Formatting and Theme Options

Welcome to Formatting and Themes. In this section we will cover the following topics:

Format text
Borders and Shading
Format Lists
Insert Links
Copy and Clear Formatting
Use Themes

How to Format text

Formatting text in Google Slides allows you to change the appearance of your text and make it stand out or blend in with the rest of your presentation. Some of the basic formatting options available in Google Slides include:

  • Changing the font: You can choose from a wide range of fonts to make your text look a certain way.
  • Changing the font size: You can make your text larger or smaller to suit your needs.
  • Changing the font color: You can change the color of your text to add emphasis or make it easier to read.
  • Bolding, italicizing, or underlining text: You can make certain words or phrases stand out by bolding, italicizing, or underlining them.
  • Aligning text: You can align your text to the left, right, or center of the page.

Change the Font

Changing the font can be a useful way to add personality to your presentation or to make certain words or phrases stand out. Different fonts have different characteristics, such as size, weight, and style, and can convey different tones or atmospheres.

For example, you might use a formal, serif font for a business presentation and a fun, decorative font for a tribute presentation. You can choose from a wide range of fonts in Google Docs, including classic serif fonts, modern sans-serif fonts, and more decorative options.

1. Select text.
When a text box is selected, any formatting you apply will be applied to all of the text within that text box. You could also select just some text as well, and any formatting would be applied to only the selected text.

2. Click the Font list arrow.
3. Select a font.

When selecting a font, be sure to choose one that is appropriate for the tone of your presentation. For instance, it is not advisable to use casual script fonts in a professional presentation. Using too many fonts can make your presentation appear cluttered, unprofessional, and hard to read.

Font Types

Generic Font Family Examples of Font Names
Serif Times New Roman
Sans-serif Arial
Monospace Courier New
Lucida Console
Cursive Brush Script MT
Lucida Handwriting
Fantasy Copperplate

Change Font Size

Changing the font size can be a useful way to add emphasis to certain words or phrases or to make your document more visually appealing.

1. Select text.
2. Click the Font Size list arrow.
3. Select a font size.

Apply Text Effects

There are other font formatting options available. If you can’t see them, click the More (…) button on the toolbar.

1. Select text.
You can apply basic effects to the text, such as bolding it, italicizing it, or underlining it.

2. Click a text effect button.

Change the Text Color

1. Select text.
2. Click the Text color button.
Here you can choose from the color picker, or you can choose from theme colors that will automatically update if the theme changes.

3. Select a color.
The text color changes.

Change the Case

You can change the case of text, so every letter appears capitalized, every letter appears uncapitalized, or just the first letter of every word appears capitalized.

1. Select text.
2. Click Format on the menu bar.
3. Select Text.
4. Select Capitalization.
5. Select a capitalization option.

Align Text

1. Select text.
2. Click the Align button.
Here you can change both the horizontal alignment and the vertical alignment of the text in the text box.

3. Select an alignment option.
The alignment is applied to the selected text.

Borders and Shading

If you want to emphasize the contents of a text box, or any other object on a slide, you can add a border to it.

Add a Border

1. Select an object.
2. Click the Border weight button on the toolbar.
3. Select a border weight.
The border is added to the text box.

Change Border Color

You can also change a border’s color.

1. Select an object.
2. Click the Border color button on the toolbar.
You can choose from the color picker, or you can select a theme color that will automatically update when the theme changes.

3. Select a border color.
The border around the text box changes color.

Change Fill Color

You can add shading to a text box to add some color behind the text.

1. Select an object.
2. Click the Fill color button on the toolbar.
You can choose a color or theme color, just like choosing a border color, but you also have the option to select a color gradient.

3. Select a fill color.
The text box background changes color.

Format Lists

Lists are a useful way to organize information in a presentation and make it easier to read and understand. They can be used in a variety of presentation including reports, data presentations, and articles. Lists help break up long blocks of text and make it easier for the reader to understand and remember the information.

Bulleted and Numbered Lists

There are two main types of lists: numbered lists and bullet point lists.

  • numbered list is a list of items in which each item is preceded by a number. This is useful when you want to present items in a specific order or when you want to emphasize the importance of each item.
  • bullet point list is a list of items in which each item is preceded by a symbol, such as a dot or a square. This is useful when you want to present items in a non-specific order or when you want to create a visual separation between items.

