KDP Glossary

kdp glossary

more: https://www.operationroi.com/amazon/glossary-of-amazon-abbreviations-acronyms-terms-and-more-for-sellers-and-vendors
more: https://www.shelfhelp.info/self-publishing-glossary
more: https://writingcooperative.com/glossary-of-self-publishing-terms-6ba7dd007dd4
more: https://brookevitale.com/blog/glossary-of-publishing-terms
more: https://www.abebooks.com/books/rarebooks/collecting-guide/understanding-rare-books/glossary.shtml

Below is a collection of over 700 terms and phrases relating to book publishing compliments of HarperCollins.co.uk.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 123 §&¶


@ See at.

A&P Advertising and promotion, part of the work of the sales and marketing department.

A/W See artwork.

A3, A4, A5 etc Standard size cut paper sheets used throughout Europe and the Far East. ISO A0 paper is 1189 × 841mm in size (ie one square metre, with an aspect ratio of 1:√2), A1 is half that size, A2 is a quarter of A0, A3 an eighth, so A4 is one sixteenth of a square metre, 297 × 210mm. B-size sheets are used for posters etc, and C-sizes for envelopes. RA and SRA paper sizes are for untrimmed paper sheets, and are about 5% or 10% larger in area than the corresponding A size, so SRA4 is 320 × 225mm (remember, A4 is 297 × 210). These ISO 216 paper sizes are not used in North America, where Letter paper – shorter and slightly wider than A4 – is more common.

A-format Standard book format (TPS = 178 × 111mm), typically used for most mass market paperbacks; (US: equivalent typical mass market size is called rack size).

AAC Advanced Audio Compression. Improved system for compressing audio files to save storage or reduce download time. Used for files in the iTunes store. Sacrifices a little less quality than MP3 compression.

AAs (Author’s Alterations) Also known as ACs, Author’s Corrections. Changes in copy or artwork after it has been typeset. Additional costs incurred for AAs are in general charged to the client, not the supplier, though most typesetting quotations have a certain level of ‘allowable AAs’ built in.

ABA American Booksellers Association is a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book. The UK equivalent is the BA.

Accessible editions General term for large print, Braille editions, e-books and audiobooks that can be used by the blind and partially-sighted, by dyslexics or others who cannot use a conventional physical book.

Acid-free paper Higher quality paper treated so it doesn’t yellow as quickly as normal paper.

Acquisition Beginning of the publishing process – agreeing the contract and purchasing the rights to publish a work.

Acrobat Computer application for viewing PDF files. Some versions of Acrobat allow (very) limited editing of PDFs. This can include the annotation of the PDF with virtual sticky notes, the combination of multiple PDFs into a single file (called ‘consolidation’) or deletion of pages from the PDF. Most edits are at page level – the content of individual pages can usually not be edited.

Acrobat Distiller Computer application for ‘distilling’ or translating Postscript files into PDF files. The PDFs can then be viewed with Acrobat.

ACs See AAs.

Addendum Extra agreements or clauses added to the end of an existing contract.

Adobe RGB An improvement on the sRGB colourspace. It allows for a wider gamut, and particularly extends the range of greens that can be described, but at the expense of a little precision. However, monitors that support the full Adobe RGB gamut are rare and very expensive in comparison to normal (sRGB) monitors.

Adshel Poster placed on bus shelter, often illuminated.

ADSL See broadband.

Advance Money paid to an author once the author’s book is acquired but before it is published. The advance is normally paid in several instalments: on signing of the contract, on delivery of the final typescript, on hardback publication and/or on paperback publication. Advances are paid against future earnings (royalties), which means the author doesn’t receive further royalty payments until the advance has been earned out.

Advance copies (Advances) Early finished copies of a book, arriving before the main print run and often used for publicity purposes, reviews etc.

Agent see literary agent.

AI The native file format of Adobe Illustrator. Preserves all features of Illustrator files, and usually saves faster and is smaller than an equivalent EPS file, but cannot be imported into Quark layouts.

AIFF Common type of audio file. Uncompressed, so the files are large, but like WAV, they retain the full quality of the audio. cf mp3 and AAC.

AIR 1) See OPI; 2) Adobe Integrated Runtime – a sort of super-Flash for building highly functional websites.

Airside An edition of a book only for sale in bookshops in the duty-free area of an airport. This effectively counts as an open market territory. Occasionally. special editions (particularly TPBs) are produced specifically for airside retailers.

AIS Advance Information Sheet. Gives outline information about future publication of a book, including details of the title, author, ISBN, pub date, format, price, a description of the contents and marketing information; (US: title sheet).

ALA American Library Association. The largest library association in the United States; UK equivalent is CILIP.

ALCS Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society. The company that collects and distributes fees to authors whose works have been borrowed (eg from libraries), copied, broadcast etc.

AM screening See screening.

Ampersand The & character.

AP Accounts Payable. See purchase ledger.

APA American Publishers Association. US equivalent of the UK’s PA.

Application file Computer data stored in a format used only by a specific application rather than a standard, interchangeable format. Examples include Quark, Word, Excel files. Application files are often more editable and reusable, and store features that cannot be retained in more portable or generic formats – for example a PDF file will not retain the flow of text as a Quark file will, and a TIFF image will not retain the ‘layering’ stored in a native Photoshop PSD file.


AR Accounts Receivable. See sales ledger.

Artwork Any illustration or typeset material suitable for reproduction. Often abbreviated to a/w. Generally applies to physical material rather than computer files.

Ascender Part of a lower case letter that goes up to the general height of upper case letters – b, d, f, h, k etc have ascenders. cf descender.

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Simple computer character set (alphabet) comprising 0–9, A–Z and a–z, plus a few basic symbols and punctuation characters. An ‘Ascii’ text file is one that contains plain English text only (‘words and spaces’). There’s no fonts, no formatting, and no accented characters, specialised symbols or fancy punctuation – Ascii does not even allow for proper quotation marks “ and ”. cf Latin-1, Unicode, RTF and other rich text.

Assets 1) In finance, items the company owns. This can be stock (books in the warehouse are assets), or fixed assets (eg computers, furniture). Each asset has a value, recorded in the general ledger, and the value decreases as they get older (this reduction in value is ‘depreciation’); 2) See digital asset management.

Asterisk The * character, occasionally also called ‘star’. Used to indicate a footnote, or (esp. in computing) mathematical multiplication.

Asterism Character looking like three asterisks, often arranged in a triangle like this: ⁂ (your browser may not show this character properly). Usually used to indicate the presence of a text break. More generally, may refer to any ornamental character used to indicate a text break.

Assignment (of copyright). Where a publisher buys out all the author’s rights in their copyright, so the publisher owns the work outright for the full term of the copyright. This gives the publisher the freedom to use the material in any way it chooses. Buy outs can be based on a one-off fee or a royalty contract. cf Licensing.

At, Commercial At The @ symbol, most commonly used in e-mail addresses and occasionally used to indicate unit prices (4 bananas @ 41p = £1.64).

ATM Adobe Type Manager. Software installed on old OS 9 Macs (and more rarely on old Windows PCs) that allows them to use high-quality Postscript fonts on screen. There is no ATM for OS X on newer Macs, as compatibility with Postscript fonts is built in to the system.

Attachment File sent enclosed inside an e-mail. Attachments are limited to only 1 or 2MB in size, so are quite poor as a method of file transfer. cf FTP.

Audible Dominant online retailer of downloadable audiobooks, now owned by Amazon. Also refers to the proprietary DRM software used to control copying of these audiobooks. Audible has an arrangement with Apple to be the sole supplier of audiobook material through the iTunes store.

Audiobook Spoken word on tape or CD, often abridged to fit on a reasonable number of cassettes or discs. Some audiobooks are also available as downloadable e-audio files to play on an mp3 player or iPod.

Author Person or corporate body responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a book. Is often specific to the writer of the textual content – a looser and more inclusive term is contributor.

Author’s copies Free copies given to the author on publication. Normally, the contract specifies six free copies. Further copies can be purchased at a special ‘author’s discount’.


B-format Standard book format (TPS = 197 × 130mm), slightly larger than A-format, typically used for more upmarket or literary paperbacks.

BA The Booksellers Association. The Book Tokens company and Batch are subsidiaries of the BA. The US equivalent is the ABA.

Back See spine.

Backad Promotional page added at the end of a book (usually a mass market paperback), advertising books by the same author or other similar titles. Backads use up any spare pages left when the te × t of the book doesn’t exactly fill the extent (because the extent has to be a multiple of 16).

Backlist Books published in previous years that are still in print. Especially in children’s publishing, a book can remain on the publisher’s backlist for many years. Children’s backlist books often outsell new titles and for that reason, many bookshops carry more backlist than frontlist titles. Thorsons is another good example of strong backlist performance. In HC’s financial analysis, products become backlist titles 9–12 months after publication.

Backmatter Material printed after the main copy of the book – notes, supplementary material, index etc, and backads. More usually termed endmatter.

Barcode 1) A conventional ‘Bookland’ barcode on a book has the ISBN printed above the stripes, with the EAN at the bottom. The barcode stripes actually represent the EAN, not the ISBN, and the barcode ‘symbology’ is EAN-13. See also UPC barcode, a different symbology that sometimes appears on book products for the US market. Why ‘Bookland’? EANs typically have short prefixes that indicate the country of issue of the EAN (eg a 50 prefix indicates a British EAN – though it doesn’t mean the item was manufactured in the UK). All ISBNs are by nature international, so a 978 prefix is used in the EAN to indicate a fictitious country called Bookland; 2) Other types of barcode (different symbologies) can appear on cartons containing multiple products, and on pallets, shipping labels etc, for example ITF-14 and EAN-128 barcodes.

Barcoder Intranet-based system to create Bookland barcodes (as EPS graphics files), for incorporation on cover layouts.

Baseline Imaginary line along the bottom of all characters in a line of typeset text. Characters with descenders – g, j, p, q and so on – extend below the baseline.

Batch is a UK-based online service company that provides an aggregated invoice and payment system, with the aim of allowing small book retailers to deal with publishers more efficiently. Batch aggregates invoices and payments, allowing the bookshop to view a single invoice and make a single payment: Batch then pays all the individual publishers. Batch is owned by the Booksellers Association.

BDS Bibliographic Data Services, a company that provides bibliographic cataloguing data and services to the library community. Responsible for maintaining CIP data on behalf of the British Library. cf Nielsen BookData.

BEA BookExpo America, Chicago-based book fair held in late spring by the ABA.

Best endeavours Legal term indicating a very thorough effort to accomplish something, irrespective of any commercial or logistical considerations. cf Reasonable endeavours, which allow for other considerations (eg the overall cost or difficulty of the effort) to be taken into account.

Bibliographic data Information about our products including title, author, ISBN, pub date, price, which is used in brochures, catalogues, stocklists and order forms, and is supplied to Bookdata and passed on to the rest of the trade. Without this metadata, no one would know what we have available to sell.

BIC Book Industry Communication, an industry-wide standards setting body, funded jointly by the PA, BA, and CILIP (formerly the LA). BIC is best known for ‘BIC Subject categories’, the UK’s standard system of book subject classification, but acts as an umbrella organisation setting and maintaining technical standards for EDI, for bibliographic data including ONIX and for other e-commerce-related data exchanges within the UK book trade, and acts as an ‘evangelist’ and facilitator for other industry-wide initiatives; (US: equivalent is BISG, the Book Industry Study Group).

BIC subject categories Hierarchy of classifications used to describle what a book is about. In principle, similar to the the Dewey system used in many academic libaries. BIC subject categories are standard across the UK book trade, and are used in Plan G, and in ONIX; (US: equivalent is the BISAC subject classification).

BIDS Business Information & Decision Support system. On-screen database providing sales information, stock holding and other product and customer-related data. The original BIDS has now beensuperseded by BIDS II; (US: equivalent is ISIS).

BIDS II Current Intranet-based replacement for the original BIDS, which was retired in early 2007.

Binding 1) Action of folding a printed sheet (a signature), then sewing, stapling or gluing several folded signatures into a book block, trimming the pages and attaching the cover. 2) Material and method used to bind a book (eg hardback or paperback).

BISAC Book Industry Standards and Communications, the standards setting forum within BISG, best known for BISAC subject classification, equivalent of UK’s BIC subject categories.

BISG Book Industry Study Group, the US equivalent of the UK’s BIC.

Bitmap A monochrome (as opposed to colour) raster image.

BL See British Library.

Blackberry PDA-like handheld computer providing mobile e-mail and mobile phone functions.

Blad A booklet produced by binding sample pages of a book in the intended cover, used for publicity and promotional purposes, most often for illustrated books.

Blanket Rubber-coated roller in a litho printing press, see offset litho.

Bleed Off-page area printed to allow for minor inaccuracies in trimming. Generally anything intended to print right up to the edge of the page is extended, and bleeds about 3mm beyond the intended edge of the trimmed page area.

Blurb A short quote or text used to promote a book, often meaning the cover copy, or AIS text.

Board Stiff cardboard rather than paper, generally more than 200gsm.

Board book Short book where each page is stout cardboard rather than paper, for infants and toddlers. See also rag book.

Boards See cover boards of a cased (ie hardback) book.

Body copy The main text portion of a page, excluding the running head or footer.

BOGOF Buy One Get One Free. A common sales promotion.

Book block Semi-bound book without cover attached.

Book packager Book packagers create new titles from concept to bound book for publishers, as opposed to publishers using in-house staff and existing authors to do the same. Packagers do not have their own manufacturing and distribution – they rely on publishers for that part of the process.

Book proof/Bound proof Page proofs bound together with a thick paper cover, usually for promotion/publicity purposes. Book proofs are generally uncorrected. If largely corrected, they are advance copies.

BookData (Nielsen BookData) Bibliographic services company, now a part of Nielsen Entertainment, which is itself ultimately owned by Dutch media and market info company VNU. Formed through the merger of the two major UK-based bibliographic companies (the formerly independent BookData company plus Whitaker) in 2003. Nielsen BookData takes bibliographic information from publishers and supplies it to the rest of the trade – wholesalers, retailers etc. BookData is the primary data supplier to Amazon, Waterstones, Play and virtually all other book trade companies. Bookdata’s database of bibliographic information – for our titles and those of other publishers – can be checked directly via its BookData-Online service. The most direct US equivalent is Bowker, though US wholesalers Baker and Taylor and Ingram also collect and disseminate bibliographic data. Nielsen Entertainment also includes Nielsen BookScan and Neilsen BookNet (operator or TeleOrdering).

Bookland See barcode.

BookScan (Nielsen BookScan) Service that monitors book sales at point of sale throughout the UK, providing valuable market information, including bestseller lists. Represents best estimate of sell-out (or sell-through) (cf sell-in). Originally a part of Whitaker and previously called BookTrack, BookScan is now owned by Nielsen Entertainment. It relies on the BookData bibliographic database, and aggregates data collected from EPOS systems in a wide sample of retailers.

BookTrack Now called BookScan.

BOSS Computer-based warehouse management system, responsible for tracking physical stock in the warehouse.

Bound proof See book proof.

Bound stock date (BSD) Date on which finished copies of a book are due to be in the warehouse. See also Release date, publication date.

Bowker Leading US-based supplier of bibliographic services, roughly the equivalent of Bookdata. Bowker also owns and operates Pubeasy.

Boxed set See slipcase.

BPIF British Printing Industries Federation.

Braces Correct term for curly brackets { and }. cf brackets and parentheses.

Brackets Correct term for square brackets [ and ], esp. in US, though also loosely refers to round brackets ( and ) in UK. Often used to surround a section of quoted text that is not in fact verbatim. cf braces and parentheses.

Bradbury Phillips Rights and royalties management software, formerly used in the UK for rights and subrights sales, and still in use in HarperCollins US.

British Library Main UK ‘copyright library’, in St. Pancras, London. A copy of each book published must be lodged with the BL (‘legal deposit’); US equivalent is the Library of Congress.

Broadband Connection (usually from your home computer) to the internet. Much faster than a conventional ‘dial-up’ modem, always on, and allows you to use the phone at the same time. It’s usually connected up through an ‘ADSL modem’ or ‘ADSL router’ fitted between your PC or Mac and your old phone line, but sometimes available via a ‘cable modem’ as an addition to your cable TV service.

