3: KDP Publishing

kdp publishing


With a solid understanding of the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform’s potential and inspired by success stories, it’s time to dive into the heart of self-publishing: the publishing process itself. This section, “KDP Publishing,” is designed to guide you through the critical steps of publishing your masterpiece on Amazon KDP. From understanding KDP’s content guidelines to mastering the dashboard and making informed decisions about your book’s details, you’ll learn to navigate the publishing process smoothly and effectively.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)


Ready to start publishing? This video, by KDP University, will guide you on the KDP website and resources. KDP University provides users with a collection of videos, articles, and guides to help you take your best book to market.

KDP Guidelines

kdp guidelines

  1. Content Guidelines
  2. Kindle Publishing Guidelines

Content Guidelines

Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform offers authors and publishers a powerful avenue to publish their works. However, to maintain a high-quality experience for readers and comply with legal standards, KDP enforces specific content guidelines. These guidelines apply to the book’s content, including the title, cover art, and product description.

  • Illegal or Infringing Content: KDP prohibits content that violates laws or proprietary rights, including copyrighted material not provided by the copyright owner. Authors, publishers, and selling partners must ensure their content does not infringe on any laws or rights and adheres to these guidelines.
  • Offensive Content: Content considered offensive, such as hate speech, pornography, and material glorifying abuse or advocating terrorism, is not allowed.
  • AI-Generated Content: KDP also requires authors to disclose if their content is generated by artificial intelligence (AI), distinguishing between AI-generated and AI-assisted content to ensure compliance with intellectual property rights.
    • AI-generated: AI-generated content as text, images, or translations created by an AI-based tool is considered “AI-generated,” even if you applied edits.
    • AI-assisted: If you created the content yourself, and used AI-based tools to edit, refine, error-check, or otherwise improve that content (whether text or images), then it is considered “AI-assisted” and not “AI-generated.”
  • Customer Experience Expectations: Amazon prioritizes a positive customer experience on its platform. All books sold on Amazon must accurately represent their content and not mislead customers. Content that typically disappoints customers, such as misleading descriptions or poor-quality content, is prohibited.
  • Public Domain Content: KDP allows content that is no longer under copyright protection (Public Domain) to be published, but, Amazon may not allow the sale of such content if a free version is already available in its store.  Publishers may be asked to provide proof that their content is genuinely in the public domain.
    Read MoreA public domain book is not covered by intellectual property rights or copyright, usually because the rights have expired. I recommend you visit Amazon’s Public Domain guidelines before you use public domain content.

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For a complete understanding of Amazon’s Content Guidelines, I recommend you study their guidelines page and become familiar with their policies. Amazon also has a section on how to report someone who is infringing on your rights too.

Kindle Publishing Guidelines

Amazon Kindle Publishing offers comprehensive instructions for publishers and authors on how to prepare content for Amazon Kindle devices and applications.

Best Practices

  • Cover Image Guidelines: The cover image is crucial as it’s the first thing potential readers see. High-quality, relevant cover images are recommended, adhering to Amazon’s technical specifications for size and format.
  • Navigation Guidelines: Effective navigation enhances the reader’s experience. Use a logical structure for your table of contents and ensure easy navigation within your eBook.
  • HTML and CSS Guidelines: Proper use of HTML and CSS ensures your eBook’s content displays correctly across different Kindle devices and applications. Follow Amazon’s guidelines for supported HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Hyperlink Guidelines: Hyperlinks can enrich your eBook by providing additional resources. Ensure all links are functional and relevant to the content.
  • Accessibility Guidelines: Making your eBook accessible to all readers, including those with disabilities, is essential. Follow guidelines for text readability, alternative text for images, and navigational aids.
  • QA Standards: Quality assurance is vital in delivering a professional product. Adhere to QA standards to avoid common issues like typos, formatting errors, and broken links.

Guidelines for eBooks

  • Creating Reflowable Books: Reflowable eBooks allow text to adjust to different screen sizes, enhancing readability. Focus on text guidelines, image optimization, and table formatting for the best reader experience.
  • Creating Kindle Edition with Audio/Video Content: Incorporating audio and video can make your eBook more engaging. Follow Amazon’s guidelines for embedding multimedia content while ensuring compatibility across devices.
  • Creating Dictionaries: Dictionaries are valuable resources for readers. Guidelines include structuring entries, linking within the dictionary, and ensuring easy navigation.

