Additional Resources

PPC and Online Marketing WILL Change…

keep-currentSearch Engine Marketing has substantially evolved over the past 10 years. As Google and other search engine technology has improved, PPC advertising has also benefited with new features and subtle changes in the way to market products, services and information online.

The only way to remain competitive in this changing world is through education. Here are some resources to help to stay informed with industry changes and opportunities to learn more:

Search / Marketing

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

 Social Media Marketing

Analytics & Tracking

Social Buzz

Tech / Entrepreneur

SEO & Web Tools

Additional Information

Below are some additional courses that cover the basics to advanced principles of PPC:

  • Google AdWords offers a lot of free instruction for those motivated to learn more. These self-paced tutorials are designed for you to set up your own campaign as you go through each step ensuring that you never miss a click.
  • Designed to meet online advertisers needs, PPC University offers courses from beginner (named AdWords for Dummies) through optimization/best practices and into advanced strategies. PPC University / WordStream also offer free search-marketing webinars, PPC analysis, and an entire library of e-books, guides, and white papers that could help you perfect your search marketing presence and advance your capabilities.
  • PPC Blog offers lot’s of free PPC “goodies” all designed to help you. From their “Essential AdWords Techniques” which offer step-by-step tutorials to time-saving tools, including keyword list generators, ad generators, calculators for testing, and more.
  • Are you looking to advance your skills to the next level? There are dozens of “paid” AdWords and PPC courses available. If you’re seriously thinking about pursuing this path, you should consider the materials offered by Brad Geddes, respected author, speaker and AdWords pro.


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