W4P5: Homework Assignments

Please complete and return your homework no later than the assigned deadline. I prefer you complete the assignment in an email which allows me to make comments and return them to you (versus other methods). You can email me at: john.larson AT unlv.edu. Please put your name & the class title in the subject line.

Here are your homework assignments for the week:

  1. Read: SearchCap newsletters by SearchEngineLand.
  2. Using the data from our fictitious client who sells vintage guitars, find your top competitor and tell me:
    1. Why do you think they are your competitor?
    2. How many backlinks did you find pointing to their website?
    3. Which tool did you use to discover the backlinks? What did you think of it – was it easy to use?
    4. Provide a URL location where you can gain a backlink from this competitor’s profile.
    5. While doing your research, do you find out anything you didn’t already know? What?
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