18 Overview of Ad Formats

Choose an Ad Format

AdWords accounts give you access to ad formats that go beyond those that appear on Google Search results. Besides text ads, you can create video ads, image ads, WAP mobile ads, app or digital content ads, and more. Each type has its own benefits, whether it’s the ease and affordability of running text ad or the colorful storytelling that comes with video. You can run multiple kinds of ads from the same AdWords account and, in some cases, from the same campaign.

Ad formats available in an AdWords account

Format Description Main Benefits
Text Words only* Maintain ads quickly and easily. Reach customers
when they search on Google.
 text ad
Ad extensions Extends your ads with Provide additional details and contact information
more information, such as that can make your ads more relevant to
additional links to your customers. You can opt to extend your ad for
website, store address, or mobile devices differently than how you extend
phone number. your ad for tablets and computers.
 ad extensions
Image Static or interactive Showcase your product or service in a visual way.
graphics. Animated ads in Reach customers on websites that partner with
.gif and Flash format can Google.
be used.
 image ad
WAP mobile Create text or image ads Connect with customers on-the-go, targeting your
for WAP mobile devices. ads based on their location.
Note: Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) is a
standard for accessing
information over a wireless
netowrk for mobile devices.
 mobile ad
Click-to-download Drive app downloads with Send your customers straight to an online app
mobile app click-to-download ads. store, such as Google Play Market or the Apple
App Store. Note: Ads will appear only on devices
compatible with your content.
Video Audio visual ads that show Deliver a rich and engaging experience to
online. Run standalone customers. Reach customers on websites that
video ads or insert them in partner with Google.
streaming video content.
 video ad
Product Listing Ads Text ads that contain Encourage your customers to learn about the
product features and products that you sell before they click to your
pricing information. Goes website.
to a product purchase
page on your website.
 product listing ad

* Text ads might look different on the Display Network.

Campaign types an ad formats

Campaign type Text Image Specialized WAP Product Dynamic Video
ad ad – search mobile listing search ad
ad ad ad
Search and Display
Networks –
Search and Display
Networks – All
Search Network
only – Standard
Search Network
only – All features
Search Network
only – Dynamic
search ads
Display Network
only – All features
Display Network
only – Mobile apps
Display Network
only – Remarketing

Important InformationNote

If you select the “Search and Display Networks – All features” campaign type or any of the “Display Network only” campaign types, you’ll have access to the Display Ad Builder tool. But, the actual ad formats available to you in the Display Ad Builder depends on the specific campaign type you select. Learn more about different campaign types.

Steps to choose an ad format:

  1. Select the campaign and ad group in which you want to create your new ad.
  2. Click the Ads tab.
  3. Click the “+ New ad” dropdown button.
  4. Choose the format of the ad you’d like to create and complete the instructions specific to that ad format.
  5. Click “Save ad.”

After you’ve saved your ad, you should see your new ad listed in the Ads tab. However, ads may not run until they’re reviewed or approved, which can take seconds or days depending on the format.

Campaign types and ad formats

Campaign type Text Image Specialized WAP Product Dynamic Video
ad ad – search mobile listing search ad
ad ad ad
Search and Display YES NO NO NO NO NO NO
Networks –
Search and Display YES YES YES YES YES YES NO
Networks – All
Search Network YES NO NO NO NO NO NO
only – Standard
only – All features
Search Network NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
only – Dynamic
search ads
Display Network YES YES NO YES NO NO YES
only – All features
Display Network YES YES NO NO NO NO YES
only – Mobile apps
Display Network YES YES NO NO NO NO YES
only – Remarketing

Important InformationNote

If you select “Search and Display Networks – All Features” campaign type or any of the “Display Network only” campaign types, you;ll have access to the Display Ad Builder tool. But the actual ad formats available to you in the Display Ad Builder depend on the specific campaign type you select.


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