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If you intend to publish eBooks, I recommend you review the Kindle Publishing Guidelines for a complete understanding to ensure your content meets Amazon’s standards. Amazon offers many suggestions to ensure a smooth conversion and publication process so your content is available on all Kindle Devices.

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Amazon’s KDP platform does have a lot of rules and sometimes it can seem difficult to decipher exactly what is prohibited. John Doppler, addresses this issue in his article, Amazon Rules for Authors, and outlines the “rules” or guidelines for a variety key topics.

Getting Started With KDP

getting started with kdp

Creating a KDP account is your gateway to publishing on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, connecting you with readers worldwide. Here’s a simplified overview of how to get started:


  1. Visit KDP: Go to kdp.amazon.com and choose “Sign up.” If you have an existing Amazon account, you can use those details to sign in; if not, you’ll need to create a new one.
  2. Fill In Your Information: You’ll be asked for your author or publisher information. This includes your legal name or publishing company (this is important for payment and tax purposes, not where you’ll enter a pen name), business type, and your address.
  3. Set Up Payment Method: Enter your bank details to receive royalty payments. You’ll also choose your preferred currency here.
  4. Tax Information: Complete Amazon’s tax interview, which helps determine the right tax withholding. Your earnings and tax documents will be based on the information provided here.
  5. Review and Submit: Double-check your details, agree to the KDP Terms and Conditions, and submit your application.

NOTE: Amazon may ask for additional verification via email, so keep an eye out for that. Once verified, you’re ready to start publishing!

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For a detailed guide on each step, including troubleshooting and tips for a smooth account setup, visit the KDP help section – setting up your Amazon KDP Account (not to be confused with creating an Amazon account).

Start Publishing with KDP

start publishing

Starting to publish with KDP marks the beginning of an exciting journey for authors and publishers. Amazon has created a simple, cost-effective way to share your work with readers worldwide while retaining full rights to your content.

What Types of Content Can Be Published?

KDP enables you to self-publish eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcover books at no upfront cost. You gain direct access to your book on Amazon and the ability to create a detailed product page. KDP’s global reach makes your book more accessible to readers worldwide. The platform supports a variety of content, including but not limited to:

  • Novels
  • Book Series
  • Children’s Books
  • Comics
  • Cookbooks
  • Journals
  • Poetry
  • Textbooks

Note: KDP does not support the creation of magazines, periodicals, calendars, or spiral-bound books.

Using KDP for Currently Published Content If you hold the rights to your book, you can publish it on KDP even if it has been published elsewhere. Should your book have an existing ISBN from another publisher, it must retain the same title, author name, and binding type on KDP to use that ISBN. Any modifications to your book’s details require a new edition and a new ISBN.

Intellectual Property Rights It’s crucial to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding intellectual property when publishing with KDP. You retain full rights to your book, a significant advantage over traditional publishing. However, if you enroll your eBook in KDP Select, your book title becomes exclusive to Amazon for a set period, limiting its availability on other platforms.

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For detailed information on intellectual property rights and publishing with KDP, visit Amazon’s Intellectual Property Rights FAQ.

KDP Bookshelf

kdp bookshelf

After you’ve created your KDP account, you’ll have access to the KDP Bookshelf. The Bookshelf is the central hub for managing your publishing activities on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. It’s where you can navigate your account, view and organize your titles, and access tools for creating new books or series.

Managing Titles

  • Your KDP Bookshelf allows you to view and manage your existing titles. You can update book details such as the description, cover image, list price, and more.
  • If you wish to remove a title from Amazon, you have the option to unpublish it directly from your Bookshelf. For books that were never published, you can delete them entirely.

Bookshelf View Options

  • The Bookshelf includes four views: Your Titles (default view excluding archived titles), Series Titles (only titles included in a series), Archived Titles (shows titles you’ve archived), and All Titles (displays both archived and unarchived books).
  • To change your Bookshelf view, use the “View” drop-down menu next to the search bar. This feature helps you manage and organize your titles more efficiently.

