Page Formatting

Welcome to Google Doc Page Formatting. In this section we will cover the following topics:

Page setup
Headers and footers
Page numbering

How to Modify the Page Setup

Google Docs offers many options and settings that you can use to control the appearance and layout of the pages in your document. Page formatting options can include things like margins, page orientation, page size, and page background.

Page formatting is important because it can affect the readability and overall appearance of your document. By carefully selecting the right page formatting options, you can create professional-looking documents that are easy to read and navigate.

Adjust Margins

Page margins (or margins) refer to the amount of space between the edge of the page and the main body of the document. Page margins serve as a visual frame around your document and can help to create a more organized and visually appealing layout.

You can specify the size of the top, bottom, left, and right margins separately or choose from predefined margin sizes. Adjusting the page margins can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as creating more space for notes or comments, fitting more text on a page, or simply improving the overall appearance of your document.

  1. Google Docs - page format
    Click File on the menu bar, then select Page setup to access the Page setup dialog box.
  2. Google Docs - page formatting
    Update the settings in the Margin section, then click OK to apply the settings. Docs will automatically adjust the margin size and redistribute your content to fit the new settings.

Change Page Orientation

There are two types of page orientations in Google Docs: portrait and landscape.

  • Portrait orientation is when the page is taller than it is wide.
  • Landscape orientation is when the page is wider than it is tall.
  1. Click File on the menu bar, then select Page setup to access the Page setup dialog box.
  2. Google Docs - page formatting
    Select an Orientation option, then click OK to apply the settings. Docs will automatically adjust the orientation and redistribute your content to fit the new settings.

Portrait: The paper is taller than it is wide—like a portrait painting. This is the default orientation setting.

Landscape: The paper is wider than it is tall—like a landscape painting.

Change Page Size

Google Docs allows you to choose from a range of paper sizes for your document, including any sizes that your computer’s printer supports. This means that you can use Docs to create and print documents of any size, including letters, A4, legal documents, postcards, tickets, flyers, and any other documents that use a non-standard paper size.

  1. Click File on the menu bar, then select Page setup to access the Page setup dialog box.
  2. Google Docs - page formatting
    Select a Paper size from the drop down list, then click OK to apply the settings. Docs will automatically adjust the paper size and redistribute your content to fit the new settings.

Add Page Color

You can change the color of the pages in your document by using the page background feature. This allows you to add a color or image to the background of your pages, which can be useful for adding visual interest or branding to your document.

  1. Click File on the menu bar, then select Page setup to access the Page setup dialog box.
  2. Google Docs - page formatting
    Select a Color from the drop down color pallet, then click OK to apply the settings. Docs will automatically change the background color of your document.

Headers and footers are special areas of a document that appear at the top and bottom of every page, respectively. In Google Docs, you can use headers and footers to add information or elements that you want to appear on every page of your document, such as page numbers, dates, titles, or logos.

Add a Header or Footer

Headers and footers are useful for adding consistent information to your document and can help to improve its overall organization and professional appearance.

  1. Google Docs - header-footer
    Click Insert on the menu bar, then select Header & footers.
  2. Choose Header or Footer from the drop down.
  3. Google Docs - header - footer
    The new section will appear at the top/bottom with the cursor ready for you to input your content.
  4. Click anywhere outside of the of the header/footer area to “exit” the header/footer section.

Remove a Header or Footer

Once you’ve added a header or footer, you can easily remove it if you find that it isn’t what you want by deleting the content.

  1. Google Docs - header - footer
    Double-click in the header/footer area to access the section.
  2. Select the text and press the Delete key.
  3. Use the drop down menu and select Remove Header (Footer) from the options. The header/footer is removed from the document.

How to Insert Page Numbers

Adding page numbers can make it easier to navigate your document and reference specific pages. These numbers can be placed in the header or footer and the font formatting can be customized. By default, Google Docs does not automatically include page numbers in a document.

Add Page Numbers

Inserting page numbers is an easy task with just a few steps. Longer documents should have page numbers to help the reader keep track of content and easier to reference specific pages.

  1. Google Docs - headers - footers
    Click Insert on the menu bar, then select Page number.
  2. Choose a page number layout from the drop down.
  3. Google Docs - header - footer
    The page number will be inserted into the header/footer section with the text ready for you to format or approve. The page number will increment automatically for each page, while the other text and decoration will stay the same.
  4. Click anywhere outside of the of the header/footer area to “exit” the header/footer section.

Page Number Placement Options

You can choose where you want the page number to appear on the page(s).

  1. All pages in the header..
  2. Pages 2+ in the header – hidden on page 1.
  3. All pages in the footer.
  4. Pages 2+ in the footer – hidden on page 1.

Remove Page Numbers

Page numbers can easily be removed if you decide your document no longer want them.

  1. Google Docs - headers - footers
    Double-click in the header/footer area to access the section, then select the page number and press the Delete key. The header/footer is removed from the document.
  2. Click anywhere outside of the of the header/footer area to “exit” the header/footer section.
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