Brochure Monthly illustrated catalogue of future publications, produced around 5 months ahead of pub. Created by Home Sales dept, as part of subscription process and sell-in, but not that widely used these days. See also Sales CD.

Browse Inside HarperCollins’ name for an internet application that allows you to see and read the pages of a book online. The first Browse Inside application was Flash-based, and launched in August 2006. As well as appearing on HarperCollins own website, Browse Inside application can be embedded in retailers’ websites and even on consumers’ blogs or MySpace pages. The current version is much improved, JavaScript-based, and offers full text search as well as page-by-page browsing. There is even a version of Browse Inside for the Apple iPhone. Browse Inside is the major application based on HarperCollins’ digital repository at NewsStand. Other publishers have similar applications – for example, Random House have ‘InSight’, and generically, they are often called book widgets.

BSD See bound stock date.

Bulk 1) The book bulk is the thickness of a book, excluding the binding. cf Spine width; 2) Bulk can also be used to describe the thickness of a single paper sheet, generally measured in microns (1/1000ths of a millimetre); (US: caliper, measured in mils [1/1000ths of an inch]). See also GSM.

Bullet A large dot ( • ) used for ornamentation, lists etc. A ‘mid-dot’ is much smaller, like a full stop raised off the baseline.

Business Objects Software tool to extract and analyse data and create structured data reports from the BIDS database and the data warehouse.

Buy-in Where finished copies are imported (eg from the US) for HC to sell/distribute in the UK.


© See copyright notice.

C-format Generally a large-format paperback, though there’s no universal agreement on exact size (commonly it’s Royal-sized, though in Thorsons, it often means TPS = 216 × 159mm).

Caliper US: thickness of a sheet of paper (see bulk).

Camera-ready copy (CRC). Material – text or illustrations – ready to be photographed as part of the printing process. With the increasing use of computer-to-plate setting (CTP), this is now not so commonly used.

Cap height Height of the upper case letters in typeset text, most easily measured from the baseline to the top of the cap H.

Caret In copy-editing, a mark-up symbol ⁁ looking like a reversed Greek lamda or upside down y, indicating place to insert new text or correction.

Cased Casebound, hardback. cf slipcase.

Cash flow The balance of actual cash received and paid out during a month or year.

Cast-off An estimate of the number of lines of a column or printed pages that the text will occupy when set in a given typeface and measure.

Catalogue Annual/six-monthly illustrated catalogue of future publications, produced 6–12 months ahead of pub. Used primarily by Publicity and International Sales depts.

Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) Limited bibliographic information printed within the book itself, usually on the copyright/imprint page.

CE 1) In fonts, indicative that the font contains characters and diacritics necessary for Central European languages; 2) The CE logo on a product is a declaration by the manufacturer that the product meets all the appropriate provisions of the relevant legislation implementing certain European Directives; 3) In dates, Common Era (secular equivalent of AD).

Chapbook Also Chapter book. Short booklet, often a children’s book. Originally a small book or pamphlet of popular, sensational, juvenile, moral or educational content sold by street merchants, known as ‘chapmen’.

Check digit Final digit of an ISBN or EAN. The check digit is based mathematically on a combination of the other digits, so it can be used to verify the number – if the check digit isn’t what it’s ‘supposed’ to be, you know there’s an error in the number somewhere.

Children’s Book Marketing Code (CBMC) Five-character classification attached to children’s titles, developed by BIC and the PA to enable industry-wide market analysis. The code includes elements that indicate the format of the book, the target age and subject matter, whether it’s illustrated, and whether it is character-led or tied to TV or a film.

Choke See trapping.

Chromaticity Colour, without any relation to brightness. Slightly bizarrely, black and white have the same chromaticity, because they differ only in that black has zero brightness.

CIE Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage. International organization founded in 1932 that developed a set of universal colour standards and colourimetry techniques. Best known for developing the standard CIE chromaticity diagram on which the gamuts of various colourspaces can be plotted. See also ICC.

CILIP Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, the professional body formed following the unification of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) and the Library Association.

CIP See cataloguing in publication.

CIP3 In printing, specific instructions about how to print a job, embedded into the Postscript or PDF file, a type of electronic ‘job ticket’. It specifies the amount of ink needed on the press, for example, and the folding sequence needed to match the imposition, and in principle – with the most modern robotic presses – allows the automation of make ready and binding setup.

Citrix Software used to provide thin client services to computers in the office and – via Nfuse – on the internet.

CJK Chinese, Japanese, Korean. Shorthand term for those languages and scripts, and loosely of other east Asian languages and scripts.

CMS 1) See Colour Management System; 2) See Content Management System.

CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (or ‘key’, hence the ‘K’). Cyan is a turquoise blue, magenta a deep pink/fuchsia colour. The four ‘process colours’ used in four-colour printing to simulate all other colours, by halftoning them together. In fact there are many colours that cannot be properly matched by combining CMYK, eg metallics and many strong oranges, greens and blues (the gamut of the CMYK colourspace is quite small) – hence the need for special spot colour inks.

Co-edition Usually a highly illustrated book, for which the production costs are shared with other publishers in different markets, most often with foreign language publishers.

Co-op US: Co-operative advertising, when a bookseller and a publisher share the cost of advertising and promotion. The publisher usually pays the larger percentage.

Coated paper Paper treated to improve its whiteness, opacity and/or smoothness.

Codec Compressor/decompressor. Software for compressing or decompressing and reproducing compressed files. JPEG for images, mp3 and AAC for audio and H.264 (which is part of MPEG4) for video are all varieties of codec.

Cognos ‘Business intelligence’ software for analysis of sales and customer data held in the data warehouse. Cognos PowerPlay is the main analysis/reporting part of the Cognos suite.


Collate 1) In editing, to transfer corrections from two or more sets of page proofseg the proofreader’s set and author’s set – on to one set; 2) In binding, arranging the printed signatures in order to make the book block.

Colophon 1) Logo of publisher or imprint; 2) A statement, often on the copyright/imprint page or occasionally at the end of a book, giving information about the publisher, printer, typography and design, and production materials and methods used.

Colour Calibration Creation of a colour profile for a display or printer.

Colour Management System Software which takes account of the colour profiles embedded in images and the colour profile of the display or printing device, modifying the colours in the image before display to compensate for the characteristics of the output device and ensure the final displayed or printed image is as faithful as possible to the original.

Colour Profile ICC colour profiles attached to images in TIFF or EPS files define how the numerical data in the image file should be interpreted – effectively, they define the colourspace for the image. Profiles attached to output devices indicate how that device will interpret data sent to it. See also colour management.

Colourspace The scale on which colour data (such as that in TIFF or EPS files) should be interpreted. The colourspace defines how red is red, how bright is white, what gamma to use and so on, and so defines the gamut of the colourspace and the precision with which colours within the gamut can be described. The colourspace a particular image is defined in can be described with an ICC colour profile. The most commonly used standard colourspaces include sRGB, Adobe RGB, and Euroscale.

Commissioned work Editors commission or acquire work from authors, often on the basis of an abstract or sample chapter. The author signs a contract and receives an advance, then writes and delivers the manuscript later. cf slush pile.

Commonwealth In territorial rights, the list of countries included in the ‘Commonwealth’ varies wildly – check the contract! Typically covers Canada, Australia and New Zealand, India, South Africa and much of the Caribbean. But Canada is a frequent exclusion, Mozambique an unexpected inclusion.

Comp US: layout.

Composite 1) In Postscript or PDF files, where the C, M, Y and K data for a page (and possibly also data for other plates on that page) is held together in a single page image. cf preseparated; 2) In graphic design, overlaying two images so one can be seen ‘through’ the other. The images are usually composited together in Photoshop.

Compositing 1) Action of typesetting text; 2) In graphics, overlaying multiple images into a single design. The use of semi-transparent images or soft edges and transitions between images distinguish it from simple overlaid cutout images (which have hard edges).

Compositor (Comp) See typesetter.

Computron In-house purchase ordering and financials system.

Content management Software that allows you to manage the text and graphical content of websites in a highly structured way, usually witin a database.

Contone See halftone.

Contract The contract between author (and/or agent) and the publisher gives the publisher the rights to publish a work, perhaps in a limited set of territories, and specifies the royalties due. Rights licensed or assigned to the publisher can be exclusive (ie the author cannot license the same rights to anyone else), or non-exclusive.

Contributor Person or corporate body responsible for part of the intellectual or artistic content of a book. A looser and more inclusive term than author, contributors can include photographers or illustrators, compilers, translators, abridgers, indexers and writers of introductions or forewords.

Copy Text, as in the main text in a typescript, the cover copy, catalogue copy, copy edit etc.

Copy-editing Checking a typescript for spelling, grammar and content errors, and marking up corrections to be made when typesetting. Can be done on-screen or on paper. cf Proof-reading.

Copyright The right to perform, reproduce, display, sell, transform into anoter medium or otherwise use original work or other intellectual property that is expressed in text, images, sound – a right enshrined in the Universal Copyright Convention (the ‘Berne Convention’, originally agreed in 1886 and subsequently revised by the United Nations in Berlin in 1952 and in Paris in 1971). The copyright in a work is held by the author or creator, and can subsequently be passed on (eg to the author’s estate), or licensed or assigned to publishers (and others) in a contract. Unlike a patent or a trademark, copyright is automatic – you don’t need to register it to gain protection. Copyright in a work persists for up to 70 years after the death of the original creator, and prevents exploitation of the work by those other than the copyright holder or a licensee. Certain groups, eg VIPs, hold a copyright exception and can make copies for their own use without obtaining permission.

Copyright notice Every book should contain a copyright notice, usually on the title verso, consisting of the copyright symbol ©, the date of publication and the copyright owner. However, as copyright is automatic, this isn’t a necessity for any legal reason – it’s largely convention, and a courtesy to those seeking permissions.

Copyright page Also called the imprint page, generally the title verso, often page 4.

Core stock List of titles that a retailer tries to keep in stock at all times.

Cover 1, 2, 3, 4 US: Cover 1 is the front cover, cover 4 the back cover. Covers 2 and 3 form the cover reverse (the IFC and IBC).

Cover boards Cardboard forming the covers of a hardback book, usually hidden by covering them with Wibalin or decorative paper (and on the inside, with the endpapers).

Cover copy The text that is to appear on the cover of a book, usually written by the editor and/or marketing copywriter. Varieties include ‘flap copy’ and ‘jacket copy’.

Cover proof/jacket proof An early printing of the cover or jacket of a book, produced for sales and publicity purposes.

Cover reverse The inside covers of a paperback book, esp. when illustrated in some way, eg with author photo, backlist covers. See also IFC/IBC; (US: covers 2 and 3).

Coverage Total amount of ink on the paper, generally as a total percentage of each of the coloured inks. Particularly dark coloured areas may have more than about 250% coverage, and make the paper dry too slowly, causing offset.

CPM Cost per mille. Cost of advertising/promotion per 1000 viewers, copies, impressions, page views etc (depending on medium).

CRC See camera-ready copy.

Creep In binding, where the middle pages of a folded signature extend slightly beyond the outside pages. When trimmed, the text is too close to the foredge. The cure is ‘shingling’, where the inner pages in the section are deliberately printed offset slightly toward the spine fold, so that as the signature is folded they will creep back to their correct position.

Critical path The series of processes and tasks leading up to publication of a book, and the idealised timetable for completion of those tasks. Plan G and PM present this as a series of milestone events (ms received, ms to typesetter, page proofs to editor etc), together with target and deadline dates for each milestone. Also called that title’s ‘schedule’. (Strictly, the critical path is the series of latest possible milestone dates that can lead to on-time publication, but schedules are constructed to ensure each stage is completed in good time, with some allowance for contingencies.)

CRM Customer Relationship Management, software that provides Customer Services staff with an integrated view of customer information, order, dispatch, delivery and payment history, contact history and other details allowing enquiries and orders can be dealt with effectively, and enabling proactive one-to-one marketing.

Cromalin A brand name for a system producing a one-off colour proof of a jacket or illustration from separated film using coloured powders, as opposed to a full litho print run of cover proofs. Used to check colour only, not content. Because it is made from separated film, a Cromalin proof duplicates the halftone dot structure that will in the final job, so it can be used to test for moiré. Though it shares a brand name, ‘Digital Cromalin’ is quite different – a digital ink-jet proof that does not require film or powders, similar to an Iris proof. See also CTP. cf Wet proof.

Crop Select part of an image for reproduction, rather than the whole of the original.

Crop marks See trim marks.

CRR Contracts, Rights and Royalties. HarperCollins is currently implementing a comprehensive new CRR database system built around an application called PPM from German software company Klopotek. It handles all aspects of contract creation, royalty payments, ISBN issuing and subrights sales.

Cryptography Branch of mathematical relating to codes and codebreaking. Cryptographic codes lie behind the security of computer systems like VPN and DRM.

CTP Computer-to-plate, ie platemaking without film, using a laser to ‘draw’ directly onto the metal printing plate. Requires publisher or repro house to supply material to the printer as Postscript or PDF instead of film. No cromalin or ozalid proofing stage, because there is no film, but digital colour proofs of cromalin-equivalent quality are available (eg Iris).

Custos rotulorum In latin, ‘keeper of the scrolls’ – archiving working application files and finished PDFs is an important job.

Cutout An image isolated from its background. The line cut around the image is called a ‘clipping path’.


Dagger The † symbol sometimes used to indicate footnotes in text. Also comes in ‡ (double dagger) flavour.

DAM Digital Asset Management. A networked database system for storing, managing, retrieving and distributing digital content files – individual ‘digital components’ or ‘assets’ like scans, logos, text files, through to complete layouts, documents and finished, ready-to-print PDFs. Most DAM systems integrate to some extent with content creation applications like Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop and simplify workflow while the work is in progress, as well as managing storage and easing the location and reuse of assets after they are finalised and archived. HarperCollins’ DAM system is called Telescope. See also DDR, which is closely linked to DAM. Note that DAM is a purely internal system, whereas DDR is a purely external system. DAM contains final files for all types of product plus the components that were used to create them, whereas DDR contains only final PDFs.

Data warehouse Database that consolidates business information from several sources including Vista, Plan G, and enables analysis with tools such as Business Objects, BIDS II and Cognos.

‘Day and date’ Film industry term for simultaneous release of a media property in different forms, as when releasing a film to DVD at the same time as the theatrical release (in a normal ‘tiered release’ the DVD would be released several months later). In books, it suggests a film tie-in book should be carefully timed to publish on the same day as the film opens in cinemas (and possibly be embargoed to prevent early sales from bookshops).

DCS Desktop Colour Separations. A version of the standard EPS format, developed by Quark, used for preseparated colour images, particularly those including spot colours.

DDR Digital Distribution Repository. Developing system to build a global database of HarperCollins products, so that you could search for and view the actual pages of HarperCollins books via the internet. Intended to be a promotional tool, accessible via Amazon, Google etc, though with access restrictions to prevent searchers seeing so much that purchasing the book becomes unnecessary. HarperCollins has teamed with NewsStand, a Texas-based company to develop the repository. See also DAM, which is closely linked to DDR.

Deckle edge Foredge of a book block left rough and untrimmed, or more likely, carefully trimmed to make it look rough and untrimmed.

Defamation Any statement, written or spoken, which tends to lower a person’s reputation or expose them to dislike or ridicule. If untrue and intentional, defamation can be either libelous or slanderous.

Demy (occasionally Demi) A standard book format (TPS = 216 × 135mm), usually hardback, often used for library edition hardbacks and more literary hardback fiction (cf trade paperback). Slightly smaller than the more common Royal format. Pronounced as in ‘deny’.

Descender Part of a letter that extends below the baseline – g, j, p, q etc have descenders. cf ascender.

Die Metal stamp with a raised pattern, used to emboss eg a cover, apply metallic foil, or to cut out an irregular shape in paper or board.

Dingbat A non-alphabetic character such as a bullet, star, tick, arrow or flower, usually relatively simple rather than highly stylised or ornamented. ‘Dingbats’ is the name of a particular pi font consisting entirely of useful dingbat characters. cf ornament.

