Tips When Launching New Videos
1. If you’re using YouTube for monetization purposes, make sure you monetize your video as soon as possible. It will probably receive a couple views when published, and if you forget to monetize – that’s lost revenue. There is no way to retroactively monetize those views.
2. Watch your own video as soon as it’s published. One of the ranking signals that YouTube looks at is average view time. If your videos receive 100% watch times – YouTube is going to interpenetrate that signal as a reflection of quality content – exactly what they want to show their users. In turn, the greater your chances for your video will appear higher in the search results.
3. Give your video a “thumbs up” as soon as you publish it. There’s nothing against this practice in YouTube’s TOS and your sending another quality signal to YouTube’s algorithm.
4. Add your videos to playlists. Playlists can also show up in the Google and Bing search results – another source of potential viewers. Playlists also increase the views on your channel because all of the videos within the list will auto-play between the titles.
5. If you have a website or a blog, remember to embed your video on your site too. This is another potential source for viewers.
Bonus Tip: When embedding videos on your site, do not use the same keywords your used on YouTube. Switch up the titles and descriptions with synonyms and semantically related keywords. This way, you have the potential to rank for more keywords.
6. Mention every new video on all of your social media channels for more exposure.