Archiving Titles

  • Archiving allows you to hide titles from your default Bookshelf view without affecting their status or availability on Amazon.
  • To archive a title, go to your Bookshelf, click the ellipsis button (“…”) next to the book you want to archive, and select “Archive title.”
  • To unarchive a title and return it to your default view, select “Archived titles” from the “View” drop-down menu, click the ellipsis button next to the book, and choose “Unarchive title.”
  • Archiving or unarchiving one format of a linked title will apply to all linked formats. If you wish to archive only one format, you’ll need to unlink the title formats first.

Book Series

  • The KDP Bookshelf supports the creation and management of book series. This allows authors to group related titles together, making it easier for readers to find and purchase subsequent books in a series.

Book Status

  • From the KDP Bookshelf, you can view the status of your book throughout the publishing cycle. This includes whether your book is in draft, under review, published, or has been unpublished.

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The KDP Bookshelf is a powerful tool for authors and publishers, offering comprehensive control over the publishing process. I recommend you familiarize yourself with its features and functionalities to efficiently manage your titles, series, and account information.

Creating a Book


creating a book

Creating your manuscript and book cover is only the beginning… Getting your book published on the KDP platform involves a series of steps to help you enter book details, upload and preview your manuscript, set rights and pricing, and finally, publish your book.

  1. Book Details
  2. Upload & Preview
  3. ISBN Requirements
  4. Rights & Pricing

1. Book Details

The first step in publishing your book on KDP is to enter detailed information about your book, which will appear on your book’s Amazon detail page. Be sure that the title, subtitle, series information, and ISBN in your manuscript file match the details you enter during the setup, otherwise, your submission may be rejected.

Book Title: Your Book’s First Impression

Your book’s title is more than just a name; it’s a vital element in your book’s marketing and sales strategy. Acting as the initial point of contact, it plays a key role in attracting potential readers. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • First Impressions Matter: Your title is often the first thing potential readers notice. It should capture their interest, spark curiosity, or give a sense of what to expect, encouraging them to delve deeper.
  • Boost Discoverability: A well-crafted title enhances your book’s visibility online and in bookstores. Including relevant keywords can make your book more searchable, helping your target audience find it more easily.
  • Build Your Brand: A memorable title can strengthen your author brand, especially if you publish multiple books. It leaves a lasting impression, making readers more likely to explore your other works.
  • Set Reader Expectations: Your title should hint at the genre, mood, and main theme of your book, whether it’s a thriller, romance, self-help, etc., setting the correct expectations.
  • Emotional Connection: Titles that resonate emotionally can stand out and remain in the reader’s memory. Aim for a title that invokes feelings of intrigue, excitement, or nostalgia.
Best Practices for Crafting Your Book Title
  • Clarity is Key: Make sure your title accurately represents your book’s content. Misleading titles can frustrate readers, leading to negative feedback.
  • Maintain Consistency: Keep your title consistent across all formats (eBook, paperback, hardcover) to ensure a unified presence on Amazon’s detail page.
  • Avoid Unauthorized Content: Steer clear of using unauthorized references to other works, trademarks, sales ranks, or excessive punctuation in your title.
  • Strategic Use of Subtitles: Subtitles can provide additional context or detail, enriching the main title. They are also an opportunity to include keywords to enhance searchability.

Choosing the right title for your book is a strategic decision that can influence its marketability and appeal to readers. It’s worth investing time to brainstorm, research, and test potential titles to find the one that best captures the essence of your book and appeals to your target audience.

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For more information regarding Book Titles & Editions, I recommend that you refer to the Amazon help section for the latest information and guideline updates.

Author and Contributors

Be sure to accurately add all authors and contributors to your book. The names must match across all editions (eBook, paperback, hardcover) for them to be linked automatically.

Book Description: Your First Detailed Introduction

The book description on your Amazon page is crucial—it’s often the first detailed encounter potential readers have with your book’s content. A well-crafted description is essential for drawing in readers and plays a significant role in your book’s marketing and sales strategy.