1. Select the text you want to make a list.
2. Click the Numbered list or Bulleted list button.

Numbered list: Automatically insert numbers before each list item; best for sequences.
Bulleted list: Automatically insert a shape before each list item; best when sequence doesn’t matter.

Change List Style

Both bulleted and numbered lists have default styles, but you can customize these styles by changing the bullet or numbering style.

1. Select a list.
2. Click the Numbered list or Bulleted list button list arrow.
You can choose a new symbol for bullet points or a different numbering style, such as roman numerals, depending on the type of list you are using.

3. Select a list style.

Change List Levels

Lists can have multiple levels, which allows a list item to be part of a higher-level item.

1. Click in a list item.
2. Click the Increase indent or Decrease indent button.
List level changes can be applies to a single item, multiple items, or the entire list.

You can add hyperlinks to your presentation. Hyperlinking allows you to create clickable links in your Google Slides presentation that take you to other web pages or other slides the presentation. This can be useful for providing additional information or for helping readers navigate through the presentation more easily.

Insert a Link

1. Select the text or object where you want to insert a link.
2. Click Insert on the menu bar.
3. Select Link.
A small pop-up appears. You can either add a link to an outside website, search phrase, or select a slide in the presentation.

4. Insert Link URL.
5. Click Apply button.
The link is added. When the cursor is hoovered over the inserted link during a presentation, it will change from a pointer to a hand indicting a link.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + K

Add a Link to a Slide

You can also add a link to another slide within the presentation.

1. Select the text or graphic you want linked to a slide.
2. Click the Insert link button on the toolbar.
3. Click Slides in this presentation.
You can choose to go forward or back one slide when the link is clicked, or you can select a specific slide to jump to.

4. Select a slide to link to.
5. Click Apply.
The link is added.

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + K

Visit a Link

1. Click text or a graphic with a link.
The link appears in a small popup. From here, you could change the link, or remove it entirely.

2. Click the link that appears in the popup.
You’re brought to the link’s destination.

How to Copy and Clear Formatting

To save time formatting your presentation, you can use the Format Painter to copy how text and objects are formatted and apply it to other parts of the presentation. This way, you can quickly apply the same formatting without having to do it manually.

Copy Text Formatting

1. Select the formatted text you want to copy.
2. Click the Paint format button.
The cursor changes to a paintbrush, indicating that the format painter is ready.

3. Select the text you want to apply formatting to.
The formatting is applied to the selected text and the format painter turns off after one click. You will have to repeat the process again if you want to apply the same format to more text.

Copy Formatting to Multiple Items

If you want to copy the formatting to multiple areas, you can keep the Paint format button turned on.

1. Select the formatted text you want to copy.
2. Double-click the Paint format button.
The Paint format button on the toolbar changes again, indicating that it’s active and will stay on until you turn it off.

3. Select the text you want to apply formatting to.
Continue applying the copied formatting to other text in the document.

4. Click the Paint format button to turn it off.
The button returns to normal, and the Paint format tool is turned off.

Clear Formatting

If you change your mind about the formatted items, you can easily clear the formatting using the menu.

1. Select the text with formatting you want to clear.
2. Click Format on the menu bar.
3. Select Clear formatting.
The formatted text will be restored to the default setting.

Use Themes

Using a theme can save you time and help you to maintain consistency in your presentation. Instead of manually formatting each  slide, you can apply a theme to your entire presentation and each slide will be styled automatically.

Apply a Theme

1. Click the Theme button on the toolbar.
The Themes pane opens, displaying thumbnail previews of the available themes.

2. Select a theme.
3. Close the Themes pane.
The selected theme is applied to the presentation.

Note: Adding a theme will affect nearly everything in a presentation – fonts, colors, backgrounds, and layout styles can change.

Update a Theme

If a theme is almost perfect but needs a change or two, you can update a theme.

1. Modify the formatting of text that uses a theme style.
This updates the selected instance of the theme element, but all other instances remain unchanged.

2. Right-click the updated text box.
3. Select Update in theme. All instances of this element type (e.g. section header) in the presentation are updated.

Edit a Master Layout

If you want to create your own theme, you can view the master slide and edit a theme directly making it unique to your style.

1. Click View on the menu bar.
2. Select Master.
The Master view displays every slide layout used in the theme. Changing anything on one of these layouts will change it in every slide using that layout. You can also change the top master, which will affect all of the layouts.

3. Select a slide layout.
4. Modify text formatting on the selected layout.
5. Close Master view.

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