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When: Spring 2015
Instructor: John Larson
Welcome to Computer Basics. This is an entry level course designed to get you started using computers, the Microsoft operating system, and basic applications.
In this course you will learn:
- How to properly turn the computer on and off.
- How to use a computer mouse and understand the difference between single click, double click, left click and right click.
- Use a simple word processing application.
- How to connect to the Internet and perform a basic search.
- How to properly care for and maintain your computer through simple and easily accessible applications already on your computer.
Passing the Course
Since this course is provided for informational purposes, no quizzes or homework will be required. It is recommended that students spend a minimum of 5-10 minutes daily at a computer, reviewing their notes and using the computer at the same time. This will bring about the best possible results and will enable students to get the most from the class. Students who practice outside of class seem to learn and retain more than those who rely solely on classroom time for their learning and practice.
Other Important Information
- If you arrive late during the review segment of the class, you will be asked to leave the room so that you do not hear the answers. You may take the quiz during the class break.
- If you arrive more than 30 minutes late to class, it is your responsibility to ask your instructor to take the quiz at the class break.
- If you miss a class, there are no make-ups for a quiz or the final exam.
- If you know you will miss a class, inform your instructor. Arrangements to take the quiz or final on the Paradise Campus are dependent upon UNLV staff availability.
- As a courtesy to others in the room, turn off your cell phone. Please wait until our break or end of class to return calls.
- There will be a 15-20 minute break about half way through the course.
- Do not download anything or install any programs and files on the computers!
- Do not change the files, styles, etc. or save class files or pages on your computer’s desktop. If you want to take notes using the computer, either use an online email program (like Yahoo or Gmail) or use Microsoft Word and save the document to a portable drive.
- At the end of class, turn off the computer AND the monitor.
- All beverages must be in spill-proof containers. No food or eating in class. You will be responsible for any damage to the computer equipment due to spilled beverages or food.
This “!” icon alerts you to important terms and/or information and a question about it may appear on the quiz or final.
This icon appears where extra information is available for you to study on your own.
Class Home Page
- http://unlvweb.com/computer-basics/
- Please DO NOT share this link or its content with others. This course is exclusive to students who paid UNLV Continuing Education to attend this class.
Course Outline
Week 1
- Learn how to turn properly on and turn off the computer and understanding how and why it is important.
- Learn the parts of the computer and what they are called. Learn what a peripheral is and why.
- Learn the difference between “software” and “hardware.”
- Learn various file transportation methods.
- Learn how your computer’s speed is measured and how to tell if your personal computer is fast enough to meet your needs (or a computer you may be considering purchasing).
- HANDOUT – Choosing the right computer for you (without preference to brand, make, model, etc.).
Week 2
- Review Week 1
- How to properly hold the mouse: Left click, right click and what they mean, how and when to use them.
- Learn features of the keyboard that make it different from a typewriter.
- HAND OUT – websites for practice using the mouse.
Week 3
- Review Week 2
- Learn how to opening and closing software files.
- How to locate saved computer files.
- How to copy and paste files.
Week 4
- Review Week 3
- Internet for beginners – learn the anatomy of a webpage, where to click, where to type.
- What is a search engine, how to use them, a few search engines to try.
- HANDOUT – Internet for beginners.
Week 5
- Review Week 4
- Email safety, security and email simulation. Please note that there are probably over 500 different email clients and it is impossible to recreate every scenario possible however this will be a good, general information session.
- HANDOUT – Email Do’s & Don’ts.
Week 6
- Review all materials and all items learned in class.
- Home computer maintenance including cleaning and software updates.
- HANDOUT – How to properly care for your computer (Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8).