Enhancing Your Book’s Appeal with a Good Description

A strategically formatted book description can boost your book’s appeal by:

  • Enhancing Readability: Using HTML for formatting—like line breaks and bolding—makes your description easy to read. Quick readability means readers can understand your book’s core message at a glance.
  • Emphasizing Key Points: Use bold or italicized text to spotlight important details, such as awards or unique aspects of your book, making them stand out to the reader.
  • Structuring Your Content: Organizing your description into lists or short paragraphs can help clearly convey your book’s plot, characters, and themes.
Using HTML in Your Book Description

HTML formatting can make your description more engaging and visually appealing on the Amazon website. Here are some commonly used HTML tags and their purposes:

<br>: Inserts a line break.
<p>: Starts a new paragraph.
<b>: Makes text bold.
<em> or <i>: Italicizes text, adding emphasis or style.
<u>: Underlines text.
<h4> to <h6>: Creates section headings (Note: <h1>, <h2>, or <h3> are not supported).
<ol>, <ul>: Generates ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) lists.

Guidelines and Limitations for Book Descriptions

To ensure your description is both effective and appropriate, there are some guidelines and limitations:

  • Content Restrictions: Avoid including any inappropriate content (e.g., offensive or obscene material), personal contact info, unverified reviews, ads, spoilers, or irrelevant keywords. The focus should be on your book’s content.
  • Character Count: Your description can be up to 4,000 characters long, including HTML. This limit encourages conciseness and relevance.
  • Formatting Rules: Avoid excessive spaces, incorrect use of angle brackets, and unsupported HTML to ensure a clean, professional appearance.

Crafting a compelling book description is a blend of art and strategy. It requires clarity, focus, and attention to detail, ensuring potential readers are intrigued and informed about what to expect from your book.

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Using thoughtful use of HTML formatting in your Book Descriptions can significantly impact your book’s appeal to potential readers. By adhering to KDP’s Book Description guidelines and restrictions, you can create a description that enhances your book’s marketing potential and encourages readers to explore further.

Keywords: Boosting Your Book’s Discoverability

Keywords are crucial for enhancing your book’s visibility on Amazon. They connect your book to potential readers’ search habits, playing a key role in its marketing effectiveness.

The Role of Keywords in Marketing and Search
  • Boost Visibility: Selecting keywords that accurately describe your book’s content and resonate with potential readers’ search terms can improve your book’s search ranking on Amazon. Higher visibility increases your reach to a broader audience.
  • Drive Sales: Using relevant keywords helps target your book to the right audience, potentially boosting sales. Precise descriptions of your book’s theme, genre, or content ensure it’s found by interested readers.
  • Strategic Marketing: Keywords are vital to your marketing strategy, helping distinguish your book in a competitive market. Choosing the right keywords means considering how readers search for books in your category.
Understanding Reader Search Behavior
  • Reader Searches: Customers search for books using specific keywords related to their interests. By including these terms in your book’s keywords, you’re more likely to connect with your intended audience.
  • Optimizing for Search: Amazon’s algorithm uses your keywords to match your book with searches. The closer your keywords match what readers are looking for, the better your book’s search ranking.
Best Practices for Choosing Keywords
  • Logical Order: Arrange your keywords in a way that matches common search patterns, e.g., “military science fiction,” to improve match accuracy.
  • Be Specific and Relevant: Aim for up to seven keywords that closely relate to your book’s content. Specificity helps in targeting your book more effectively to interested readers.
  • Research and Revise: Test your chosen keywords on Amazon. If they don’t yield relevant results, it might be time to revise them. You can update your keywords anytime to better align with reader searches.

By carefully selecting and periodically reviewing your keywords, you can significantly enhance your book’s discoverability and appeal to the right audience on Amazon.

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Keywords are one of the most powerful tools in the Amazon ecosystem, directly influencing how easily potential readers can find your book. Your strategic use of keywords will significantly affect your book’s visibility on the Amazon website. I recommend you review KDP’s Keyword guidelines for a thorough understanding of the impact keywords can make on your book sales.

Categories: Key to Your Book’s Discoverability on Amazon

Selecting the appropriate categories for your book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform is crucial. It influences your book’s marketing impact, visibility to potential readers, and sales performance, much like how sections organize a physical bookstore.