Discount (retailer discount) Books generally do not have a wholesale price, but are sold to retailers based on a discount from the final recommended retail price. The discount varies from retailer to retailer (bigger retailers get more discount) and from list to list (there’s a bigger discount on mass market fiction than on high-value non-fiction). See also PPG.

Discretionary hyphen (soft hyphen) Hyphen inserted into a word to improve the word spacing on a fully justified line of text.

Distiller See Acrobat Distiller.

Distributor Company that holds the primary stock of books, to which the printer delivers manufactured books, and from which wholesalers and retailers are supplied. Some publishers (including HCP) act as distributors too. Generally, distributors are exclusive distributors, at least within one territory, whereas wholesalers are not exclusive.

DocBook An XML DTD used for structuring book texts. The text of the book contains XML markup that divides it up into parts, chapters, paragraphs, tables, lists, footnotes and so on. The markup is structural and semantic, rather than having anything to do with how the text content should be presented, and the docbook can be processed automatically to create e-books, large print, conventional print, synthetic audio versions of the book. Similar to OEB format.

DOI Digital Object Identifier. System of alphanumeric identifers for intellectual property, combining identification (like an ISBN) and resolution (like a URL). Unlike ISBNs, they can be applied at any scale – whole works, chapters, paragraphs, illustrations, photos – and provide an electronic way of searching for that asset.

Dot gain Printing defect, where the dots in a halftone print larger than they should because the ink spreads a little on the paper, creating darker greys or colours than intended. Printers compensate for dot gain in platemaking: if you want a 50% tint of black, they make a plate with eg 45%, and the dot gain on the press brings it back up to 50% ink coverage.

DPI Dots per Inch. The resolution – the amount of detail – in a TIFF or JPEG file. Measured in dots (or pixels) per inch. Note that the dpi of a scan should be at least twice the halftone screen, so 300 dpi for reproduction as a 150 LPI halftone.

DPS Double-page spread. A layout or proof showing a pair of facing pages.

DRM Digital Rights Management, software which uses some form of encryption to protect intellectual property from copyright infringement, and seeks to prevent material being exchanged freely over the internet (as music or film files are with LimeWire or BitTorrent, and once were with Napster). The basic idea is that important files are encrypted so that only one computer can decrypt the file, and it can never be saved in its unencrypted form – so you can freely copy the encrypted data around, but it will only be of any use to the one original purchaser.

Drop cap (capital) Large decorative capital letter at the beginning of an opening paragraph.

Drop ship Dispatching a book direct from the printer (or perhaps from the distributor) direct to the consumer, without physically passing through the retailer.

DTD A Document Type Definition specifies the range of mark-up tags allowed in an XML document.

Dues 1. Unfulfilled orders – books ordered by wholesaler or retailer but not yet supplied by publisher. Most often this arises before publication, where subscription orders are held as dues – and are also known as ‘forward orders’ – but it also happens when a title is out of stock and awaiting reprint (RUC); 2. Can also refer to stocks of books in the warehouse that are set aside to supply these unfulfilled orders.

Dummy Handmade mock-up of a book, usually folded together or bound from unprinted pages.

Dumpbin Temporary, free-standing decorative box, usually cardboard, produced by the publisher to display face-out copies of books in a retail environment. See POS.

Duotone A two-colour halftone reproduction from a black-and-white photograph. Generally used to improve contrast or bring out detail in the shadows and highlights. Tritones also exist, but are rare.


See Euro.

E-audio Downloadable version of an audiobook. Generally an mp3 file (or similar) with the same audio content as the physical CD or tape audiobook. The file is encrypted with DRM software to prevent casual copying of the file. The dominant retailer is Audible.

E-book A book that is available in electronic format for distribution over the internet and for reading on screen (of a laptop, desktop computer, PDA, or a dedicated e-book reading device). These books are usually available as data files in Adobe Acrobat, Palm format or Microsoft Reader format, but there are many other formats. All include DRM encryption to stop them from being copied and pirated.

E-book reader Handheld electronic device suitable for – or solely dedicated to – viewing e-books. Examples of dedicated devices include the unsuccessful 2001-vintage Rocketbook and the slightly more successful 2006 Sony Librié e-book reader. Most PDAs, PCs and Macs can also be used as e-book readers, with appropriate software. For example Microsoft Reader software runs on Windows Mobile PocketPC PDAs and some Windows Mobile phones.

Epub One particular standard format of e-book file. Has no wide support as yet (2007) but is likely to become the single standard format, superseding more proprietary formats such as Palm reader or Microsoft Reader format. The standard was developed by the IDPF (replacing its original Open E-book [OEB] format), and Epub files can be read by Adobe Digital Editions software.

ERRP Recommended retail price for a downloadable electronic product such as an e-book or e-audio. Generally set at around 70% of the price of an equivalent ‘traditional’ or physical product on paper, tape or CD.

EAN European Article Number. Now officially called the EAN.UCC. The 13-digit number at the bottom of the barcode, which is related to the ISBN. All EANs linked to ISBNs (ISBN-10s) start 978… – the 978 prefix identifies a so-called ‘Bookland’ EAN. Why? Because many other EAN prefixes identify countries. ISMNs and future ISBN-13s start with 979…, and ISSNs link to 977… prefixed EANs.

Earn out A book earns out when enough copies have been sold for the royalties to cover the advance. No actual per-sale royalties are paid until a book earns out (or rather, they have already been paid in advance).

EDI Electronic Data Interchange. Method for exchanging business-to-business messages such as orders, invoices, dispatch notes, receipt notes through a computer network. Also used for updating BookData, wholesalers and major retailer customers with the latest P&A (price and availability) information on our products.

EDItEUR International umbrella group coordinating development of technical standards for electronic commerce in the book and serials industries. BIC and BISG are affiliates of EDItEUR.

Edition A group of books printed without changes to the content (originally from a single set of printing plates). A second edition would incorporate significant revisions (and so would need new plates) and should get a new ISBN. Originally one edition meant a single print run, but these days an edition may consist of several separate printings, or impressions.

EEA European Economic Area, a free-trade area made up of the 25 EU countries plus a few extra (specifically, three of the four EFTA countries, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein). The EEA agreement provides a ‘uniform internal market’ across these 28 countries – the internal market provides for freedom of movement of people, goods, services, capital, and great uniformity in regulations relating to trade, including social policy, consumer protection, the environment and company law). In territorial rights, the EEA is often what’s meant by ‘Europe’ – at other times Europe implies the continent, which would additionally include Switzerland, the Balkans, EU candidate countries like Romania and Turkey, plus Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and (possibly) the trans-Caucasus (Georgia etc).

EFTA European Free Trade Association – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (though several other countries were previously members and are now members of the European Union). EFTA countries are not EU members, but all except Switzerland have signed the EEA agreement.

ELC Electronic Learning Credit. Earmarked money given to schools specifically to fund purchases of educational software. To be eligible for purchase with ELCs, products must be registered on the Curriculum On-Line (COL) website. The ELC scheme ends in mid-2008.

Ellipsis Three dots ( … ) used to indicate an omission or elision.

Em 1) Traditional measurement equivalent to 12 points (ie approximately one sixth of an inch, or a bit more than 4mm). Properly called a ‘pica em’, and occasionally termed a ‘mutt’; 2) Less often, a distance equal to the point size of the type – an em space in 9pt type is 9 points of space. Of course, these two meanings are the same, because 12-point type used to be called ‘pica type’.

Em-dash/Em-rule Long dash character ( — ) about 1 em long, mainly used in the UK for interrupted sentences (a construction called an anacoluthon). ‘Where was that—Aha, here it is!’ See also en-dash.

Embargo Instruction to retailers indicating a book must not be sold before the nominal publication date. Usually an embargo aims to protect the value of a serialization deal. See also Release date, Publication date.

Embossing die See die.

En Half an em, traditionally 6 points, or these days, half the point size. Occasionally called a ‘nut’.

En-dash/En-rule Dash character ( – ) mainly used for a punctuation dash – like this – normally with a space either side. Usually indicates a parenthetical phrase within a sentence. Also used without spaces, to indicate ranges of numbers, eg 77–85. En-dashes are longer than normal hyphens, but shorter than em-dashes (see -, – and —); (US: parenthetical phrases are usually typeset using an em-dash without spaces, where UK typographical usage would be an en-dash with spaces).

Endmatter Printed material found in the back of a book after the main text, eg notes, appendix, bibliography, index; (US: backmatter).

Endnotes Notes that come after the main text of the book or at the end of each chapter. cf footnotes.

Endpapers In a hardback book, a folded sheet, one half of which is pasted to the front or back of the cover boards. The other half, the flyleaf, is pasted along the folded edge to the first or last page of the book block. Endpapers can be plain, coloured or illustrated.

Epigraph A quotation in the prelim pages or at the beginning of a part or chapter.

EPOS Electronic Point Of Sale. Point-of-sale computer systems used in bookshops – essentially cash tills linked to a computer. Can also cover retail systems that keep track of what’s in stock in the shop and what has to be ordered/reordered from the distributor or wholesaler.

EPS Encapsulated Postscript file. Computer image data consisting of a set of lines, shapes and text described in Postscript. EPS files come in several different ‘flavours’, depending on the version of Postscript, whether or not they also contain a ‘preview’ for on-screen viewing and so on. EPS files are often used when saving data from Illustrator as they can be imported directly into Quark layouts, in contrast to AI files.

Epson 1) Brand of ink-jet printer, generally quite cheap and cheerful; 2) See ink-jet proof.

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning. Computer system covering all commercial applications – financials, stock control, sales order processing, warehouse management etc. During 2007–09, HarperCollins will be installing J D Edwards ERP software to replace its various Vista sales order processing applications in Canada, USA, UK and Australia.

Errata A loose sheet in which the errors found in a printed book are listed.

EU The 27 countries of the European Union: UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus plus from 2007, new members Romania and Bulgaria. Croatia and Turkey are candidates for accession in the future.

Euro The € symbol represents the currency used across many of the countries of the EU. Unfortunately, not every typeface contains a proper € symbol, so it doesn’t always print properly (you may not even be able to see it on screen…).

Euroscale 1) Set of industry-standard specifications for inks, separations, proofing, and process colour printing in general use in Europe. Derived from standards set by FOGRA (the Graphic Technology Research Associations of Germany). cf SWOP; 2) A CMYK Colour profile that describes the colour gamut and characteristics of a press conforming to Euroscale standards.

Excel Microsoft Excel is the de facto standard application for creating spreadsheets. There are versions for both Mac and Windows PCs.

Exchange The e-mail/diary/contacts system HarperCollins uses. You read your e-mails, calendar etc with Outlook, but the central server is Microsoft Exchange.

Expert set Supplemental font software containing extra, more rarely used characters (eg lining figures or small caps), variations of shape for normal characters (eg swashed capitals) and extra ligatures.

Extent The length of a book in terms of number of pages. Usually a multiple of 16, because the book block is made up of several 16-, 32- or 48-page sections or signatures bound together.

Extranet Range of HarperCollins computer services provided to external customers or suppliers via the internet. Examples include Plan G and Pubeasy. cf Intranet.


Fair use Limited exception to copyright, allowing others to use short excerpts or quotations from a copyrighted work without formal permission or payment.

FIBF Frankfurt International Book Fair, held in the autumn. cf LIBF.

Fifth black See text black.

Filemaker Software application to manage simple databases. Generally used to access Plan G.

Film Stage in making a plate where individual pages of a/w are photographed (or these days, more likely to be drawn by laser in an imagesetter) onto transparent film. Can be single pages or imposed signatures. Film is used to make a cromalin or ozalid proof, and/or a printing plate.

Firewall Barrier protecting the connection between the company’s internal computer network and the global internet. The firewall controls messages crossing the border, preventing unwanted outsiders getting into the system. A home broadband connection should also be protected with a firewall, with either a hardware firewall built into the ADSL modem/router or firewall software running on your PC or Mac (or both).

Flash Graphic file format developed by Macromedia for the web. Macromedia is now owned by Adobe. Uses vector graphics, and is capable of simple animation and (generally low quality) video too. cf SVG.

Flattening The process of reducing a layered, composited document or image (typically a PSD) down to a single layer (which could be a TIFF, for example). This gets rid of any transparency in the image. Flattening should be left as late as possible in any workflow.

Flyleaf The half of the endpaper not glued to the cover board. The flyleaf forms the first (but generally unnumbered) leaf of the book.

FM screening See screening.

FOGRA See Euroscale.

Foil Coloured and/or metallic foil used (esp. to highlight lettering) on covers and jackets.

Foil blocking Process for stamping a design on a book cover or jacket, or simple lettering on a hardback spine, using coloured foil with pressure from a heated metal block known as a ‘blocking die’.

Folio 1) the printed page number on a book’s page; 2) a sheet of typescript.

Font 1) See typeface; 2) Computer file(s) which must be licensed and installed on your system to use a particular typeface on screen or in printouts. Macs and Windows PCs can use both Truetype and Postscript fonts, though most Windows PCs stick to just Truetype as they don’t have the necessary ATM software to use Postscript fonts. Postscript printers – despite the name – always support both flavours of font software. OpenType is a new font file format that is not as yet widely used. The range of characters or glyphs available in a font may be limited to just plain Ascii characters, or even just upper case letters, but more usually it will cover the whole Latin-1 character set or more. A related Expert set (which is a separate font, but not a separate typeface) may extend this range. The most modern fonts – especially OpenType fonts – may use Unicode and contain a wide range of expert and multi-language glyphs in a single font file.

Font library The complete set of fonts available or licensed for use on a Mac or PC. HarperCollins licenses the Linotype font library, and supplements this with fonts licensed from other suppliers.

Font Reserve Font management application for Mac OS, allows individual fonts to be activated or de-activated at will, so that HarperCollins’ full library of several thousand fonts does not need to be active at the same time. Home Macs may use the Suitcase application, which is similar.

Footer (Running footer). Text running across the bottom of every page. Usually just a folio number.

Footnotes Notes that appear at the foot of a page, as opposed to Endnotes.

Force Majeure Legal term, French for ‘greater force’, used in contracts to define a circumstance when something is out of the control of either party to the contract and may prevent them from delivering some part of their contractual obligations – things like flood, fire, war etc. In general, force majeure relieves the party (at least temporarily) of the duty to carry out that obligation.

Foredge The outer vertical edge of the page or book, away from the spine.

Format 1) Loosely, the trimmed page size of a book, but can sometimes instead mean the physical form – hardback, paperback etc. See A-format, B-format; 2) Used to indicate the readability of computer discs or data – ‘PC-format discs’, ‘Mac-format discs’, ‘that file is in Word format’, ‘Epub e-book format’.

Forward orders See dues.

Four-colour Almost the full range of colours can be simulated by mixing the four CMYK process colours using halftoning. Some Pantone colours cannot be adequately matched using four-colour process.

FPO For Position Only. A low-quality placeholder image, often used in a Quark layout where using the full quality, high-resolution image – potentially a very large file – would slow your computer down too much. See also OPI.

Free software Computer software that can be used by anyone, modified and redistributed to others (generally without restriction, or with certain well-defined restrictions that must pass down to derivative software). Free as in ‘freedom’, not necessarily as in ‘free of charge’. Also called ‘open source software’ as the programming code is available to anyone, or ‘GPL software’ after the General Public Licence that is used to place some restrictions on derivative works.

Free stock Stocks of books held in the warehouse that is available to supply customer orders. cf reserved stock and frozen stock.

Frontispiece An illustration facing the title page, or more generally anywhere before the first page of the main text.

Frontlist Books published or due to be published in the current year. cf Backlist.

Frontmatter See prelims.

Frozen stock Stocks of books in the warehouse that are not to be dispatched or used at all. Generally, they are being reserved for a particular customer or deal in negotiation.

FSC Forest Stewardship Council, international organization promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. It provides accreditation and certification standards for forest management and forest products such as pulp and paper.

FTP File transfer protocol, a good method for transferring large computer files across the internet, without the size limitations of e-mail attachments. See Porter.

Full-colour Colour throughout a book, not just in a small section.


