Activity Overview
The following activity illustrates how a business can use spreadsheets to compute payroll amounts for its employees (known as a payroll register).
New Skill
In this activity, you will practice how to:
- Use formulas to multiply, add, and subtract numbers.
- Change page margins and orientation.
- Merge and center titles and subtitles.
- Open the Payroll.xls file.
- Bold cells A1-L10.
- Underline row 10. Select the ENTIRE row.
- Format the width of columns A, B, and C to 12.0 and left align. Select the ENTIRE column.
- Format the width of columns D and E to 10.0 and center align. Select the ENTIRE column.
- Format the width of columns F – L to 11.0 and right align. Select the ENTIRE column.
- Format cells E12 – L31 as numbers displaying 2 decimal places.
- Compute GROSS PAY for the first employee Ivana Bernadin in cell F12. GROSS PAY = HOURS WORKED multiplied by HOURLY RATE.
- Compute FEDERAL TAX for the first employee in cell G12. FEDERAL TAX = GROSS PAY multiplied by 15%.
- Compute SOCIAL SEC. TAX for the first employee in cell H12. SOCIAL SEC. TAX = GROSS PAY multiplied by 6.2%.
- Compute MEDICARE TAX for the first employee in cell I12. MEDICARE TAX = GROSS PAY multiplied by 1.45%.
- Compute STATE TAX for the first employee in cell J12. STATE TAX = GROSS PAY multiplied by 4%.
- Compute PENSION for the first employee in cell K12. PENSION = GROSS PAY multiplied by 3%.
- Compute NET PAY for the first employee in cell L12. NET PAY = GROSS PAY minus FEDERAL, SOCIAL SEC., MEDICARE, STATE, and PENSION.
- Use the AutoFill feature to copy the formulas down to the remaining cells for each of the employees.
- Select the entire spreadsheet and change the font to Arial Narrow and 13 font size.
- Select the range A1: L1. Merge and Center across the selection.
Select the range A2:L2. Merge and Center across the selection.
Select the range A3:L3. Merge and Center across the selection.
Select the range A4:L4. Merge and Center across the selection. - Delete Sheet 2 and Sheet 3.
- Rename Sheet 1 to GAP PAYROLL.
- Change page setup settings as follows:
a. Scale to fit to one page.
b. Page orientation to landscape.
c. Left and right margins to .25 inches.
d. Horizontally and Vertically center.
e. Insert a Custom Header using Left section: Your Name, Center section: GAP PAYROLL , and Right section: Today’s Date. - Print Preview your spreadsheet to view your header and make sure it fits on one page.
- Save your document.
- Optional: Print a copy for review.