Understanding Campaign Status
The “Status” column of your “All online campaigns” page tells you whether your campaigns are active or not, and whether your campaign is limited by budget. When you check your account alerts and top-level statistics, check your campaign status as well to make sure that your ads are running as you’d expect – and if they aren’t, find out why.
Where to find your campaign status
- Sign in to your AdWords account.
- Click the Campaigns tab to get to the “All online campaigns” page.
- Look for the “Status” column, next to “Budget.”
How to interpret your campaign status
The “Status” column from the “All online campaigns” page displays information about the current state of each campaign in your account at the time you sign in. From this page, you can find the status of every campaign you’ve ever created. Here are the different types of campaign statuses and what they mean:
Campaign | What it means |
Status | |
Eligible | Active and can show ads. |
Paused | Inactive because you paused it. Pausing a campaign means that your ads don’t |
show or accumulate new costs until resumed. | |
Deleted | Inactive because you deleted it. Deleting a campaign means that ads don’t show |
or accumulate new costs until re-enabled. | |
Pending | Inactive but scheduled to begin at a future date. |
Ended | Inactive because it’s past its scheduled end date. |
Suspended | Inactive because your prepaid account balance has run out. Suspended accounts |
don’t show ads or accumulate new costs until additional funds are added under | |
Billing. | |
Limited by | Active, but showing ads only occasionally due to budget constraints. You can |
budget | place your mouse over the bubble next to this status to see your “Recommended |
budget.” |
Click the heading of the “Status” column to sort your campaigns by status.
Filter campaigns to view “all,” “all enabled,” or “all but deleted” campaigns
If you have a lot of campaigns in your “All online campaigns” page and you only want to see the campaigns that are active, or all but deleted, click the “All campaigns” dropdown button under the Campaigns tab to filter by “all enabled” or “all but deleted” campaigns respectively.
Managing Multiple Campaigns and Ads
Did you know that an AdWords account can contain as many as 10,000 campaigns (includes active and paused campaigns) per account, 20,000 ad groups per campaign, and 50 text ads per ad group? That’s a lot to manage! Fortunately, you can manage your campaigns and ads from just two places in your account. The Ads and Campaigns tabs (both under your main Campaigns tab) are where you can view and edit your campaigns and ads. You can even copy settings from one campaign to multiple campaigns and make new ads based on existing ads.
Use the AdWords editor to copy existing campaign ads to make new ads with the same settings.
What you can do in your Campaigns and Ads tabs
The Campaigns and Ads tabs are the two locations in your account where you’ll spend a lot of your time.
Here are just a few of the things you can do in these locations:
- See everything, from costs to clicks, at a glance.
- Sort campaigns and ads based on budget, clicks, and other statistics.
- Make direct changes to your campaigns and ads when you click the pencil icon.
- Drill deeper to the settings or keywords associated with a campaign or ad.
- Make changes to multiple campaigns or ads through the Edit drop-down menu
Sorting your campaigns and ads
To sort your campaigns or ads, simply click the heading of the column you want to sort. Columns can have different sorting rules. For example, when you click the Campaigns column to sort your campaigns, it’ll sort in alphabetical or reverse-alphabetical order. When you click on columns that contain numerical statistics, it’ll sort by the largest or smallest numbers.