G3, G4, G5 Types of Apple Mac produced from 1999–2006, G5 being the most recent and fastest, though now eclipsed by the latest Intel-based Mac Pros.

Galleys/Galley proofs Typeset text proofs that have not yet been divided into pages; (US: ‘galleys’ is often used for what we would call page proofs – which are divided into pages).

Gamma Loosely, how bright is a 50% grey? Adjusting the gamma of a display or printer brightens or darkens the midtones of the image without affecting the shadows and highlights. See also colour profile.

Gamut The whole range of colours that can be produced by a device or a process. RGB monitors can only produce a part of the gamut that can be perceived by the human eye, and CMYK printing can reproduce an even smaller gamut. Gamuts are described using the CIE chromaticity diagram.


Gem Collins’ range of small reference books. Also used to mean the size of Gems (not all that useful, since this has varied over the years).

General ledger Combines the purchase ledger (money the company owes to suppliers), the sales ledger (money the company is owed by customers), plus a record of the company assets (stuff we have bought and paid for, or made, and still own, plus cash or bank deposits) and liabilities (eg loans, or other future commitments we have already been paid for). Taking the purchase ledger and liabilities as negative numbers, and the sales ledger and assets as positive, the total of the four amounts is the ‘net book value’ of the company.

GIF Graphic Image File. Pronounced as in ‘gift’. Low-quality raster image file, suitable only for use on the web. See TIFF and JPEG for higher quality image file formats.

GL See general ledger.

GLN Global Location Number. See SAN.

Glyph Loosely, a letter or other character in a particular font. Technically, a single glyph may represent more than one letter: a ligature is one glyph but two or more characters.

GRN Goods Received Note. Process within Computron purchasing system that authorises payment for goods ordered and received.

GSM Grams per square metre, a measure of the ‘weight’ of paper or cardboard; (US: paper weight is measured differently, in pounds per ream – but the size (‘basic size’ or ‘basis size’) of the sheets in the ream varies according to the type of paper. 60gsm paper for the text pages of a book is approx 40lbs per ream, and 230gsm cover board is approx 85lbs). See also bulk. Nothing to do with GSM mobile phones…

Gutter Blank space between two columns of type or, more often, the blank margins in the fold between left and right pages.


H&J Hyphenation and Justification. H&J rules control how text is typeset into lines of type, how words are broken at line ends and whether the column edges are ragged or straight (justified).

Hairline Thin printed line, usually 0.25 or 0.5 points thick.

Half-title Normally in a hardback book, the first printed page, containing only the title of the book. Can also be used for a similar page appearing later in the prelims. Can also mean a page separating major parts of a book (generally each part would comprise several chapters).

Half-title verso The page following the half-title. It often contains a list of other books by the same author.

Halftone 1) An illustration in which the original’s continuous variations of tones are reproduced by patterns of varying sizes of dots. Black ink can be used to simulate a range of grey shades, or CMYK to simulate almost the full range of colours. The (usually photographic) original is termed a ‘contone’. A halftoned illustration is also called a screened illustration. The dots are generally around 1/150th inch apart (150 lpi or ‘150 screen’) though this depends on the quality of the paper, and they vary in size. Big dots give dark grey, small dots give pale grey. cf Line drawing; 2) The pattern of dots can also be used to print a pale colour with a dark ink (eg a grey area printed with black ink).

Hard copy Material that is on paper rather than on disk.

Hard return A permanent return that is typed at the end of a line of text and marks the end of a paragraph (cf soft return, which starts a new line but not a new paragraph). The method of typing a soft return varies.

Hash The # character, occasionally called ‘gate’, often an abbreviation for ‘number’; (US: # is often called the ‘pound’ sign. That’s pound avoirdupois, not £ Sterling – it really doesn’t help that # and £ often share a key on the keyboard…).

Head ISBN See title ISBN.

Head/tail band A narrow decorative strip of plain or striped material stuck to the top and/or bottom of the spine of a hardback book block.

Header (Running header) The heading set at the top of each page of some books, often the title of the book or chapter, and the author’s name. cf footer.

Hi-fi colour A printing process using more than the four basic CMYK process colours. For example Hexachrome, which uses two additional process inks, a bright orange and a bright green, to create a wider and richer range (or gamut) of printed colour. Hi-fi colour systems require FM screening, because using conventional AM screening with more than four colours would produce unacceptable moiré patterns. Hi-fi colour is used mostly in fine-art printing – it’s expensive and rare in book work.

Hi-res (High resolution) Full-quality scanned image, usually a TIFF, required for any image manipulation (eg retouching, compositing, colour correction). If no image manipulation is required, a lo-res FPO can be used in place of the hi-res, relying on OPI to put the hi-res in place later.

Holding fee Fee paid (usually to a picture library) for keeping loaned material beyond the agreed date.

Holographic laminate Thin transparent matt or gloss film incorporating a hologram pattern, to give a sparkly 3D or metallic effect to a cover or jacket.

Home market ‘Home market rights’ generally comprise the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) plus the Republic of Ireland.

House style 1) A guide for spelling, punctuation, grammatical style and usage produced by a publisher to help maintain consistency in copy-editing and proof-reading; 2) A standard text or cover design, also called a series style.

HTML Hypertext Markup Language. The system of mark-up used in documents and websites on the internet.


ICC International Colour Consortium. Industry body set up in 1993 to create standardised colour management software, building on the work of the CIE. ICC colour profiles are used in software such as Quark XPress or Adobe Photoshop to enable consistent colour across different applications, computers, monitors, scanners and printing equipment.

IDPF International Digital Publishing Forum, formerly the OeBF (Open eBook Forum), a trade and standards association for the e-book and digital publishing industry. Developed the Epub e-book file format.

IFC/IBC Inside Front/Back Cover. The ‘back’ of the front cover, and the ‘front’ of the back cover. See also endpapers and cover reverse; (US: Cover 2 and Cover 3).

Illustrator Adobe Illustrator, application software for drawing maps, diagrams, logos and other complex mechanical illustrations. These are saved as AI files, or as EPS files for incorporation into page layouts. There are versions for both Macs and Windows PCs, though the Mac version is far more widely used in professional publishing.

Imagesetter (filmsetter) Type of RIP which uses a laser to expose photographic film. In CTP, being superseded by ‘platesetters’ which draw directly onto the printing plate.

Imposition Pages (esp. pages of film) arranged so they can be folded together to create part of a book. Page 3 will not be imposed next to page 2, but will sit next to it after folding (folding is part of binding processs). Page 1 will be printed on the back of sheet where page 2 is printed. While pages 2 and 3 are a ‘reader’s pair’ or a ‘spread’, in that they lie together after folding – pages 2 and 15 could be a ‘printer’s pair’ in that they lie together in the imposition. See also signature. Imposition of Postscript or PDF files implies modification of the files so that the text and graphics in the files are rearranged into an imposed pattern.

Impression A single print run of a book, as in ‘third impression’, the third batch of copies to be printed and bound. The impression number is usually marked on the copyright/imprint page, often with a sequence of numbers such as ‘4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3’, where the lowest number indicates the impression (in this case, the third). All books in an impression are manufactured at the same time and are identical. There can be several impressions in an edition, all sharing the same ISBN.

Imprint ‘Brand name’ used for a range of books, eg Voyager, Flamingo. Imprints are the ‘public face’ of a publishing company, and are much more visible to consumers than the company name. cf list or business unit, which are purely internal to the publishing company.

Imprint page Also called the copyright page, generally the title verso.

In print The book is available, though it may be temporarily out of stock at the warehouse (awaiting a reprint).

Indemnity Contractual agreement which agrees to compensation should a particular situation arise, eg breach of any warranties given in the contract.

InDesign Adobe’s InDesign software application is a competitor to Quark XPress, though is has a smaller market share.

Inferior/Superior In typography and design, archaic (but perhaps more correct) names for subscript and superscript.

Ink-jet 1) Printing system where text and graphics are printed by firing tiny drops of liquid ink at the paper, an alternative to offset litho; 2) A kind of proof, sometimes also known as an Iris, Digital Cromalin or Epson. Ink-jet can be very high quality, and colour fidelity to the final litho-printed work can be excellent, but they do not reproduce the halftone dot structure of the final job so cannot be used to judge the likelihood moiré, for example.

Insert See plate section.

Integrated An integrated book has text and illustrations printed together on the same pages, rather like the page layout of a magazine – as opposed to having illustrations in separate plate sections.

Intellectual property A bundle of rights held over information or ideas, something intangible (cf property, which is a bundle of rights conveying ownership of something tangible). Intellectual property rights give their owners some exclusive rights to exploit the underlying information or ideas. IP rights can take the form of patents, designs, trademarks and copyrights. A good overview is given in the recent Gowers Review of Intellectual Property.

Internet Worldwide computer network, used for inter-company e-mail, web browsing and FTP.

Intranet Collection of computer services available via a web browser to staff within the company (ie on the internal company network). Examples include the Your HC intranet magazine, Plan G, Barcoder. cf Extranet.

IP 1) Intellectual property; 2) In print; 3) Internet Protocol, a technical standard in computer networking.

IRI Industry Returns Initiative. New(ish) set of conventions and processes aimed at simplifying and automating the handling of returns, which have been widely adopted across the book trade since 2002. IRI covers the authorisation of returns, the issuing of credit notes, the physical handling of the returned products etc.

Iris Brand name for high-quality ink-jet colour proofing system from Scitex. The digital equivalent of a Cromalin, and similar to Digital Cromalin.

ISBN International Standard Book Number. Unique identifier for a book, or more specifically, of a tradeable item within the book trade. A different ISBN is required not only for each title (or work), but for each edition and binding (or manifestation) eg hardback, paperback, revised second edition all need different ISBNs. Different impressions, however, share the same ISBN. ISBNs use hyphens (or sometimes spaces) to divide the identifier up into fields – one field indicates the language group, another the publisher or imprint, and the last digit is a ‘check digit’. See also EAN and barcode, and ISTC.

ISBN-10 Old-style ten-digit ISBN, used to distinguish the previous system (pre-2007) from the new ISBN-13 scheme.

ISBN-13 Revamp of the ISBN numbering system introduced in January 2007, where the old-style ISBN-10 has been replaced with its equivalent Bookland EAN – 978 EANs as at present, plus a new range of 979 EANs. Since EANs are 13 digits, the new scheme is called ISBN-13. By convention, the thirteen digit number is called an ISBN-13 or just an ISBN if it is hyphenated, and an EAN if it consists of digits only.

ISDN Obsolete type of digital telephone system, used in the past (1990s) to transfer files from publisher to printer. Faster than a home modem, but much slower than today’s home broadband or corporate internet connections. Has generally been replaced by FTP for file transfer.

ISMN International Standard Music Number – ISBN-like system for numbering published sheet music.

ISSN International Standard Serial Number. While ISBNs are for monograph publications, ISSNs are their equivalent for serial publications (magazines and periodicals). See also EAN.

ISTC International Standard Textual Work Code. Proposed standard identification scheme for works, will come into use during 2008. ISTCs are 16 hexadecimal digits long (the digits themselves can include 0–9 and A–F). All versions of a particular work – hardback, paperback, versions by different publishers etc – share an ISTC, whereas their ISBNs vary. Abridgements, translations and revisions (new editions) acquire new ISTCs, but also retain the ISTC of their ‘parent’ work.

Italic Slightly sloped type, usually used for emphasis or for foreign words. Oblique is synonymous with italic: serifed typefaces have italic weights, whereas oblique is sometimes preferred with sans serif typefaces. Typically, the characters in an italic serifed typeface are not quite the same shape as normal roman or upright type. cf Slanted type.


Jacket Illustrated dust cover wrapped around a hardback; (US: wrapper).

Jacket copy See cover copy.

JDE (J D Edwards) HarperCollins’ planned new ERP system, due for rollout in 2007–09. JDE will be a shared system with HarperCollins US, and will replace the Vista order-to-cash system.

JPEG Common data file format for a scanned image. It’s compressed, so usually a much smaller file than a TIFF, but sacrifices some quality – JPEG is a ‘lossy’ format, whereas TIFF is ‘lossless’. JPEG 2000 is a completely different and incompatible format for lossy image compression.

JPEG 2000 Less common, more modern image file format. Not many applications can yet read JPEG 2000. Generally makes smaller files than ordinary JPEG for a given image quality, and does not show the typical ‘quilted’ artifacts that JPEGs are prone to display.

Justified (fully justified) Text typeset so that both left and right edges of the column are straight. See also H&J. cf ragged text.


Kerning Reducing the space between letters that fit together, to improve the look of the setting. As in ‘WAVE’, where the A fits nicely between the W and the V, so the three letters can be closed up a little. One of the distinguishing marks of better-quality typesetting is the number of ‘kerning pairs’, combinations of letters that have been individually spaced like this. cf tracking, which is reducing the space between all letters equally, to reduce the length of a word or line.

Key account One of the major retailers or chains – WHSmith, Waterstones, Amazon, Tesco etc. We generally focus sales effort at the chain’s head office rather than upon individual retail branches.

Key title One of the most important titles published by a division. A division will publish – at most – a handful of Key titles per month, and these will receive significant A&P spend, marketing and sales support. Key titles are more critical than Lead titles.

Knockout See overprint.


LA The Library Association, now a part of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals; (US equivalent is the ALA).

Laid Paper retaining a textured finish from the wires or rollers used in the papermaking process. cf wove.

Landscape Page oriented so that it’s wider than it is high. cf portrait.

Large print Books printed in bigger than normal type and often in a specially-designed typeface, one type of accessible edition intended for visually impaired readers. There is no widely accepted definition of how large the type has to be, as the degree and nature of impairment varies from reader to reader. ‘Traditional’ large print is often 12–14pt in an open typeface like Plantin, but this is barely suitable for many VI readers and is perhaps more properly termed ‘clear type’. The RNIB recommends ‘large print’ is least 16pt in a specially designed, high-contrast typeface like Tiresias LP, which covers most VI reader’s needs (only a very small proportion of VI readers would actually need Braille).

Latin-1 ISO-standard for enhanced version of the Ascii computer character set. In addition to the usual Ascii characters, Latin-1 includes all the main alphabetic and puntuation characters required for major western European languages such as French, German, Italian, Spanish (eg à, ß, é, î, ö, ñ, ¡), but not for Welsh, Scandinavian, central and eastern European – Latin-2, -3 and -4 cover those – or for Cyrillic scripts. Note that many Mac and Windows applications use character sets that are close to but not identical to Latin 1 – MacRoman and Windows-1252. cf Unicode.

Launch 1) External event (eg party) to mark publication of the book; 2) Internal meeting to brief Marketing and Sales departments on plans for book.

Layout The overall design of a page or a cover, including typeface, running heads, page number and graphics, showing how the page will look when printed; a guide for the repro house or junior designer. Can also refer to the fully-finished page. Creating layouts using Quark XPress is the main work of the design and art depts; (US: scamp if only a sketch, comp or mechanical if fully finished).

LC or l/c. See lower case.

Lead title One of the more important titles published by a division. Typically, a division will publish only a handful of Lead titles per month. Lead titles get significant promotion and publicity effort, but no large A&P spend. cf Key title.

Leading The (extra) spacing between lines of type. Pronounced ‘ledding’. Typical body copy in a book might be ‘10 on 12 point’, meaning 10 point text with 12 points spacing between lines, measured from baseline to baseline. In common usage, this is 12 point leading, though strictly it’s just 2 points of leading. Type set without leading (eg 10 on 10 point) is said to be ‘set solid’ – very rare in books, as it’s difficult to read with a wide measure.

Legal, Letter paper Common US paper sizes for office use. Letter is 81/2 × 11 inches (or 216 × 279mm), roughly equivalent to A4 but shorter and wider. The US Legal size is 81/2 × 131/2 inches, taller than A4 (and roughly the same as the obsolete ‘foolscap quarto’ beloved of those who also fondly remember pre-decimal currency, the Light Programme, and rickets). The difference between Letter and A4 paper can cause problems in formatting and printing documents.

LIBF London International Book Fair, held in the early spring. cf FIBF, BEA.

Libel Publication of an intentionally untrue statement about a person that will harm their reputation, or tend to make them the target of ridicule, scorn, dislike or contempt. cf slander, which is the oral equivalent.

