Navigating Your Account
For those of you who are new to AdWords, take a few minutes to explore the six main tabs: Home, Campaigns, Opportunities, Tools and Analysis, Billing, and My account.
Home: This contains your Account Snapshot page, an easy-to-read summary of important account information.Campaigns: Here’s where you’ll spend most of your time when you’re managing your AdWords account. You can create and edit campaigns, ads, keywords, and campaign settings. In the performance summary graphs at the top of the page, you’ll see an overview of how your campaigns are performing. You can also download the tables containing your performance metrics as reports.Opportunities: Find keyword, bid, and budget ideas that can help improve your campaign performance.Tools and Analysis: Find account tools that’ll help you manage and improve your account. Use advanced reporting tools to locate potential issues and fix them before they become issues.Billing: Enter and change your billing details, see your entire billing history, and print invoices.My account: Control your personal information, such as your sign-in information and user preferences. If you choose to, you can use this tab to invite a friend or colleague to manage your AdWords account.
Changing Your Account Settings
You can make AdWords-only changes to your account, such as viewing it in a different language or viewing numbers in a different format. Two things you can’t change in your AdWords account, however, are the time zone and currency.
You can also change settings — such as the language, country, and zip code — for all your Google products. No matter what changes you make, however, these settings don’t change how people see your ads.
Making AdWords-only changes
To change the language or number format — such as how dates or currencies appear — in your AdWords account:
Sign in to your AdWords account.From the My account tab, select Preferences.Next to “Language and number preferences,” click Edit.Select the language in which you’d like to view your AdWords account and the format you’d like for your account’s times, dates, and numbers.Click Save changes.
Making changes to all your Google products
To change your personal name, nickname, country, or time zone for all your Google products:
Sign in to your Google Account.Next to “Email addresses,” click Edit.Change your nickname, zip code, country, and time zone as you wish. The default choices for time zone are based on your choice of countries — if you don’t see the time zone you want, click the box next to “Display all time zones.”Click Save.
To change your privacy settings:
Sign in to your Google Account.In the navigation menu, select Profile and privacy.To change these privacy settings, click the button next to the product whose settings you want to change. To see and edit the privacy settings for even more products, click Sign into Dashboard near the bottom of the page.
Time Zones & Currency Settings
When you create your account, you’ll be asked to choose your time zone and currency. You won’t be able to change these settings after you choose them because they’re used to determine how you’re billed.
Choosing your account time zone
Your reports, statistics, and billing are all affected by the time zone you select. For example, settings such as your daily budget run on a 24-hour schedule. You should choose your local time zone so your budget cycle ends when your day ends.
In the event you set your account time zone in error, account time zones may be changed up to one time over the life of an account. To request such a change, please contact us.
Choosing your currency
You should select the currency that you want to use to pay your advertising costs. In addition, your choice of currency can affect your choices for paying your bills. For example, if you select Euros as your currency, you’ll only be able to pay in Euros and you might not be able to use certain credit cards.
How to Change AdWords Sign-in Information
You can change the information you use to sign in to your AdWords account in several ways. The method you choose affects how you sign in to your other Google products.
If you’re having trouble signing in to your account, you can also try the sign-in troubleshooter.
Changing your password
Changing your password for AdWords will also change the password you use to sign in to all Google products.
To change your password:
Sign in Google Accounts using your AdWords email address.In the “Security” section, click Change password.Enter your current password and the new password you want to use.
Ways to change your email address or username
Changing your email address for AdWords will also change the email address you use to sign in to all Google products. Because of that, you might consider simply adding email addresses to your account or link other Google Accounts to your AdWords account, giving you greater flexibility.
Here are your options for changing sign-in information:
Change the email address on your account – This will change the email address you use to sign in to all Google products and is not available to Gmail users.
Add alternate email addresses to your account – This will allow you to use multiple email addresses to sign in to all Google products.
Allow another email address to access your AdWords account – This allows two separate accounts to sign in, view, and edit your AdWords account.
Change the email address on your account
If you don’t use Gmail, you can change the email address for your account. This change will affect all Google products you use, so other Google products might send emails to this email address and you’ll have to sign in to all products using this email address.
To change the email address on your account:
Sign in to your AdWords account at the “Security” section, click Change email.Enter your new email address and your current password.Click Save.
Once you’ve saved your changes, you should receive a verification message at the email address you just entered. To complete the changes, you’ll need to click the verification link in this message. You should also receive a message at your old email address confirming that you’re no longer using this email to sign in.
Add an alternate email address
You can add an email address that is not already the primary email address on another Google Account or a Gmail account. Alternate email addresses function nearly the same as your primary email address — you can use alternate email addresses to sign in and receive notifications, among other things.
To add an alternate email address to your Google Account:
Sign in to your AdWords account.Click Edit next to “Email addresses.”Add your alternate email address in the box next to “Add an additional email address.”Click Save.
Give access to your AdWords account
If you don’t want to change the email address on your account, you can allow other Google Accounts to access your AdWords account. The account with access will have different abilities to edit or view your account depending on the level of access you give the account.