
At the top of the left pane, you can see the running time of the presentation.
1. Click the Pause button to stop it.
2. Click the Reset button to set it back to zero.
The timer is reset.
View Notes
The right side of the presenter view window will display the notes you’ve added to the current slide.
1. Click the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons to change the font size.
Run Q&A
You can also use presenter view to interact with your audience by opening up to questions.
1. Click the Audience Tools tab.
2. Click the Start New button.
Once the session starts, a link is generated. Give this link to your audience, and they can use it to submit questions. They can also vote on each other’s questions, so that the most popular questions rise to the top.
3. Click a question’s Present button.
The selected question appears in the slideshow.
4. Click a question’s Hide button.
The question is hidden and the slideshow returns to the presentation screen.
5. Click the On/Off button to toggle Q&A.
Now, questions are closed.