Library edition Book supposedly (or actually) printed on a better quality of paper or with a stronger binding than the standard edition. Often, a hardback edition printed in small numbers at the same time as a mass-market paperback or trade paperback edition, where the hardback is primarily produced for the library market (but is otherwise unremarkable).

Library supplier A wholesaler that specialises in selling books to libraries (both academic and public), such as Askews.

Libre Digital See NewsStand.

Licensing (of copyright). Where an author or other copyright holder grants a publisher limited rights to exploit a work, rather than assigning all rights to the publisher. Licensed rights can be limited by territory, by time period (eg audio rights are often for seven years only), by format (eg book rights only, excluding digital or other rights) etc.

Ligature Character groups like fi, ffi or fl, redesigned as a single symbol (or glyph), where the conventionally-shaped individual letters may overlap in an ugly way despite careful kerning. The number of ligatures varies from typeface to typeface. Ligatures are much more important in eg Arabic typesetting, where the individual letters change shape radically depending on the letters on either side – as if an ‘s’ at the end of a word was a completely different shape to an ‘s’ in the middle of a word.

Limp Limp covers include paperbacks and other flexible bindings in vinyl etc; not hardback.

Line art 1) An illustration that consists of black lines and solid areas, but no greys; 2) You can also have coloured line art, so long as there are no tints – the important factor is that all the process colours are printed solid and it can be reproduced without halftoning. cf Halftone.

Linen tester See loupe.

Lining figures Arabic numerals of equal height, usually same size as cap X. Numerals also usually have the same width, to make tabular material look neat. cf Non-lining figures.

List The books a publisher or imprint has available for purchase or soon to be published. Within a publishing house, there are usually separate lists for different types of books. cf Imprint.

Literal A typographical error, or ‘typo’.

Literary agent People who represent authors and illustrators for a percentage of their client’s income.

Litho See offset litho.

Lo-res Low quality image. See FPO.

Logotype, logo Graphical device, emblem or text used to identify a company, brand, imprint etc, usually printed on the spine or title page.

Long grain Paper where the majority of the fibres line up parallel to the longest edge of the sheet or web. cf short grain.

Lorem ipsum Latin sample text used in an design for a page layout. Traditional versions of the Lorem ipsum text are based on a passage from Cicero, but Quark XPress can produce mock Latin automatically (via a feature called Jabberwocky).

Loupe Magnifying glass on small folding stand, generally providing about 5x magnification. Sometimes (and maybe more correctly) called a linen tester.

Lower case Small letters as distinct from capitals (upper case) and small capitals.

LPI Lines per inch. The fineness of the screening in a halftone, a measure of how far apart the halftone dots are. Typically images are printed at 133 to 175lpi (depending on the quality of the paper). cf DPI.

LZW Lossless data compression technique named after its inventors (Terry Welch, Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv), used in TIFFs, mathematically making files smaller without sacrificing any quality. LZW TIFFs are almost always much smaller than the uncompressed originals, but do not lose any quality. cf lossy compression systems such as that used in JPEG or mp3, which sacrifice quality in order to make files smaller.


Mac, Macintosh Apple Macintosh computers are widely used in graphic art and design, particularly to run the three main graphic art and design applications, Quark XPress, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Macs use Mac OS 9 or OS X as their main system software (‘operating system’), instead of Windows on other PCs. cf MAC (in upper case), 48-bit Ethernet hardware address.

Mac OS 9, X The main system software used by Apple Macintosh computers. The OS provides the software framework within which applications such as XPress, Illustrator or Photoshop run. Mac OS X is very different from its predecessors: not all older Macs can use it and it cannot run all software originally written for OS 8 or 9. Newer Macs (G5s and Mac Pros) will only run OS X. Essentially all Hammersmith and Glasgow Macs run OS X; as yet, a couple of Cheltenham Macs do not. OS X comes in versions including 10.3 (‘Panther’), 10.4 (‘Tiger’) and 10.5 (‘Leopard’). These major versions are further divided into releases like 10.4.5, 10.4.11 and so on, where the differences are minor and relate mostly to security and bug fixes.

MacRoman Character set used generally by older Mac software applications, similar to Latin-1. Newer OS X applications tend to use UTF-8 instead.

Make ready Time spent preparing the printing press for the next job – wash-up (cleaning), changing the plates and adjusting the press to optimise print and colour quality for the new run.

Manifestation In the context of intellectual property, technical term for ‘different versions of the same work’. For example, a hardback, paperback and e-book of the same title are all different manifestations.

Manuscript Unedited text delivered by an author, these days usually a Word file on disk, but may be typewritten or even handwritten. Abbreviated MS or ms (pl MSS or mss). These days, the term is being replaced by Typescript.

Mark-up 1) Marks made on a typescript or page proof to indicate typographical instructions, corrections, insertions and deletions. BS-5261 part 2 (1976) describes the standard set of marks to be used for copy preparation and correcting typeset proofs. Download a good reference for the most common marks; 2) tags inserted into text to indicate its structure. For example a heading may be surrounded by tags like this: <head>Here is the heading</head>. See also HTML and XML.

Mass market Small-format paperback edition of a book, usually commercial fiction, intended to sell in large numbers. Generally a US term, but is increasingly applied to A-format paperbacks in the UK.

Matchprint Brand name for a proofing system similar to Cromalin.

Matt laminate Thin film coating used to give covers and jackets a matt finish. Also available in gloss, and with holographic patterns. cf UV varnish.

Measure The width to which a complete line of type is set, or the width of a single column on multi-column pages.

Mechanical US: finished layout or application file.

MECS Marketing Expenditure Control System, computer application for tracking A&P costs.

Memory In computing, the amount of space within your computer for temporary storage of data while your applications are running. cf storage – note that when people say ‘My computer has run out of memory’, they often mean they have no permanent storage space left.

Metadata Literally, data about data. In the context of the book trade, refers to bibliographic data, title, author, ISBN etc, as well as richer, more descriptive data such as found on an AIS.

Moiré pattern An unwanted striped or checkerboard pattern in halftoned images, frequently caused by halftoning something that already has a halftone pattern. Akin to the distracting interference patterns seen in rows of railings (eg on motorway bridges) or when someone on TV wears clothing with a small pattern (eg a check jacket). Also loosely called ‘screen clash’.

Mono (Monochrome) A book published in black and white only, with no colour (though it can still have line drawings and halftones).

Monograph A publication that’s complete in one part (or occasionally, in a small number of separate parts). Individual books (or occasionally, series of books) are monographs. cf serial publication.

Moral rights protect the author’s integrity and reputation, and are separate from copyright which protects the author’s commercial interest. Moral rights include the right to be identified as the author.

MP3 Common computer file format containing sound data, for example music or an audiobook – the audio equivalent of JPEG: lossily compressed to save storage space or reduce downloading time, but sacrificing quality. cf AAC.

MPEG A range of data file formats for moving images (video). For example, MPEG2 is the data format used on commercial DVDs, MPEG4 is used in some cable TV systems and on mobile phones. MPEG files are very complex, and each version has may different flavours, so an MPEG4 file is not just playable on all MPEG4 players – you need to ensure the ‘profile’ and particularly the ‘codecs’ used are appropriate. Note that mp3 is not MPEG3 (it’s actually subsection 3 of MPEG1).


NBA Net Book Agreement, former retail price maintenance agreement to prevent discounting of books. Inoperative since the mid-1990s. Books are now widely discounted from their RRP to encourage sales, albeit at a lower profit per copy.

NBD See Nielsen BookData.

Nielsen BookData See BookData.

Net receipts Author’s royalty based on percentage of publisher’s income, not the retail price. Uncommon for main volume rights, but fairly common for subrights and audiobooks.

New cover reissue/reprint A book reissued/reprinted in a new cover design, but with no other substantial changes (ie the size and binding stay the same and the content of the book remains unchanged), often as part of the repackaging of an author’s backlist. Does not need a new ISBN, as there is no change to the content of the book.

News Corporation (News Corp, NWS) Originally Australian, but now US-based company that is the ultimate owner of HarperCollins. Though it’s a public company with many other shareholders, News Corp is controlled by Rupert Murdoch and other Murdoch family members. News Corp also has interests in satellite and cable TV, film, newspapers and online, via Sky (satellite TV in Britain and Italy), Star TV (satellite TV in India and China), DirecTV (satellite TV in US, in process of being sold off to Liberty Media), Fox (US film and TV programming, plus news), News International (UK newspapers), News Ltd (Australian newspapers), New York Post (US newspaper), News America Marketing (newspaper and magazine promotions), TVGI (EPG data for cable and satellite systems and TV Guide Magazine, sold 2007 to Macrovision), NDS (smartcards and set-top boxes for cable and satellite systems) and Fox Interactive (which includes MySpace). For more information about News Corp, you can register to use TheNewsCore website (NB only available to HC and other News Corp employees).

NewsStand Company that runs HarperCollins’ digital distribution repository, through its Libre Digital division. Other publishers (eg Bloomsbury, Faber). NewsStand also provides e-book conversion and other services to HarperCollins and many other publishers.

Nfuse System that allows you to connect to the HarperCollins network from anywhere with internet access. Requires an ‘RSA keyfob’ to enhance security. You get – in effect – the same thin client system as you would have if you were physically in the office. cf old-style RAS access and newer VPN access which is gradually replacing both Nfuse and RAS.

Nielsen Entertainment Parent company of BookData and BookScan, itself ultimately owned by VNU.

Non-lining figures Arabic numerals that have ascenders and descenders. Also known as ‘old-style figures’. cf Lining figures.


Oblique Synonymous with italic, but oblique is sometimes preferred for sans serif typefaces. cf Slanted.

OCR Optical Character Recognition. Turning a printed page back into plain text, by scanning the page and using computer software to inspect and recognise the shapes of each letter. Generally not very successful…

OCR-A, OCR-B Fonts optimised for OCR readability. Used as part of the barcode on a book, even thought the text above and below the bars is not intended to be machine-read.

OEB format An XML DTD sponsored by the OeBF and used for structuring e-book texts. Conceptually similar to DocBook, but simpler, as it’s based on XHTML. Superseded by Epub format.

OeBF Open eBook Forum, now named IDPF.

Office Suite of Microsoft applications – Word for wordprocessing, the Excel spreadsheet and Powerpoint for presentations.

Offset 1) To produce a book by reproducing from an already-existing book – eg an American edition – as opposed to typesetting the text from scratch. Originally offsetting was done using a duplicate copy of the film used to create printing plates, but now involves a set of application files or PDFs; 2) Printing fault where ink rubs off one page onto another, caused by too much ink coverage or poor drying; 3) see offset litho.

Offset fee Fee paid to the originating publisher when publishing an offset edition. Part of the fee covers a share of the original typesetting costs, and a (small) part pays for delivery of the material used to create the offset edition (eg the PDF file or application files).

Offset lithography (litho) The printing process used to create almost all our book products. The distinguishing feature is that after ink is applied to the plate, the plate does not then touch the paper directly – ink is transferred from plate to paper via an intermediate rubber roller known as the ‘blanket’. See also sheet and web.

Old-style figures See non-lining figures.

OM See Open market.

ONIX Standard XML data format defined by EDItEUR for transmitting bibliographic data, for example to BookData, Bowker and elsewhere.

OP Out of Print. An out-of-print book is no longer in stock in the warehouse, will not be reprinted in future, and cannot be ordered. See RUC.

Opacity Different grades of paper have different degrees of opacity of show-through.

Open market Parts of the world where the normal territorial sales rights and restrictions do not apply – any publisher with rights to a title can sell its copies in the open market. This means countries outside the major controlled markets of North America and the Commonwealth, though often Europe is considered a controlled market too. Important OM countries for English-language books include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and much of the Middle East.

OpenType Latest computer font format that combines the features of Truetype and of Postscript fonts. Only OpenType fonts work fully with Unicode. Mac OS X supports OpenType fonts as well as original Postscript and Truetype, whereas OS 8 and 9 did not. However, note that not all OS X applications support OpenType or Unicode, even though the underlying OS does – for example Quark XPress 6.

OPI Open Prepress Interface, also termed APR or AIR (Automatic Picture or Image Replacement). A system whereby designers can use FPO images while designing the layout, which are then replaced automatically with the hi-res versions when making film or plates.

OPS Out of Print, Substitute. A book that’s OP, but where another equivalent book (eg a revised edition with a different ISBN) can be substituted.

Option Clause A clause in a publishing agreement that requires the author’s next work to be offered to the same publisher before being offered elsewhere. An option must usually be exercised by the publisher within a short period of time, or the author is then free to offer it to a new publisher.

Ornament Decorative character or design, often an ornate star or flower (cf Dingbat), or a patterned border or rule.

Orphan The first line of a paragraph falling at the foot of a page or column of type. To be avoided in high-quality typesetting. See also Widow.

OS 8, 9, X See Mac OS 8, 9, X.

Outdoor Outdoor advertising on posters and billboards.

Outlook E-mail reader software – see Exchange.

Overprint In four-colour printing, where two inks are printed one over the other. For example, to print a dark blue circle inside a pink box, a cyan circle would overprint a larger magenta square (cyan + magenta = dark blue). The opposite is knockout, where the cyan circle punches a hole in the magenta box, resulting in a pale blue circle in the pink box. See also trapping.

Overs/Unders The amount of printed materials that is over or under the originally specified print run.

Ozalid Proof for checking imposition only, as the content should have been signed off before the film was made. Originally an ozalid was a blue dyeline proof made from imposed film, but these days is often used loosely to mean an inkjet print produced (without film) immediately prior to platemaking; (US: blue).


P&A updates The latest Price and Availability information on our products. Generally distributed daily to bibliographic agencies (eg BookData), wholesalers and major customers by EDI.

P&L Profit & Loss. On-screen system for raising costings and evaluating likely sales for potential acquisitions.

PA The Publishers Association; (US: APA, the American PublishersAssociation).

Packager See book packager.

PAF Postcode Address File. Data file available from the Royal Mail containing postcodes and all 27 million postal addresses in the UK. Used to verify delivery addresses etc.

Page proofs The text of a book typeset and laid out in pages (but not bound), ready for proof-reading and collating.

Pantone Proprietary colour matching system consisting of many hundred individually numbered colours, eg PMS 546 C is a particular shade of teal green. Used to specify spot colours and inks. Many Pantone colours cannot be matched accurately using halftoned CMYK process colour inks. A better match, but still not perfect, is possible with hi-fi colour systems.

Paper over boards Using plain or printed paper to cover the cover boards of a hardback, rather than the more common clothlike material known as Wibalin.

Paperback Book with a paper or flexible card cover. Sir Allen Lane, founder of Penguin Books, was credited with inventing the modern paperback when he published Ariel by André Maurois with a paper cover in 1936. cf Hardback, with rigid board covers.

Parentheses Correct term for round brackets ( and ), esp. in US. cf braces and brackets.

PBO Paperback Original. Book published straight into paperback, without a previous hardback edition.

PDA Personal Digital Assistant. Small handheld computer providing diary and contacts functions. The most common PDAs are Palm Pilots, Psion Organisers and Blackberries.

PDF Portable Document Format. Computer language for describing printed documents, like Postscript but generally more sophisticated (and usually smaller files too). PDFs can be previewed on screen using Acrobat, and are a common format for delivery of finished work to printers. PDF comes in various ‘flavours’, PDF 1.3 being the most common and PDF 1.7 the most recent. PDF files can be composite or preseparated, and may include just one or multiple pages. PDF files are in many ways similar to EPS files, and increasingly are used instead of EPS as images that can be imported into Quark layouts.

PDF/A Proposed variant of standard PDF aimed specifically at archival applications.

PDF/X Highly standardised variant of PDF, which ensures the PDF file contains all data required to print the product. PDF/X-1a is based on PDF 1.3.

Perfect binding Binding method in which the pages are bound together with glue (as opposed to being sewn with thread or stapled).

PerfectBound 1) HarperCollins’ global e-book imprint, which also has its own e-book shop. Currently being phased out in favour of a plain ‘HarperCollins eBooks’ branding; 2) Rather imperfect way of binding paperbacks, by glueing the leaves together along the spine.

