Format Notes

Format Notes

Format your notes to get them to look just the way you want.

Format notes

  • Select the Home tab and then select the formatting you want like font, font size, Bold, Italic, or Underline.

Highlight text

  • Select Highlight and select a color you want.

Create lists

  • Select Bullets or Numbering to create a list.

Indent text

  • Select Increase Indent to indent text.

Align notes

Select Paragraph Formatting to:

  • Align notes left, center, or right.
  • Add tags like Important, Question, or Critical, and select them again to remove from your notes.

Apply styles

Select Styles to apply a Heading, Page Title, Citation, or Quote to your notes.

Clear formatting

Select Clear All Formatting to clear all text formatting.

Insert Link

Type the address you want into your page to automatically create a link, or select Insert > Link.

Format Pages

Apply a background color to your OneNote pages to change their appearance and make your notes more visually appealing.

Change page color

Select View > Page Color, and then choose a color.

Change section color

Right-click a section name in your OneNote notebook, and then select a color.

Turn on rule lines

Select Rule Lines and choose a line option.

Insert and Format Tables

Insert and format a table in OneNote to visually organize information.

Create a table

Press Tab to create a column, or press Enter in the last column to create a row.

Insert a table

1. Select Insert > Table.

2. Select how many rows and columns you need, and click to insert it.

Use the Table tab

Select Table to:

  • Insert or delete a row or column.
  • Select Shading and a color to make cells stand out.
  • Select Sort to organize information in a specific order.

Next: Draw & Sketch

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