W2P6: Homework Assignments

Please complete and return your homework no later than the assigned deadline. I prefer you complete the assignment in an email which allows me to make comments and return them to you (versus other methods). You can email me at: john.larson AT unlv.edu. Please put your name & the class title in the subject line.

  1. Read: SearchCap newsletters by SearchEngineLand.
  2. Using a fictitious client who sells vintage guitars, I would like you to do some keyword research:
    1. Use Google’s Keyword Planner and create a list of your ten best keywords. Tell me why these are the best choices.
    2. Choose one of the auto-complete keyword tools and create a list of your five best keywords. Tell me which tool you chose, your experience with the tool, and why these are the best keyword choices.
    3. Using Google Trends, search for relevant activity that could help sell vintage guitars? How would you use this data?
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