Perfecting Type of printing press which can print on both sides of the paper at once.

Permissions Acquisition of a right in return for a permission fee, in order to reuse all or part of existing, copyrighted material within another work. Permissions are typically sought, for instance, when a publisher wants to excerpt part of a book to use in an anthology, or when a teacher wants to compile part of a book into a coursepack. Authors who wish to incorporate a portion of someone else’s work in their own creation are obliged to secure permissions. Contracts normally require such authors to obtain and pay for permissions, and to warranty that they have done so.

Photoshop Adobe Photoshop. Computer software for manipulating scanned images and saving as TIFF or JPEG files for use in page layouts. There are versions for both Macs and Windows PCs, though the Mac version is more widely used in professional publishing.

Pi font Typeface consisting of non-alphabetic characters, or sorts. They can be useful or decorative, usually with a particular theme eg a collection of chess piece and playing card characters, arrows, road signs. Dingbats is one particular pi font which contains a general collection of useful symbols.

Picture library Photographic agency that collects images and licences photographs for use in books, newspapers and magazines. Hulton-Getty and Corbis are the two largest.

Picture section See plate section.

Pilcrow Correct name of paragraph symbol ( ¶ ) looking like a backwards P.

Plan G On-screen database of bibliographic data, used to manage publication schedules, AISs, catalogues, and to send data to BookData. Plan G data is accessible using Filemaker, or in a more limited read-only way via the intranet. Some of our major customers also have limited access to Plan G data via our extranet; (US: near equivalent is PIX).

Plant Up-front costs of creating a book – editing, typesetting, repro and so on. cf PPB costs.

Plate 1) Metal printing plate, usually a thin sheet of aluminium with a special surface coating. Oil-based ink sticks to part of the plate (‘oleophilic’), and is repelled from other parts (‘oleophobic’), and this forms the patterns of letters or halftone dots on the surface of the plate. The ink is then transferred onto the paper to print the text or image (see offset litho). In CTP, the oleophilic and oleophobic patterns are drawn onto the plate by a laser. Formerly, the patterns were formed on the plate photographically by exposing the chemical coating on the plate to strong light through the film; 2) A halftoned illustration, usually bound into a book in a separate plate section.

Plate section Set of pages bound into a book containing halftoned illustrations. Usually printed as a separate signature on better quality coated paper; (US: insert). cf Integrated.

Platesetter See imagesetter.

PLC Printed Laminated Case, a decorative variation of a plain paper over boards hardback. The printed design on the cover boards is varnished or laminated. PLCs often don’t have separate jackets.

PM Vista Production Manager. Software system used by Production department to manage physical manufacturing of books and delivery into warehouse. Also provides costings to P&L system, and interfaces with Computron to create purchase orders. Not to be confused with Vista’s sales order processing system.

PMS Pantone Matching System.

PO Purchase Order. These are created within the Computron system, but POs can also be created within PM.

POD Print on demand. Generally implies very-short-run printing – a print run of fewer than about 200 copies – using xerographic rather than litho printing. In the extreme case, can be a print run of one copy to fulfill a single customer order, drop shipped from the printer to the consumer.

Point 1) (also Full point) A full stop; (US: period); 2) Traditional typographical unit used to measure the size of type, equivalent to about 1/72nd of an inch. Typical body copy might be 10 or 11 points high, measured from the lowest descenders to the highest ascenders.

Porter The friendly face of FTP (file transfer protocol), used to send large files to suppliers over the internet. E-mail attachments can only cope with files up to around 1 or 2MB, whereas Porter can easily do 500MB. Used instead of ISDN.

Portrait Page oriented normally, so that it’s taller than it is wide. cf landscape.

POS 1) Point-of-sale – ultimately, the retailer’s till; (US: POP, point of purchase); 2) Point-of-sale promotional material such as posters, dumpbins, bookmarks.

Postscript Computer language used to describe pages containing images and text, or more specifically, the instructions sent to a laser printer or CTP platemaker, to make it ‘draw’ the images and text on the page. The Postscript instructions are interpreted by a RIP. Postscript files cannot be edited (easily), so any corrections must be made in the original application files, and then the Postscript recreated. Postscript comes in different ‘flavours’ known as Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3, with 3 being the most sophisticated. Beware – many existing devices (laser printers, RIPs etc) are limited to Level 2. Postscript is a close relative of PDF. See also EPS.

Postscript font One kind of font software. Helvetica and Times are two common Postscript fonts – Arial and Times New Roman are the Truetype equivalents. Postscript fonts come in two parts, a ‘screen font’ and a ‘printer font’, and are often of higher quality than their Truetype counterparts. Sometimes called Type 1 fonts.

PowerPlay See Cognos.

PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint is the de facto standard application for creating on-screen presentations. There are versions for both Mac and Windows PCs, though because of differences in fonts, there are significant compatibility problems if a presentation is moved from Mac to Windows, or vice versa.

PP 1) 384pp means 384 pages; 2) per pro Signed on behalf of.

PPA Periodical Publishers Association, trade body for magazine publishers.

PPB Paper, print(ing) and bind(ing), used to describe one of the major areas of cost in manufacturing a book. cf plant costs.

PPG Product Price Group, or discount category. Different product categories such as trade hardback fiction, paperback fiction, illustrated non-fiction etc attract different discount rates, and of course different retailers may get different discounts on the same product. Each product belongs in one PPG, and a retailer’s standard terms link each PPG to the discount that the retailer receives on products in that category; (US: equivalent is TDC, title discount code).


Preflighting Checking all details of an application file (esp. Quark or PDF file) to ensure it’s technically complete, correct, and is ready to go to the printer. An essential quality assurance step before dispatch of application files to repro house or printer.

Prelims Preliminary pages – the first pages of a book, including half-title, half-title verso, title page, copyright/imprint page, any contents page and introduction etc. Also called frontmatter, cf Endmatter.

Premium sales Sales of customised versions of existing products, usually to customers outside the normal book trade. Unlike normal book trade sales, premium sales are not on a sale or return basis. cf special sales.

Prepress Taking application files and making them ‘press-ready’. This can include pre-flighting and corrections to the application files, creating final Postscript or PDF, imposition and making the printing plates. Most prepress work is carried out at repro houses, but a growing proportion of printers are incorporating prepress departments to support CTP.

Preseparated Data file or files (esp. Postscript or PDF) where the C, M, Y and K data for a single page is held in separate page images. cf composite. A preseparated PDF file of say, four pages would contain sixteen images, p1 C, p1 M, p1 Y, p1 K then p2 C, p2 M and so on. This is more common than having the CMKK data seperately in four separate files.

Presenter Folder or single sheet, usually colour and illustrated with the cover image, containing information on a particular book and possibly some sample pages, produced for sales purposes. cf blad.

Press 1) See imprint; 2) Printing press, either sheet- or web-fed.

Press marks Trim and registration marks, colour bars used for press calibration, marks used for checking the collation of folded signatures before binding, etc. All are printed outside the page bleed area on each signature.

Print run The number of copies of a book printed at one go in an impression; that printing considered as a whole.

Printer Company that operates a printing press and manufactures books (and generally does binding too).

Printer’s marks See press marks.

Process colours see CMYK.

Production Manager See PM.

Progressives A set of colour proofs where each of the CMYK process colours is printed separately and in combination with the other colours – so you get a C proof, a C+M proof, a C+Y, a C+K, and so on. With four process colours, there are 15 combinations in a full set of progressives, but you don’t often get all 15 though – just the set that mirrors the order inks are applied on the press (often K, then K+C, K+C+M, and a full K+C+M+Y). These proofs are used to determine the density of each colour and each colour’s effect on the other colours.

Proof Printed test version of material for checking and correction. Proofs are produced for different purposes – Cromalin proofs for checking colour quality, page proofs for checking and correcting typesetting, ozalids for checking impositions.

Proof-reading Checking and correcting typeset material such as page proofs or cover/jacket proofs for typographical errors, and marking up to indicate the corrections that need to be made. cf Copy-editing.

PS Postscript.

PSD Photoshop’s native file format. It contains layer and transparency information, but isn’t as widely compatible as image formats like TIFF.

Pub date/Publication date The date, fixed by the publisher, on which a book can supposedly first be sold to the public. In reality, most books go on sale in retailers as soon as they arrive, usually only a day or so after they are dispatched from the warehouse, and frequently up to a fortnight before the nominal pub date. Only in the case of a serialization do books first go on sale to the public on the actual publication date, simply because there is an embargo on sales prior to the serialization appearing. cf Release date, Bound stock date.

Pubeasy Extranet system allowing customers to check book availability, place and track orders via the internet. Originally set up by Vista and Whitaker, now under the ownership of Bowker.

Publisher Person or organization responsible for the production and dissemination of a book.

Pulp 1) To destroy unsold books that are no longer wanted. The final alternative to remaindering the copies; 2) The raw material for making paper, made from wood or recycled paper.

Purchase ledger Financial record of all money owed by the company for goods or services we have bought. Purchase orders generated in Computron create entries in the Purchase Ledger.


Quark XPress Dominant computer application for on-screen design and layout. Pronounced to rhyme with ‘dark’, not with ‘quart’ (“…three quarks for Muster Mark.” Finnegan’s Wake by James Joyce). The latest version is XPress 7. Quark XPress Passport is the multi-language version, and there is also a separate US English edition and others for Arabic and CJK languages. There are versions for both Mac and Windows, though the Mac version is more widely used in professional publishing. Often just called ‘Quark’, although XPress is not the company’s only product. Not to be confused with a German brand of soft cheese.

Quire 1) Twentieth of a ream (ie 25 sheets). Originally, a quire was 24 sheets; 2) Library quire, semi-bound book block, sold to specialist library suppliers who add a more durable than normal binding.

Quotes Quotation marks, inverted commas. Can be double or single. The preferred choice is one of the common elements of a house style. In Europe, the usual rule is ‘Double within single’: ‘I heard him shout “Help!” as he fell,’ said Gerald. Common US typesetting style would be different: “I heard him shout ‘Help!’ as he fell”, said Gerald. Note also the difference in placement of the comma.


® See trademark.

Rack size US equivalent of A-format, used for mass market paperbacks. Usually 63/4 × 43/16ths inches.

Rag book Short book for infants and toddlers, where each page is printed on textile rather than paper. See also board book.

Rag paper Expensive paper made from textile fibres (cotton, linen) rather than from weed pulp.

Ragged left, ragged right Unjustifed text. Ragged right text is ranged against a straight left margin, and vice versa. cf justified text.

RAS Remote Access Server. Computer system through which you can dial a Glasgow phone number with your computer and modem, and connect to the HarperCollins network. Generally poor performance because of the slow speed of modems, and replaced by speedier internet-based NFuse access. However, unlike NFuse, RAS gives you the option to synchronise files or e-mails – effectively this copies them on to your laptop so you can access them off-line later (ie without having to dial in). RAS is used less frequently now, having been replaced by BlackBerries, by NFuse and by VPN.

Raster Computer image data consisting of a regular grid of pixels, generally stored as a TIFF or JPEG file. cf vector. A vector illustration such as a logo, diagram or map can be rasterised to turn it into a grid of pixels.

Ream 500 sheets of paper. Originally, a ream was 480 sheets – 20 24-sheet quires.

Reasonable endeavours See best endeavours.

Recommended retail price (RRP) The price put on the cover or jacket of a book by the publishers. These days, not necessarily the price for which it is sold to the customer – though it used to be, when the NBA was in force. Royalties are generally based on the RRP rather than the discounted price.

Recto A right-hand page. Always carries odd number. See verso.

Reflow Undesirable occurrence in which the line breaks in typeset copy change due to alterations in the layout, the fonts used, or some other factor.

Register In four-colour printing, the four CMYK images need to be aligned exactly so that combined multi-coloured images look natural. Registration is the action of ensuring this precise alignment. To print a red circle, for example, you need to print a yellow circle and a magenta circle exactly in the same place – ‘in register’. Any mis-registration would cause a pink fringe to show on one side of the circle where the yellow doesn’t quite overlap with the magenta.

Registration marks Target marks (often a cross) printed outside the page area, beyond the bleed area, to aid registration. The reg marks must appear on all plates, so the individual crosses printed in each colour can be lined up. cf trim marks.

Reissue As a reprint, but usually with additional A&P, renewed efforts to sell the book in, and usually after the book has been unavailable (out of stock, or even OP) for a period. Most reissues are in fact new cover reissues.

Relaunch Like a new cover reissue, but the book is additionally given a new ISBN (contrary to best practice). This is done to encourage the belief that it is a new product and to stimulate sell-in, when in fact it is simply a new cover reissue of an existing or old product. Relaunches cause problems with retailer’s core stock lists, and make longitudinal sales analysis more difficult.

Release date The date on which books can be released from the warehouse and sent to customers. Generally around three weeks prior to the nominal publication date. See also bound stock date.

Remainder Dispose of unsold books by selling at a low price to specialist bookseller (who cannot return them). An alternative to pulping.

Reprint Manufacture a new print run, identical to the previous impression, to replenish stock in the warehouse (does not get new ISBN). cf new cover reprint.

Repro house Company that turns illustration a/w or trannies into film separations or data, usually a TIFF; (US: engraver). Repro houses scan, do colour proofs, retouching, colour correction, and often are responsible for turning illustrated page layouts into Postscript or PDF data required for CTP printing. Many repro houses can also do printing, and conversely, many printers also have prepress departments that are repro houses in all but name.

Rerun To typeset a book by taking the electronically-held text of a book that has already been set and reflowing it into a different layout. So, for example, the text of a hardback book is often rerun for the smaller paperback edition.

Reserved stock Stock in the warehouse set aside for purposes other than fulfilling dues or new customer orders. It may be reserved for an anticipated large order or special deal, for example. cf free and frozen stock.

Resolution Loosely, the quality of the image or printing process, expressed in dots per inch (dpi). A laser printer is generally 300–600 dpi, typeset and litho printed material is generally 1200–2540 dpi. Also used to describe the quality of TIFF and JPEG files. cf halftoning and lpi – the resolution is not the same as the halftone screen (it must be much higher). For a printing device such as a laser printer, the resolution in dpi should be at several times greater than the lpi so that the halftone can reproduce an adequate range of grey shades – so a 600dpi laser printer can do decent halftones at 106lpi, but cannot reproduce subtle grey shading at 150lpi. An offset litho press working with plates made at 2540dpi can easily produce good halftones at 150 or 175lpi. For printing an image such as a TIFF or JPEG, you should aim for dpi about twice the lpi – 300dpi for 150lpi printing.

Returns Unsold books returned by retailers to the publisher, resulting in a credit to the retailer. See also Industry Returns Initiative.

Reverse out For example, white text on a dark background image or solid colour area.

Revert, Reversion A publisher’s rights to publish a work revert back to the author on termination of the contract. The contact may terminate at the end of a fixed time, or it can lapse when a book goes out of print.

Revises Revised proofs. Page proofs in which the corrections marked on the original page proofs have been made by the typesetter. Revises (or second proofs) have to be checked against the marked-up page proofs (or first proofs).

RFID Radio Frequency Identification. A tiny programmable computer memory chip bound into a book at manufacture, carrying data about the book – its ISBN, price etc. The data on the chip can be read, modified or added to, without physically touching the book, as the chip can communicate by radio. This could simplify many supply chain processes: for example, the chip could be programmed with the sales order number and the actual discounted price as it leaves the warehouse, then the price read and credited to the customer if the book is returned, or the contents of a carton could be checked without even opening the box. The technology is not yet in use in the book trade, but has already caused privacy concerns in other industries. RFIDs are in use to track library books in some libraries.

RGB Red, Green and Blue. Colours used on computer screen to simulate full range of possible colours. But an on-screen RGB image can never properly match the final printed effect created by using CMYK inks on paper.

Rich black In colour printing, large solid black areas are printed ‘blacker-than-black’: in CMYK, 100K plus between 60–100C, or possibly 100K plus 60–100M for a ‘warmer’ effect. Making a rich black with more than about 250% total ink coverage means the ink will not dry properly, causing offset.