The Impact of Categories on Marketing
  • Boosting Discoverability: Proper categorization helps your book show up in the right search results and recommendations, connecting with readers looking for content like yours.
  • Enhancing Sales Potential: Accurate categories ensure readers interested in specific genres can easily find your book, increasing the likelihood of purchases.
  • Gaining Competitive Edge: The right category can help your book stand out, especially in less saturated niches.
Considerations for Category Selection
  • Restricted Categories: Certain categories, like Kindle Singles, are assigned by Amazon and aren’t open for author selection.
  • Age-Specific Categories: For children’s and young adult books, ensure you specify a recommended reading age to be included in these categories.
  • General vs. Specific Categories: Avoid pairing general categories with more specific ones as it could negatively impact your book’s categorization.
Tips for Effective Category Selection
  • Accuracy is Key: Choose categories that precisely reflect your book’s content to attract genuinely interested readers.Example:
    A werewolf romance might fit well in Romance > Fantasy and Nature > Animals > Wolves.
  • Be Precise: Fewer, more detailed categories are better than a broad approach, ensuring your book reaches its intended audience.Example:
    A historical travel journal is best placed in Travel > Travel Writing and History > World.
  • Prioritize Subcategories: Aim for the most specific subcategory relevant to your book. Amazon includes your book in broader categories automatically, enhancing discoverability.
  • Verify Category Eligibility: If certain categories are not available during setup but exist on Amazon, your book may not meet the criteria for those categories.
  • Allow Time for Results: After choosing your categories, allow some time to see their effect on your book’s performance. Constant changes can hinder progress.

By carefully selecting categories and giving them time to make an impact, you can significantly improve your book’s visibility and appeal to readers who are most likely to be interested in what you offer.

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Selecting the right categories for your book is a critical step in the KDP publishing process. I recommend you read through the Category guidelines to understand the impact of category selection can have on the visibility of your book.

eBook Pre-order Options

If you’re publishing an eBook, KDP allows you to list the title for pre-order so you can market your book on Author Central, Goodreads, and other sites before its release date. Pre-sale orders also count toward sales rank.

2. Upload and Preview Book

After entering your book details, the next step is to upload your manuscript and cover files. KDP provides tools to preview your book, allowing you to see exactly how it will look to readers and make any necessary adjustments before publishing.

3. ISBN Requirements

An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a product identifier used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, and internet retailers for ordering, listing, sales records, and stock control purposes. The ISBN identifies the registrant and the specific title, edition, and format.

  • eBooks: An ISBN is not required to publish an eBook with KDP. Amazon will assign a 10-digit ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) unique to the eBook.
  • Paperbacks and Hardcovers: An ISBN is required to publish your paperback or hardcover book. KDP can provide you with a free ISBN, or you can use your own. The free ISBN from KDP can only be used on KDP for distribution to Amazon and its distributors. It cannot be used with another publisher or self-publishing service.

4. Set Rights & Pricing

The last step in listing your book involves deciding on the price, setting the royalty rate, and accepting KDP’s Terms and Conditions. It’s important to grasp the details of these choices, including whether to set a price for a primary market or individually for each market and understanding the differences between royalty plans.

Choosing Your Pricing Strategy

KDP offers two approaches for pricing your paperback or hardcover:

  • Primary Marketplace Pricing: Select a primary market (like Amazon.com) and set your price in that currency. KDP will convert this price for other markets using current exchange rates, simplifying the process. However, this might lead to price variations due to exchange rate changes and local taxes.
  • Individual Marketplace Pricing: Alternatively, you can set distinct prices for each marketplace in their respective currencies. This method gives you more control over international pricing but requires attention to KDP’s pricing rules for each market. Note that changing your primary market price doesn’t automatically adjust the prices in other markets.
Understanding Royalty Options

For eBooks, KDP offers two royalty plans:

  • 35% Royalty: Available for any book price within KDP’s specified limits, this option grants a 35% royalty of the book’s list price.
  • 70% Royalty: This plan offers a higher return, granting 70% of the book’s list price, but it comes with certain conditions. Your book’s price must be at least 20% lower than its physical counterpart, and it must fall within specific price ranges. The 70% royalty applies only in eligible territories; sales outside these areas default to a 35% royalty. Public domain works don’t qualify for this higher rate.

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Choosing the right pricing and royalty plan requires a balance between reaching your target audience and maximizing your earnings, all while complying with KDP’s guidelines. For more detailed information, visit the KDP help section on Pricing Resources.

5. What’s Next?

Creating a book on KDP is a process that gives you control over various aspects of your book’s publication, from the detailed information presented to potential readers to the pricing and distribution of your book.

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KDP’s book process makes it easy for authors and publishers to upload, enter, and modify their books on the platform. I recommend you visit the KDP “Create a Book” resource section for more information on the process.

