Welcome to Graphics and Animation. In this section we will cover the following topics:
Insert and Edit Shapes
Insert Images
Edit Images
Arrange Objects
Format Objects
Apply Slide Transitions
Add Animation to Objects
Insert and Edit Shapes
Insert a Shape.
1. Click the Shape button on the toolbar.
2. Select a shape category.
3. Select a shape.
4. Click where you want to insert the shape.
The shape is placed in the location.
Move and Resize a Shape
Once the shape is inserted, it can be resized and moved around.
1. Click and drag a shape to move it.
2. Click and drag a shape’s resize handles to resize it.
Format a Shape
You can also change the fill and border color of a shape, as well as the width and style of the shape border.
1. Select a shape.
2. Click the Fill color button.
3. Select a fill color.
4. Click the Border color button.
5. Select a border color.
6. Click the Border weight button.
7. Select a border weight.
8. Click the Border dash button.
9. Select a border dash style.
Change a Shape
If you’d rather use a different shape while keeping the same position, size, and formatting, you can change the shape.
1. Right-click a shape.
2. Select Change shape.
3. Select a shape category.
4. Select a shape.
The shape is updated, but the formatting and size remain the same.
Insert Images
You can insert pictures or graphics that you have on file, such as pictures uploaded from a digital camera or graphics created in another program, or pictures from online sources.
Insert an Image from Your Computer
1. Click the Image button on the toolbar.
2. Select Upload from computer.
3. Find and select the image you want to use.
4. Click Open.
The image is placed on the slide.
Insert an Image from the Web
You can also insert images that you find from an online search directly into your presentation.
1. Click the Image button on the toolbar.
2. Select Search the web.
3. Enter a search phrase and press Enter.
4. Select an image from the results.
5. Click Insert.
The image is placed on the slide.
Edit Images
Once you’ve inserted some images into your presentation, you can use some built-in tools to change how the image appears.
Crop an Image
1. Select an image.
2. Click the Crop button on the toolbar.
Crop handles appear around the image.
3. Click and drag the crop handles.
4. Click the Crop button again.
The picture is cropped.
Mask an Image
You can also mask an image to a shape, so that the borders aren’t just a plain rectangle.
1. Select an image.
2. Click the Crop button list arrow.
Several shape categories are available for you to choose from.
3. Select a shape category.
4. Select a shape.
The image is masked to the selected shape.
Arrange Objects
You can easily arrange the various objects on a slide to fit your needs.
Rotate an Object
When you rotate an object, you turn it around its center. You can either rotate objects in 90-degree increments or use the rotation handle to freely rotate an object.
1. Select an image.
In addition to the resizing handles that appear on the border, a rotation handle will appear just outside of the object.
2. Click and drag the rotation handle.
Flip an Object
When you flip an object, you create a mirror image of it. Slides allows you to flip an object horizontally or vertically.
1. With an object selected, click Arrange on the menu bar.
2. Select Rotate.
You can rotate an object 90 degrees in either direction from here, or flip it.
3. Select a flip option.
The object is flipped.
Bring Forward/Send Backward
You can also adjust the order in which stacked objects appear on a slide by bringing them forward or sending them backward.
1. With an object selected, click Arrange on the menu bar.
2. Select Order.
2. Select a reorder option.
The object has moved forward/backwards in your slide.
Group Objects
You can also group objects so they’re treated as a single object and can be moved, rotated, and aligned as a unit.
1. Select two or more objects.
2. Click Arrange on the menu bar.
3. Select Group.
The objects are grouped and will be treated as a single object until you ungroup them.
Align Objects
1. Select two or more objects.
2. Click Arrange on the menu bar.
3. Select Align.
4. Select an alignment option.
The objects are aligned as you specified.
Format Objects
Images and shapes have some extra formatting options available in the Format Options pane.
Adjust Size and Position
1. Select an object.
2. Click Format options on the toolbar.
The Format options pane opens, displaying a list of categories.
3. Click Size & Position.
4. Customize the size and position options.
Now, you can adjust the size directly in the top two fields, or by adjusting the scale in the lower two fields.
5. Adjust the values in the size and/or position fields.
You can also use this pane to move the image to a specific spot on the slide or rotate it a specific amount.
6. Click Size & Position again to close the group.
Recolor an Image
1. In the Format options pane, click Recolor.
2. Click the list arrow in the Recolor group.
3. Select a recolor option.
4. Click Recolor again to close the group.
Adjust an Image’s Appearance
1. In the Format options pane, click Adjustments.
This is where you can adjust an image’s transparency, brightness, and contrast.
2. Click Adjustments again to close the group.
Apply Shadow or Reflection Effects
You can also apply shadow or reflection effects to images and shapes.
1. In the Format options pane, check an effect’s check box.
2. Click an effect’s name to view more settings.
3. Use the sliders to adjust the effect.
4. Click an effect’s name again to close the group.
Apply Slide Transitions
Transitions are animations that you can apply to advance from one slide to the next during a presentation. Let’s see how they work!
Apply a Transition
1. Select a slide.
To select multiple slides, hold down Ctrl as you select each slide.
2. Click Transition on the toolbar.
The Transitions pane opens on the right, where you can select a type of transition to apply.
3. Click the Transition type list arrow.
4. Select a transition.
5. Click Play to preview the transition.
The transition plays, showing how it will appear when you present the slide show.
6. Click Stop to end the preview.
7. Click the Transition pane’s Close button.
The transition is applied to the slide.
Modify a Transition
Once a transition has been applied, you can still modify it.
1. Select a slide with a transition.
2. Click Transition on the toolbar.
You can click the Transition type list arrow again to change the transition to another type or remove it entirely. You can also modify the transition’s duration.
3. Change the transition type or adjust its duration.
Once you’ve settled on a good transition, you could also apply it to every slide in the presentation by clicking Apply to all slides.
4. Click the transition pane’s Close button.
The pane closes, and the transition is updated.
Add Animation to Objects
You can add animations to text and graphics in your presentation so that elements of a slide will appear one at a time as you talk about them.
Add an Animation
1. Select an object.
2. Click Insert on the menu bar.
3. Select Animation.
4. Select an animation type.
You can choose a basic one like Appear or Fade In, or an advanced one that flies in or out from a certain direction.
5. Select an animation condition.
You can trigger the animation by clicking on the slide while presenting. Or, you can play it automatically, either with another animation or after another animation completes.
6. (Optional) Check the By paragraph check box.
7. Click Play to preview the animation.
The slide’s animation begins playing.
8. (Optional) Adjust the animation speed.
9. Click Stop to end the preview.
Change Animation Order
Next, let’s change the order of the animations.
1. Click Slide on the menu bar.
2. Select Change transition.
3. Click and drag an animation’s header in the Transitions pane to a new spot in the timeline.
Remove an Animation
After you’ve added some animations, you may find that you’ve added one too many. If this is the case, you can easily remove animations from a slide.
1. Click Slide on the menu bar.
2. Select Change transition.
3. Click an animation’s header in the Transitions pane.
4. Click the Delete button next to the selected animation’s header.
The animation is removed from the timeline.