Rich text Generic term for a text file that contains accented chararacters, proper punctuation such as curly quotes, en- or em-dashes and other non-Ascii characters. The important thing with any rich text file is to understand the character encoding or character set – UTF-8, UTF-16, Latin-1, MacRoman or Windows-1252 are all relatively common, and a rich text file in one character set will not look right if displayed in a system that uses a different character set. Save an apostrophe on a Mac, and then display it on a PC: unless you control the character set properly, you would see ì instead.

Rights Conditions and terms of a licensing agreement (the contract) between a copyright owner (generally the author) and a publisher. See also volume rights and subrights. Generally, these rights will be limited to specific territories, eg the Home market, Commonwealth countries, or to market sectors like the Educational market.

RIP Raster Image Processor. Device that takes Postscript or PDF and creates film or plates. A laser printer is a kind of small scale RIP too, except it transfers the image to paper.

Roman Conventional, upright text. cf italic.

Royal A standard book format (TPS = 234 × 153mm), usually hardback, used for most hardback fiction and general non-fiction. Slightly larger than Demy size. See also trade paperback.

Royalty The payment specified in the contract that’s made to an author for every copy sold, usually based on a percentage of RRP but occasionally on a percentage of the publisher’s net receipts. Part of the royalty is usually paid in advance.

RTF Rich Text File. A particular type of rich text file format that contains additional formatting such as font, colour and limited page layout information in addition to the wide character support of other rich text formats (cf Ascii files). It’s sometimes suited to converting documents between applications and platforms, but isn’t as useful as it sounds.

RUC Reprint Under Consideration. Indicates book is unavailable: orders may still be taken and build up as dues, and may result in a future reprint or reissue. See OP.

Run See print run.

Running header/footer See header/footer.


S/S (Same size) Reproduce at the same size as the original.

Saddle stitched See wire stitched.

Sale or return Most books sold by publishers are on sale-or-return terms. Non-returnable books are ‘firm-sale’.

Sales CD Monthly on-screen ‘multimedia’ presentation of new products, formerly created around 5 months prior to publication and used primarily by Home Sales dept as part of the subscription and sell-in process. No longer used. See also the monthly brochure.

Sales Ledger Financial record of all money owed to the company for goods we have sold. Invoices generated in Vista create entries in the sales ledger.

SAN 1) Standard Address Number, unique seven-digit number used to identify the address of a company in the book distribution trade. HarperCollins’ SAN in Glasgow is 0091073. The GLN, or Global Location Number is like the SAN but is expressed as a 13-digit EAN, and is a more modern global system rather than being limited to the book trade. UK-based GLNs can be derived from the SAN by adding 503067 to the front and recalculating the final check digit, so HarperCollins’ Glasgow GLN is 5030670091072. The list of all UK-based SANs and GLNs is administered by Nielsen BookData; 2) Storage Area Network, a huge central pool of hard disc storage used by various servers on the computer network.

Sans serif A typeface with no serifs, Arial, Helvetica, Frutiger, Gill etc. cf serif.

Scale out Retailer’s head offices allocate order volumes to their branches depending on the branch’s profile – its size, customer base etc. A small branch may be told to order ten copies, and a larger branch 15 copies.

Scamp US: initial design or sketch of layout.

Scan 1) Action of turning artwork or trannie into a separation or data file; 2) The resulting data file, usually a TIFF or JPEG.

Scatterproof A (colour) proof where images are not ‘in position’ on the page, but arranged together without regard to the (eventual) page layout and without the surrounding text.

Screen reader Test-to-speech software that reads text on a computer screen aloud, so the computer can be used by blind, visually-impaired or other reading-impaired users.

Screening Conventional halftoning where the dots are all the same distance apart in a regular grid, but vary in size to simulate dark and light tones. This is called ‘AM screening’. Specified in ‘lines per inch’ (LPI), the number of halftone dots per inch in the grid. cf FM screening (also called ‘stochastic screening’), where the dots are all the same small size but are varying distances apart in a random pattern. FM screening is rare in offset litho printing (though you see it in domestic ink jet printers), but can give very good quality results, as it’s completely free of moiré and can be used with more than the basic four process colours.

Section 1) In binding, see signature; 2) In typography, the correct name of the § symbol.

See through See show through.

Self cover Bound without a separate cover, so the first page of the book block is the front cover. The cover is of the same material as all the other pages.

Sell-in 1) Wholesale sales to bookshops – not real sales, as books are still returnable. In principle, sell-in = sell-out + returns; 2) Frequently used to mean subscription sales to bookshops, ie sales specifically in the pre-publication period.

Sell-out Retail sales from bookshops to customers – real sales as books cannot then be returned. Also occasionally termed ‘sell-through’.

Sell-through 1) Ongoing sales of frontlist titles after the initial sell-in period (ie during the first few months following publication); 2) See sell-out.

Separation (colour separation) 1) Single film or plate element (or the equivalent data) making up a set of separations, each containing the part of the image to be printed with one of the process inks. Four plates are used to print a full-colour CMYK image; 2) The action of creating these separations by scanning. Originally this was a photographic process using coloured filters.

Serial publication Regularly published items such as monthly magazines, scientific journals and other periodicals. cf monographs and series.

Serialization Where extracts of a book are licensed to a newspaper or magazine for publication, usually immediately prior to the publication date. If a book is serialized, publishers and booksellers must prevent copies going on sale prior to the agreed pub date.

Series Group of linked titles sharing a common series title (eg seven titles in C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia). Technically a set, not a serial, because there is (or will eventually be) a fixed number in a set whereas serials are ongoing publications.

Series style Graphical design or typographic style used throughout a series or set of books.

Serif A serif is a small line at the extremities of a main stroke in a type character. Serifed typefaces include Times, Sabon, Baskerville etc. cf Sans serif.

Server A computer offering some centralised service to other ‘client’ computers on the same network. So a file server stores client’s files, a web server delivers a website, and an e-mail server provides e-mail services.

SGML Stanardized General Markup Language. Highly complex technical standard for mark-up. Effectively the predecessor of XML, but rarely used because of its complexity.

Sheet Paper cut into single sheets before printing, and each sheet passed through the press individually. Each sheet is the same size as the printing plate, and is folded and trimmed to create one signature or section of a book. cf web.

Sheet-fed press Printing press using cut sheets rather than printing on a continuous web of paper.

Shingling See creep.

Short A-format Non-standard book format (TPS = 165 × 111mm), the same width as standard A-format, but reduced in height. Does not mean A-format printed short-grain.

Short B-format Non-standard book format (TPS = 185 × 130mm), the same width as standard B-format, but reduced in height.

Short Demy Non-standard book format (TPS = 203 × 135mm), the same width as standard Demy, but reduced in height.

Short grain Paper in which the majority of the fibres lie parallel to the shortest edge of the sheet, or across the web. cf long grain.

Short Royal Non-standard book format (TPS = 221 × 153mm), the same width as standard Royal, but reduced in height.

Shoutline Promotional text added to front cover of a book. Often a review quote, or ‘By the author of…’.

Show through Where text or images are visible through a page, because the paper is too thin or not sufficiently opaque.

Sic In Latin, sicut, ‘Just as is’. Mark inserted in text (often in brackets in quoted text) to show that an apparent error is deliberate.

Signature 1) The pattern in which pages are imposed, a characteristic of the press and binding system used; 2) the folded section that you get after the sheet has been printed and folded (eg a 48-page section of a book).

SIT StuffIt file, a type of compressed file. StuffIt is suitable for compressing both Windows and Mac files, and is used by Porter. SITX files are a special form of SIT file that can only be used by OS X. cf Zip files.

SKU Stock Keeping Unit. Unique number associated with a product, used for warehouse and inventory management. For books, the ISBN or EAN can act as an SKU, though finer-grained control may be required (eg where the same ISBN is used for a new cover reissue, the warehouse control system would have to use an extra ‘lot control’ number to identify the two batches of books).

SLA Service level agreement, the agreed quality of service (often quoted in terms of time to react, time to complete a job, acceptable technical standards etc) to be provided by a service department or an external supplier to the company.

Slander See libel.

Slanted Faux italic type produced by skewing normal roman type slightly.

Slipcase Box to hold book(s), often containing a complete series of books.

Slippage 1) An unexpected delay in publishing a title, due to late delivery from the author, for example; 2) the cost of this delay in postponed cashflow rather than any loss of sales.

Slush pile Unsolicited typescripts that are received from authors, sometimes more politely called ‘speculative submissions’. Slush pile material almost never gets published. cf work commissioned from an author.

Small caps Capitals the same height as normal lower case letters. Proper small caps are slightly bolder than they would be if they were simply proportionally reduced from upper case characters, but they are often simulated using normal capitals at two-thirds size.

Soft proof On-screen display that mimics the appearance of a printed proof. Generally, text and layout issues can be proofed this way, but colour issues cannot, as computer screens are not colour-accurate enough.

Soft hyphen See discretionary hyphen.

Soft return See hard return.

Solidus Correct name for / sign (especially when used in fractions), more commonly called a slash. cf the \ character, usually called a backslash.

Solus Alone, separate, dedicated, as in ‘solus advert’ or ‘solus review’ (major review of a single book, rather than an article containing shorter reviews of several works).

Sort A character from a pi font, a dingbat.

Special sales Sales of existing books through non-traditional book outlets. Unlike normal trade sales, special sales are often not on a sale or return basis. cf Premium sales.

Spine The bound edge of the book. cf foredge.

Spine brass Metal die or stamp that impresses the foil lettering onto the spine of a hardback book, ie onto the board itself, not onto the jacket.

Spine width The thickness of a book, including binding. cf Bulk.

Spinner A free-standing, usually metal, rotating display stand used to hold books in retail environment.

Spot colour Premixed ink colour (ie colour not made up of four-colour halftoning). This is usually specified as a specific Pantone colour.

Spread 1) Two facing pages; 2) See trapping.

SRA See A3, A4, A5 etc.

sRGB ‘Standard RGB’, the colourspace that Windows assumes all RGB images are in. See also Adobe RGB.

Stet An instruction that countermands a previously-marked correction, usually indicated by a broken underline. In Latin, ‘Let it stand’. See mark-up.

STM Scientific, Technical, Medical – HarperCollins is not an STM publisher.

Stochastic screening See screening.

Stock 1) As-yet-unsold books in warehouse; 2) Paper or board to be printed on.

Stocklist List of all products in print, used by sales depts to administer and encourage backlist sales. Does include titles that are RUC, but not OP titles.

Storage In computer terms, this is generally the amount of space on your hard disc or network for permanent storage of documents and other files. cf memory

Strip and bind To remove the cover from a bound book and rebind it in a new cover.

Strippable In the US, low-value books that can be returned by stripping off the cover and returning only the cover instead of the whole book, thus saving on shipping. Strippable books carry an S in a triangle printed next to the barcode.

Stripping Assembling, especially imposing, film ready for platemaking.

Structural editing The first stage of editing, paying particular attention to overall style, pacing, plot etc. cf Copy-editing.

StuffIt Files can be compressed with Allume StuffIt, a software application to make files smaller (and thus easier to e-mail or send via FTP) and to combine multiple files into a single ‘.SIT’ archive file. StuffIt Expander is used to reconstitute the original files. There are versions of StuffIt for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Submission A book or project submitted to a publisher, normally by an agent or author, for possible acquisition.

Subscription Initial pre-publication sales process. Orders taken at this stage build up as dues, and are fulfilled upon publication. Occasionally also termed sell-in. Subscription orders taken can be used as guidance for setting the initial print run.

Subsidiary rights (subrights) Rights set out in the contract allowing the publisher to exploit the work in ways other than the main book form, eg audiobook, serialization, translation, book clubs. cf Volume rights.

Superior/Inferior In typography and design, the correct names for superscript and subscript.

Superproof Type of book proof.

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics. Graphic file format developed for the web that uses vector graphics, can be thought of as ‘a simplified version PDF expressed in XML’. Not yet as popular as Flash.

Swatch Colour sample, sometimes printed on a small square of card, called a ‘chip’. Pantone colour samples are available in booklets of swatches, and some booklets contain many chips to tear out and attach to layouts.

SWOP Specifications for Web-Offset Publications. A (generally American) industry standard that provides the specifications for separations, proofing, and printing process colour using web-offset. cf Euroscale.


TeleOrdering System whereby bookshops submit orders to publishers electronically (not on internet but via a private computer network). Formerly administered by Whitaker but now a part of Nielsen BookNet.

Telescope DAM software from North Plains Systems. Telescope is used by HarperCollins in both the UK and US.

Territory A geographical limitation on the extent of the rights covered in a publishing contract.

Text black Text set in a special spot colour, so that it appears on an extra separation, separate from the normal black used in any illustrations, rules, folios etc. But the ‘text black’ is not printed with a spot ink – the separation is combined with the ‘graphics black’ in order to make the black plate. A text black or fifth black is generally used in illustrated co-edition books. The advantage of keeping text separately is that the graphics black film need not be remade (or more specifically in a CTP scenario where there is no film, the graphics black does not need to be repeatedly proofed for colour quality) for each translated edition – only the text black needs to be changed for each different language edition. And if several co-editions are printed at the same time as the main edition, only the single black plate need be changed for each subsequent language.

Thick client Stand-alone Windows PC. cf Thin client.

Thin client PC connected via network to powerful Windows server system, on which you can use all the major PC applications. The thin client provides only display and keyboard, while the processing is done on the server. May look old, but can be faster and more reliable than thick clients. cf Thick client. Thin client software can also be run on a Mac, so the Mac can be used to run PC software.

Third party In ‘third party’ business, HarperCollins acts as a distributor for other publishing companies (eg Simon and Schuster, Letts and several others). Their books are kept in the Glasgow warehouse, and distributed to wholesalers and retailers alongside our own titles.

Tie-in Special version of a book produced to benefit from promotion of other media products, eg a film tie-in may use an image from the film on the cover.

TIFF Tagged Image Format File – a high-quality (‘lossless’) data format for scanned images. Can be mono, greyscale or colour, and can be a very large file. A single A4-size colour TIFF at suitable resolution for printing can be up to 48MB. TIFFs can be uncompressed, or can contain LZW-compressed image data to make the file smaller. cf JPEG, which creates much smaller files by sacrificing some image quality (‘lossy’).

Tilde Name of the ~ accent, the diacritical mark used in Spanish señor, and also (loosely) of a ‘swung dash’.

Tint Pale version of a colour: grey is a tint of black, pink is a tint of red, generally specified by percentage of the base colour and printed with a halftone. You can also have tints of spot colours, eg 50% of a teal colour such as Pantone 2476 is a pale minty green, but unless your choice of Pantones is severely limited, it’s better to avoid halftoning by using 100% of a similar hued but paler spot colour like PMS 5493.

Tip-in Extra leaf glued into a book after it’s bound, often used for separately-printed illustrations or plates, errata sheets, gatefolds and other pages that are not the same size, or sometimes for forms to be removed and returned.

Tiresias LP Typeface specially designed for use in large print products.

Title ISBN Sometimes also called the ‘head ISBN’. ISBN of the primary version of a book, usually the initial hardback. All the different bindings and editions of a particular book – hardback, paperback, audiobook and so on – share the same title ISBN. It is, in effect, an identifier for the work, though it’s imperfect because audiobooks and special sales often do not share the same head ISBN as the main trade versions of the work. The ISTC is a much better work identifier, when it is introduced.

Title page Page in the prelims (often the third page and always a recto) on which the author’s name, the title of the book, the series title and subtitle (if any) and the imprint logotype all appear.

Title verso Page in the prelims backing the title page (often the fourth page) on which the copyright notice, publisher and imprint details, the ISBN and impression number, and other details about the publication of the book appear. Also called the copyright page or imprint page.

Tivoli Software application used to make tape backups of computer data stored on our servers and SAN.

TLS Trimmed leaf size: see TPS.

See trademark.

TPB See trade paperback.

TPS Trimmed page size (also trim size and trimmed leaf size). The outer dimensions of a page of a finished book, so for A-format, 178 × 111mm.