Amazon Store & Detail Pages

create a book

After your book is published through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), it becomes available in the Amazon Store, and a product detail page is created. The detail page is a shared space that displays essential attributes of your book, such as the cover image, title, author name, and product description.


Categories act like the sections of a physical bookstore. They help customers find books in specific genres or topics they’re interested in. Accurately categorizing your book is vital for visibility and discoverability.

Read Sample

Read Sample (Look Inside the Book) is a feature that allows customers to preview excerpts of your book, giving them a taste of your writing style and the book’s content. A compelling sample can significantly increase the likelihood of a purchase.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews are a powerful tool for influencing potential buyers. Positive reviews can enhance your book’s credibility and appeal. Encouraging satisfied readers to leave a review can be beneficial.

Search Results

Optimizing your book’s title, description, and keywords can improve its search results ranking, making it easier for potential readers to find your book among the millions available on Amazon.

Linking Books Together

If your book is available in multiple formats (Kindle eBook, paperback, hardcover), linking your books together on Amazon is crucial. This ensures that all formats are easily accessible from the same detail page, providing options for customers and potentially increasing sales.

Sales Rank

Sales Rank on Amazon, including Best Seller and Category Ranks, reflects how your book performs in customer activities compared to others. Your book might appear in up to three best-seller category lists on its detail page, depending on customer engagement.

How Sales Rank Works
  • Customer Activity Based: Amazon calculates your book’s rank by comparing its sales and customer interactions against those of other books. This ranking gives insight into the buying interest your book generates.
  • Category Rankings: Your book can show up in a maximum of three category lists, selected based on where it’s most active, regardless of the total number of categories it’s listed in.
  • Ranking Updates: Amazon updates ranks hourly to account for both new and past customer activities, emphasizing recent actions. Changes might take up to 48 hours to show.
  • Relative Rankings: Your book’s rank changes in relation to others, meaning it can shift even without changes in your book’s sales or activities.
  • Historical Activity: Amazon considers all historical activity of your book, offering a comprehensive view of its performance.
The Importance of Sales Rank
  • Marketing Insights: Tracking your book’s rank can help gauge your marketing’s effectiveness and guide future strategies.
  • Stability vs. Fluctuation: Long-standing books with steady sales histories tend to have less rank volatility than newer releases or those with erratic sales patterns.
  • Format-Specific Insights: Separate ranks for eBook, paperback, and hardcover formats allow for detailed performance analysis across different reader preferences.
Additional Notes on Sales Rank
  • Free vs. Paid Categories: The Kindle Store separates rankings into Free and Paid categories. Books in KDP Select move to the Free list during promotional periods, affecting their Paid rank upon return.
  • Fair Play: Amazon actively addresses and penalizes any attempts to manipulate sales rankings through unnatural purchasing or borrowing, safeguarding the platform’s integrity.

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Understanding and monitoring your book’s Sales Ranking on Amazon can be a powerful tool in assessing your book’s performance and making informed decisions about marketing and promotional strategies.

A+ Content

A+ Content is a feature that allows you to enhance your book’s detail page with additional images, text, and comparison tables. By providing more information and visual appeal, you have an opportunity to influence a customer’s decision to purchase.

Tips for Maximizing Visibility and Sales
  • Optimize Your Book’s Description: Use compelling and clear language in your book’s description. Highlight the key themes, plot points, or unique selling points without giving away spoilers.
  • Utilize Keywords Effectively: Choose keywords that potential readers might use to search for books like yours. This improves your book’s visibility in search results.
  • Engage with Your Readers: Respond to customer reviews and questions on your book’s detail page, if possible. This engagement can build a loyal reader base and encourage more reviews.
  • Regularly Update A+ Content: Keep your A+ Content fresh by updating it with new images or information as needed. This can keep potential readers engaged and interested in your book.
  • Monitor Your Book’s Performance: Keep an eye on your book’s sales ranking and customer reviews. Use this information to adjust your marketing strategies or make improvements to your book.

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The Amazon Store & Detail Page is a powerful platform for marketing your book. By effectively utilizing the available features and continuously optimizing your book’s presentation, you can increase its visibility, attract more readers, and ultimately boost sales.

Book Updates

updating book

Updating your book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform is a process that varies depending on the status of your book (Draft or Live) and the type of update you wish to make.

