Course Outline: Introduction to CMS

Instructor: John Larson (

Welcome to Introduction to Content Management Systems. This class designed to educate you with the various CMS platforms and teach you the technical fundamentals required to install the leading CMS platforms, alert you to CMS best practices, and website performance.

Course Outline

Week One – Introduction
Week Two – Application
Week Three – Drupal
Week Four – Joomla
Week Five – WordPress

Reading Assignments and Homework

Homework assignments are designed to give you a deeper understanding of CMS considerations and best practices. The assignments must be completed and emailed to the instructor prior to the deadline given in class.

Class Home Page

Please DO NOT share this link or its content with others. This course is exclusive to students who paid UNLV Continuing Education to attend this class.

Weekly Quizzes and Final Exam

You will take a quiz at the beginning of class Weeks 2 through 5:

  • Quiz questions are based on the contents and topics of the prior week’s class.
  • Quizzes and the final exam are not “open book” or “open computer.” Referring to notes or class material is not permitted.
  • Quizzes and the final exam are not graded “on a curve” but on a straight percentage basis. For instance, if you miss one question out of ten, your score is 90%. If extra credit question(s) are offered, each correct answer will be applied to question(s) missed.
  • The final exam will cover all weeks of instruction. The weekly quizzes may be used as study guides though the format and order of the questions will differ.
  • If you arrive late to class, it is your responsibility to ask your instructor to take the quiz at the class break.
  • If you miss a class, there are no make-ups for a quiz or the final exam.
  • If you know you will miss a class, inform your instructor. Arrangements to take the quiz or final on the Paradise Campus are dependent upon UNLV staff availability.

Passing the Course

To pass this course you must:

  • Attend 80% of the classes (4 out of 5) per UNLV policy requirements.
  • Achieve an accumulative score of 60% or greater on the weekly quizzes and the final exam.
  • Return in your homework assignments by the deadline.
  • If you or your employer requires a letter grade, inform your instructor. Otherwise you will receive a “Pass/Fail” score at the end of this course.
  • If you are late to class, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor before the end of class so it can be noted on the attendance record.

Other Important Information

As a courtesy to others in the room, please turn off your cell phone. Please wait until our break or end of class to return calls.

There will be a break about half way through the course.

Do not download anything or install any programs and files on the computers!

Do not change the files, styles, etc. or save class files or pages on your computer’s desktop. If you want to take notes using the computer, either use an online email program (like Yahoo or Gmail) or use Microsoft Word and save the document to a portable drive.

At the end of class, please turn off the computer AND the monitor.

All beverages must be in spill-proof containers. No food or eating in class. You will be responsible for any damage to the computer equipment due to spilled beverages or food.

Information InformationThis “!” icon alerts you to important terms and/or information and a question about it may appear on the quiz or final.

Read MoreThis icon appears where extra information is available for you to study on your own. This material will not be tested.

Your Feedback is Appreciated!

At our last class, you are invited to take my class evaluation. This survey is different from the University’s evaluation – it is used by me to improve this class for future students. The survey is completely anonymous so please be honest with your responses. Thanks in advance for your help.



NEXT: Fundamentals

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