Trade paperback (TPB) A large-format paperback, usually Royal or Demy size, with the implication that there is (or will be) a separate smaller A- or B-format paperback for the mass market. In fiction publishing, a trade paperback version is often published after the hardback but before the main mass market paperback version. In Australia, a trade paperback is often published instead of a hardback. Although a paperback, a TPB often earns the author royalties more in line with a hardback; US: trade paperback is often used to mean what in the UK would be a B-format paperback, and contrasts with an rack-sized mass-market edition.

Trademark The rights to the use of a specific symbol or words connected to a specific product or service, to differentiate one business, product or service from another. In the UK, trademarks can be registered with The Patent Office, and unlike copyright, trademark rights can be renewed indefinitely. Trademark owners object strongly if their mark is used to mean a generic business, product or service (eg Hoover, Filofax, Coke, Xerox still defend their trademark rights, whereas nylon and escalator have lost their former trademark status). Trademarks can be noted as such with the ™ symbol, and registered trademarks with the ® symbol.

Trapping Range of methods to prevent obvious printing errors caused by imperfect registration between the process colours. If you wanted to print a light blue circle within a pink box, and the cyan circle were exactly the same size as the knocked out ‘hole’ in the magenta, any mis-registration between cyan and magenta would show as a white line around half the circle. Since a narrow dark blue halo around the circle where magenta and cyan overlap is less visually intrusive than a white line, the circular ‘hole’ in the magenta is choked – made slightly smaller, typically reducing it by less than 0.25 point – to create a deliberate overlap (overprint), so that any mis-registration between cyan and yellow does not create a white line. Alternatively, the size of the cyan circle could be spread. Whether to choke or spread depends on the visual strength of the colours – generally the weakest colour is increased in area.

Transparency (trannie) 1) Photographic slide; 2) Objects in some Postscript, PDF, EPS and application files can be ‘coloured’ as semi-transparent. These can only be printed after flattening. Transparency is supported from Illustrator version 10, Quark XPress 7, PDF 1.4.

Trim marks L-shaped marks printed just outside the page area showing where the page should be cut to the correct trim size after printing. Also called crop marks, and occasionally cut marks and tick marks. To allow for some tolerance in the trimming, items intended to print right to the edge of the page don’t just stop at the trim marks, but extend out into the bleed area. cf Registration marks. Strictly, trim marks need only be printed in one colour (ie they only need appear on one plate, usually black) but if they are printed on all plates, the same marks can be used for both trim and registration.

Trim size See TPS.

Truetype One kind of font software that can be used on both Macs and PCs. Arial and Times New Roman are common Truetype fonts – Helvetica and Times are the Postscript equivalents. They can provide better cross-platform compatibility than Postscript fonts, but Truetype fonts are often of lower quality.

Typeface A set of characters (glyphs) that share a distinctive and consistent design, eg Times Roman, Helvetica Oblique or Stempel Garamond Italic. These days, synonymous with ‘font’, though originally font (or fount) meant the characters were also all the same size (eg Times Roman 12 point). Typefaces come in families of differing weights – Times Roman, Times Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Condensed, Bold Condensed etc.

Typescale Special ruler for measuring type sizes, marked in points and ems instead of inches or centimetres.

Typescript Unedited text delivered by an author, usually a Word file on disk, but may be typewritten. Abbreviated TS or ts. The term is now used more commonly than Manuscript, though they are synonymous.

Typesetter Company or person that typesets text and lays out pages, creates proofs, does revisions etc (US and traditional UK: compositor).

Typo See literal.


UC or U/C. See upper case.

UCC 1) Universal Copyright Convention (the ‘Berne Convention’ as agreed in 1886, and revised in Geneva in 1952 and Paris in 1971) gives legal protection to authors or originators of text, photographs or illustrations etc, to prevent reuse without permission or acknowledgment. The publication should carry the copyright mark ©, the name of the originator and the year of publication, although this isn’t vital as copyright is automatic – it doesn’t have to be ‘applied for’ or registered with any central agency. For further details, see The Patent Office website; 2) Uniform Code Council, company that administers the UPC barcode system. See also EAN

UCR/GCR Undercolour removal/grey component replacement. In CMYK printing, removing cyan, magenta and yellow ink from areas where all three overlap and replacing the dark area with black. This reduces the ink coverage and speeds up drying of the ink.

Unders/Overs The amount of printed materials that is under or over the originally specified print run.

Unicode Computer character set. Hugely improved over Ascii and Latin-1, because it includes accented characters, fancy punctuation and a wide range of specialised symbols (eg for maths). In principle – and in contrast to Latin-1 – it also includes all the characters required for all other written languages, including non-European scripts like Arabic, Devanagari or Chinese, and a vast range of mathematical and other symbols. Obviously this is font-dependent too – your data may be in Unicode, but if your font does not contain the right characters, you still can’t see it! Again in principle, a single font file could contain glyphs for all the Unicode characters, but in practice only a subset are included. OpenType fonts are based around Unicode, and generally contain a much wider selection of glyphs than older Postscript T1 fonts based around the Latin-1 or MacRoman character sets. Unicode is relatively new, so not all software can use it. This web page is composed in Unicode, which allows it to include special characers like √ (square root symbol), д (Cyrillic letter de), ش (Arabic character sheen) or 房 (Chinese word fáng) – but you might not see them correctly if your web browser, font and operating system don’t all support Unicode. Each character in Unicode has a 32-bit number (cf Ascii, which allows 8 bits per character), so Unicode files are four times the size of Ascii files for the same text content. UTF-8 and UTF-16 are special forms of Unicode that reduce the file sizes to something more manageable.

UPC Universal Product Code. Special barcode used on books for the US mass market. Generally these books have a conventional ISBN/EAN barcode as well. UPCs on books have been deprecated since the beginning of 2005 and have mostly disappeared – they’ll be phased out completely over the next couple of years.

Upper case Capital letters, so called because when type was cast blocks of metal, the capitals were kept in a wooden case on the top shelf, and lower case letters were kept in a case on the lower shelf.

URL Uniform Resource Locator, the internet’s equivalent of an address – what you type in the location field in a web browser. Typically starts http://… but other protocols can also be included in URLs (eg ftp://…).

UTF-8, UTF-16 Practical encodings of the Unicode character set. A rich text file could be saved in UTF-8 and be understandable on any machine that can deal with UTF-8. More useful than ascii because of the inclusion of accented characters and proper punctuation marks, yet UTF-8 files are roughly the same size as ascii files. UTF-16 is more practical for CJK and other Asian text: it’s rarely used for English text because the files are unnecessarily large (twice the size of the UTF-8 equivalent).

UV varnish / UV coating Often just ‘UV’ or ‘spot UV’. Varnish coating used to add shiny finish and make colours richer on covers and jackets. It’s dried using ultraviolet light. Spot UV is applied only to parts of the cover, to highlight part of an image or some text. See also matt laminate.


VAT Value Added Tax: the standard rate is currently 17.5% in the UK. Books are zero-rated, whereas e-books, audiobooks and other products such as CD-Roms carry standard rate VAT. Tax on packs containing a mixture of zero-rated and standard-rated items (eg a book-tape pack) are part-vattable: the proportion of the price that is vattable should generally be worked out from the relative production costs of the items. The exception to this is where one of the items can be considered a ‘free gift’ promotional item (eg includes free CD), or is of no value whatsoever without the accompanying zero-rated product (eg an audio CD intended for read-along use with a children’s book).

Vanity publisher Publisher who charges (rather than pays) the author to publish the author’s book; (US: subsidy press).

Variance Difference between budgetted amount and actual amount. Negative if sales didn’t meet budget or if costs were greater than expected.

Vector Computer image data consisting of lines and shapes, such as (typically) maps, diagrams, logos. Generally quite small files, often stored as an EPS file. cf raster.

Verso A left-hand page. Always carries even number. cf Recto.

Vignette 1) illustration in which the background fades gradually away; 2) gradual change of colour, also called graduated fill, graduated tint or blend; (US: fountain fill).

VIP Visually Impaired Person. Blind, low-vision and partially-sighted people. See accessible editions. Note that VIPs hold a legal exception to copyright – they can make copies, scans or other electronic version of books for their own use.

Vista 1) Sales order processing system used to control stock levels and generate invoices; 2) Software company responsible for this sales order processing system and for Production Manager, and original developer of PubEasy.

Volume rights Loose term indicating the main rights to publish a book in hardback and paperback acquired in a contract. cf subrights.

Voucher copy Free copy of a book given to a contributor, editor or agent.

Voucher proof Single proof sent by or to the printer, for confirmation purposes rather than for correction. cf proof.

VPN Virtual Private Network. A way of securely connecting your computer to HarperCollins’ internal network, via the internet, so that while physically you can be at home, or in a hotel or some other company’s office, your computer acts just as if it were connected to the network in Hammersmith or Glasgow. Through the VPN, you have access to the intranet or the main servers (eg Pickup), which are not normally accessible from ‘outside’. Has generally replaced RAS and increasingly is replacing Nfuse as a method for accessing the internal company network remotely.


Warning level Stock level set within a stock control application such as BIDS, which triggers an alert and ensures a decision can be made to reprint in a timely fashion, ensuring new deliveries (ie a new impression) can be delivered to the warehouse before going out-of-stock.

Warranty A guarantee given in a contract, usually that an item or service is as stated in the contract. For example, an author usually warranties that they are the original author, that they have the legal power to license or assign the copyright to the publisher, and that they agree to indemnify the publisher against this not being the case.

WAV Wave file, a common type of uncompressed audio file. Like AIFF and unlike mp3 and AAC, it retains the full quality of the audio.

Web 1) Very long roll of paper used on a printing press where the paper is drawn through the press continuously, and only cut into sheets after printing. The web of paper is the same width as each printing plate. cf sheet; 2) The ‘world wide web’ – one of the main uses of the Internet.

Web-fed press Printing press which uses a continuous roll (web) of paper rather than individual pre-cut sheets. Generally print much faster than sheet-fed presses.

Web-offset Web-fed Offset litho printing process.

Weight A single member of a typeface family. Times Roman and Times Bold are two weights within the Times family.

Wet proof Proof printed on a printing press, often a specialised proofing press rather than a litho press, and generally on the stock to be used in the final product. cf Cromalin, Iris. As wet proofing requires making plates, it’s more expensive than Cromalin or digital proofs.

Widget See Browse Inside.

Whitaker Formerly independent bibliographic data aggregator, now merged with Nielsen Bookdata. As well as supplying bibliographic data to (among others) WH Smith, Whitaker ran BookScan, was publisher of The Bookseller magazine, and operator of TeleOrdering. Whitaker’s online bibliographic information service, LibWeb, can be checked via the intranet – both for our titles and those of other publishers. Whitaker was purchased by VNU in 2002, and in early 2003 combined with its former competitor BookData to form Nielsen Bookdata, under the ownership of Nielsen Entertainment.

Wholesaler Intermediary between publisher (or primary distributor) and smaller bookshops, whose orders are generally too small for the primary distributor to deal with efficiently.

Wibalin Brand name for the clothlike material used to cover the boards of a hardback book.

Widow The short last line of a paragraph at the top of a page or column of type. Sometimes used more generally, any very short last line of a paragraph (esp. a single word). To be avoided in high-quality typesetting. See also Orphan.

Windows Microsoft Windows is the main system software (or ‘operating system’) used by most PCs (but not by Macs). Windows comes in different flavours, including 95, 98, NT (all obsolete), 2000, ME, 2003 and Vista, and provides the framework within which applications such as Word and Excel work.

Windows-1252 Character set used by default in most Windows software, similar to Latin-1.

Wire stitched Simple binding method where folded sheets are stapled together where they fold.

Wiro Type of spiral wire binding. Useful for manuals/atlases as it allows a book to open flat.

Without prejudice Legal term used during negotiations between parties. Statements made ‘without prejudice’ cannot generally be held against the party making them – for example, offering to make a payment to settle a claim without prejudice cannot be used as an indication that the claim is valid.

WOB White out of black. White text on black background. See also reverse out.

Wood-free Type of paper made from chemical pulp only.

Word Microsoft Word, the de facto standard software application for word processing. There are versions for both Mac and Windows PCs.

Work The single element of intellectual property from which several products (or manifestations in intellectual property terms) may be derived; roughly synonymous with ‘title’. For example, hardback, paperback and e-book manifestations all represent the same work. While ISBNs identify manifestations (at least loosely), there is no equivalent, standardised, global identification scheme for works yet, though see also title ISBN which gets close, and ISTC, which is intended to be such a global work identifier.

Work and turn Imposition method. Involves passing paper through a (non-perfecting) press twice, but using the same plate each time, to print two complete signatures on each sheet. The sheets are split before being folding into sections.

Wove Type of paper with a smooth finish (cf laid). The process that produces the smooth finish is calendaring.

Wrapper See jacket.


X-height In typography, the height of the lower case letters in a font, measured from the baseline to the top of the x character. cf Cap height.

Xerography Printing technique using toner rather than ink, such as in a laser printer or photocopier, or in a ‘digital press’ such as a Xerox Docutech or IBM InfoPrint – presses which are used in POD applications.

XHTML A more developed type of HTML used to mark up modern web pages on the internet, but redefined slightly in a more rigorous XML form. A simple example of the difference is that the <br> tag in HTML becomes <br /> in XHTML.

XML eXtensible Markup Language. Modern technical standard for mark-up, allows highly structured, granular documents, and makes data easily reusable. Often used to communicate data between databases. Originally conceived as a simplified and more usable subset of SGML. See also DTD and XSL.

XPress See Quark XPress.

XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language. Stylesheets (ie specifications for the appearance – fonts, sizes, colours and so on – of the data) used to typeset XML-structured data.

XSLT XSL Transformation – method for processing XML documents, for example translating from one DTD to another or into an XHTML format for output on the internet.


Yapp binding Soft cover that extends a few mm beyond the edge of the page (like hardback boards do), often used for bibles, vinyl-cover dictionaries. Can also be fitted with a zip, to keep the book closed.

Your HC 1) Umbrella term for HarperCollins’ corporate communication and cultural change project; 2) more specifically, the Your HC intranet news magazine and portal site, gateway to all that is HarperCollins.

Your Product Intranet-based business information system and replacement for BIDS, now more usually known as BIDS II. Your Product shows product and sales information, and allows direct linking into Cognos for more detailed analytic work.


Zero-rated Books do carry VAT, but are zero-rated – the rate of tax is 0%. This is different from being VAT-exempt. Audiobooks and e-books are not zero-rated, and carry standard rate (17.5%) VAT.

Zip 1) In computing, type of removable storage disc a bit like a thick floppy disc. It holds 100MB or (in more recent versions) 250MB of data. Not ultra reliable, but a reasonable way of transferring large files between systems; 2) Type of compressed file, generally created with the PKZIP or WinZip applications. Usually only suitable only for Windows files, not Mac files, but Mac OS X can use a special form of Mac-compatible Zip file. cf SIT files.


1-colour See mono.

2-colour 1) Printing in black plus a spot colour; 2) In graphics, see duotone.

2-up, 4-up 1) Printing two or four copies of something (eg a cover) at once. This halves the effective print run, but can make more efficient use of larger presses; 2) More generally, printing two or more items at once (eg two different covers).

2-for-10, 3-for-2 Common retail promotions, two mass market paperbacks for £10 or three books for the price of two.

4-colour See four-colour.

4-sheet Common advertising poster size. It’s 1524mm high and 1016 mm wide, pasted together from four sheets 762 × 508mm. Why such a seemingly odd size? The individual sheets are 30 inches by 20 inches.

48-sheet Billboard-sized advertising poster, also the largest sized poster used on the London Underground, pasted together from 48 762 × 508mm sheets. In total, it’s 3048mm high and 6096mm wide. 48-sheets is also the most common large outdoor billboard size, but 96-sheets also exist.

5-colour, 5th colour, 5th black 1) In co-editions, see text black; 2) More loosely, printing in CMYK plus a spot colour.


@ See at.

© See copyright notice.

See Euro.

® See trademark.

See trademark.

& See ampersand.

* See asterisk.

See asterism.

[ { ( See brackets, braces, parentheses.

See bullet.

See dagger.

See ellipsis.

See en-dash and em-dash.

# See hash.

See pilcrow.

‘ ’ “ ” See quotes.

§ See section symbol.

/ See solidus.

~ See tilde.

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