Key Terms

  • Delete: Removing a book from your Bookshelf. Applicable only to unpublished drafts without an ISBN.
  • Unpublish: Making a published book unavailable for sale on Amazon. The book remains on your Bookshelf.
  • Publish: Making a book available for sale on Amazon or releasing a new edition after significant updates.
  • Update: Making changes to a published book. Some updates can be done directly, while others necessitate a new edition.

Updating Book Details

  • For Draft Books: If your book is in “Draft” status, you can easily return to the title setup workflow to make changes to your book details, content, or cover.
  • For Live Books: Once your book is “Live,” some details can be updated directly, while others may require publishing a new edition. It’s important to note that some book details are locked after publishing. If you need to make significant changes that affect the book’s identity (such as title, author name, or ISBN), you may need to publish a new edition.

Updating Your Manuscript

  • Minor Changes: For small updates, such as correcting typos or minor formatting issues, you can simply upload a revised manuscript to the existing title on your Bookshelf.
  • Significant Changes: If your updates include major content additions or revisions, like new chapters or substantial rewrites, it’s advisable to publish a new edition of your book. This helps maintain the integrity of reviews and customer expectations.

Updating Your Cover

  • Whether you’ve created your cover using KDP’s Cover Creator or uploaded your own design, you can update your cover art at any time. This includes making corrections to any typos found on the cover. Simply re-upload the updated cover file through the title setup workflow.

Unpublishing Versus Deleting Books

  • Unpublishing: To make a published book unavailable for purchase on Amazon, you can unpublish it. This action removes the book from sale but keeps it visible on your Bookshelf. Unpublishing is reversible, allowing you to republish the book in the future if desired.
  • Deleting: You can delete books that are in “Draft” status and have never been published or assigned an ISBN. Once deleted, a draft book is permanently removed from your Bookshelf. Published books cannot be deleted from your Bookshelf, but they can be unpublished.

Editions and Updates

  • Edition Numbers: If your book undergoes significant updates or changes, it may be considered a new edition. Edition numbers inform readers about the version of the book, indicating whether it’s an original or updated version.
  • Significant Changes: Significant changes that affect the core book details or result in a page count change of more than 10% typically require a new edition number.

Whether you’re making minor tweaks or significant revisions, understanding the correct process ensures that your book remains accurate and up-to-date for your readers. I recommend you review KDP’s latest guides on updating your book before you make any changes.

KDP Reports Dashboard

kdp reporting

The KDP Reports Dashboard displays the top-earning books, estimated royalties, orders, and reader engagement metrics like KENP reads, plus the top formats and marketplaces for the month. The dashboard is updated every 15 minutes and you can see a 30-day trendline of orders and KENP reads to monitor trends over time. Authors can specify the data they wish to see, adjust parameters like timeline, book, and market, and utilize visual and navigational improvements to make the information more understandable.

  • Orders: Displays sales distribution across all published books, including returns. The new system allows for filtering by various parameters such as timeline, author, book, marketplaces, formats, pricing, and distribution, making the data more customizable and visually consumable.
  • KENP Read: Shows the number of Kindle pages read, which determines royalties earned from Kindle Unlimited (KU). The new format separates information into relevant categories for easier access and comparison.
  • Promotions: Provides insights into the performance of Kindle Countdown Deals and other promotions, allowing authors to filter by marketplace, titles, and promotion status.
  • Pre-orders: Displays data for books available for pre-order, helping authors gauge interest and plan launches effectively.
  • Month-to-Date: Reports unit sales and KENP read for the current and previous months, offering a visually comfortable way to track monthly performance.
  • Royalties Estimator: A new tool that estimates royalties from eBook, hardcover, and paperback sales in a selected period, including an estimate for KENP read before the KDP Select Global Fund is announced. This tool aids authors in budgeting and scheduling.

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To learn more about features in the dashboard, I  recommend you review the KDP Reports help section on Amazon. You can get an overview of each report/tool below along with links that provide more details on each report.

To learn more about royalty payment calculation and timelines visit these Help Pages:

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For a deeper dive into KDP Reporting, I recommend you review the article “What is KDP Reporting” by Hannah Lee Kidder on Self-Publishing School. The article covers recent (2022) changes made by Amazon and covers details about the changes and how to navigate the reports.

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